Heading: European Manuscripts




HON, M.R.I.A., F.S.A., F.R.A.S., ETC., ETC., ETC.
English Correspondent of the Royal Historical Commission of France ; and
Secretary of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society.



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HE following pages contain an account of the European Manuscripts in the Chetham Library, a well known endowment in Manchester, which has long been open to the public under singularly liberal regulations. It is, indeed, the only Library, I believe, in England which is accessible to men of all conditions in life, without the necessity of an admission ticket, recommendation, or qualification of any kind, save the simple one of being competent to inscribe their names in a visiting book.
      But this unusual facility of admission has not apparently had the effect of rendering the Library a resort for purposes of research; and the department of manuscripts, in which it is rich in proportion to its extent, does not appear to have been at any time properly appreciated. This may be p.iv / owing, in great measure, to the meagre and inaccurate account of them which is given in the old catalogue of 1791. For instance, the very first manuscript is described merely under the generic title of " A treatise on astronomy." What reader would imagine for a moment, after reading such an entry, that the volume which is attempted to be described is one of the most curious early astrological manuscripts in the kingdom ? The present tract is an attempt to give a more detailed and accurate account of the collection ; and every intended purpose will be answered, if it draw the attention of literary antiquaries to treasures which are certainly not of common occurrence, and deserve to be more generally known.
      A copy of the Flores Historiarum of Matthew of Westminster, which belonged to the monastery in which the author was a brother, is particularly deserving of attention ; as also a volume of early English poetry, containing an unique copy of the ancient metrical romance of Torrente of Portingale. The collections of Dr. Kuerden are replete with information of high local interest, as well as the manuscript books of Mr. Thomas p.v / Barritt, and several others. The names of the donors of the several MSS. are given, whenever practicable ; but the formation of the collection has been gradual, and it does not appear that there were any in the Library when it was founded.*

    In an old MS. register of donations, the following entries, which relate to manuscripts, occur :—
      1694. A MS. Bible, by Roger Kenyon.
      1699. An old MS. in 8vo., a treatise of Natural Philosophy or Astronomy ; by Mr. Richard Johnson, apothecary.
      1705. A MS., being part of a design'd history of the antiquities of Lancashire, by its author, Richard Kuerden, M. D.

      In printed books the Chetham Library is also rich, this department consisting of more than eight thousand articles, and perhaps double that number of volumes. In theology, the works of the Fathers are very complete, and the Liturgical tracts are numerous. Copies of the early editions of Tyndale's and Coverdale's Bibles, and the two Liturgies of Edward VI. may be mentioned, but utility rather than rarity is the general characteristic of all the printed books in the Library. Thirty volumes of tracts for and against Popery, / written in the reign of James II., form an important collection, and are more than four hundred in number. A general commendation of utility may be given to the collections on all subjects, for the Library is not deficient in any of them in this respect. In pure science, the only work of any great degree of rarity is the Canon Mathematicus of Vieta, fol. Paris, 1609, and the admirer of early typography must be contented with a fine copy of Higden's Polychronicon, printed at London in 1495, by Wynkyn de Worde. If, however, the bibliographer is likely to be disappointed in the Chetham Library in his search for rare and curious specimens of typography and black letter, it may on the other hand be safely asserted that few provincial collections surpass it either in usefulness or variety.
      The public are indebted for this contribution to palæographical literature to the liberality of James Heywood, Esq., F.R.S., at whose request it was undertaken.

J. O. H.                                   

Jan. 18th, 1842.

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Heading: Manuscripts



The numbers are those of the volumes in the Library, as arranged
in the Catalogue.

N oblong quarto, written on vellum, ff. 30, of the time of Edward IV. A very curious astronomical MS., containing the following articles :—

      1. A curious volvelle of four revolving circles, in a singularly fine state of preservation, with the original steel stylus or index.
            A volvelle is an astronomical instrument, frequently mentioned by Chaucer, Skelton, and other early writers. It was used for finding the epacts, age of the moon, &c. Not being very strongly made, these ancient instruments are very seldom found in a perfect state, and I never recollect meeting with one before which had the stylus preserved.
      2. A solar volvelle of two revolving circles.
      3. A circle of good and evil days throughout the year.

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      4. An ecclesiastical computus from the year 1351 to 1475.
      5. Table of dominical letters, moveable feasts, and cycles.
      6. A calendar, with curious miniature drawings for each month of the year, surmounted with the following legends, every two of which rhyme :—

Jan. Over the feer I warme myn hondes.
Feb. With this spade I delve my londe.
Mar. Here cutte I my vyne-springe.
April. So merrie I here these foules singe.
May. I am as joly as brid on bough.—(Hawking.)
June. Here wede I my corn clene i-nough.
July. Wyth this sythe my medis I mowe.
Aug. Here repe I my corn so lowe.
Sept. Wyth this flaylle I thresche my bred.
Oct. Here sowe I my whete so reed.
Nov. Wyth this knyf I steke my swyn.
Dec. Welcome, Cristemasse, wyth ale and wyn !

      7. Tabula ad sciendum quis planeta regnat in qualibet hora diei.
            This table is said to have been invented by Peter de Dacia. It is often found in MSS.
      8. A moveable index, showing the motion of the planets.
      9. Variæ tabulæ astronomicæ.
      10. Homo signorum.
      11. Tabulæ eclipsium solis et lunæ, ab anno 1330 ad annum 1462.    
      12. Rules and astrological governances of the months of the year, with minuatures [lit.] of the twelve signs of the zodiac.
            A scheme of the planetary system and the old philosophical arrangement of the upper heavens, on vellum, is inserted loosely  p.3 /  in this book, which was presented to the Library by Dr. Mainwaring. The former possesser of the MS. assigns its date to the year 1330, on the ground that the list of eclipses commences at that period. This opinion must have been formed independent of any knowledge of palæography, and it is only necessary to observe that MSS. of this class were very rarely original compositions, being for the most part transcribed from earlier copies. The date of this MS. may be safely attributed to the reign of Edward IV.

     Codex membranaceus, in quarto, ff. 103. Anno 1392 exaratus.
      Compilato de situ universorum.
      Ad calcem.—Explicit compilacio de descensu a summo hinctaculo ad ymum hinctaculum, 1392.
      " Liber Magistri Johannis Baylle, pretium v.s."—Postea penes Ric. Johnson.

     Codex membranaceus, in folio. Sec. xiv.
         Varia opera S. Augustini, akef.

     Paper, in quarto, Two vols.—xvii. cent.
          " An abridgment of the very pious and learned perpetual commentary upon the Revelation of St. John of the Rev. Charles Daubuz, M. A., by the Rev. Nathaniel Banne, M. A., Rector of St. Ann's Church in Manchester, and formerly keeper of the Chetham Library."
            The following manuscript note is written on the title page of the first volume :—" And is here deposited as a monument of the learning and industry of the author ; and a testimony of the great regard he had for the very important work upon which he employed so much time and pains : not to satisfy the curiousity of idle and desultory readers, but to incite them to the same diligence in studying the great work, of which the compiler hath given so eminent an example ; by an intimate friend of Mr. Banne's, as well as a great admirer of the excellent Mr. Daubuz.—J. CLAYTON."

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     Paper, in quarto. — xvii. cent.
         An abridgement of Poinard's Evangelia Harmonica, and of the Itinerarium Jesu Christi Francisci Lucæ, with additions, by the Rev. Nathaniel Banne.

     Paper, in folio. Three vols. — xvii. cent.
         Common-place books, principally upon theological subjects, by the Rev. Nathaniel Banne.

     Paper, in folio. Written about the year 1687.
      A collection of Scriptural texts, by the Rev. Nathaniel Banne.

     Codex membranaceus, in quarto, manu Italica scriptus. Sec. xv. exeuntis.
      Francisci Barbari de re uxoria liber, cum epistola præfatoria Poggii.

     Codex membranaceus, in quarto. Sec. xiv.
         Biblia Latina Vulgata.

     Codices membranacei, in quarto. Duo volumina. Sec. XV. Olim peculium Thomæ Hodden.
          Biblia Vulgate, cum tabulis, akef.

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     Vellum, in quarto. — xiv. cent. In the original binding, with clasps.
      1. A translation of the Speculum Vitæ Christi.
      2. Tracts by Richard Hampole.

     Partim membranaceus partim chartaceus, in folio, pp. 656. Anno 1465 exaratus.
      Compendium Petri de Braco de jure canonico. Vid. Fabricii Bibl. Lat. iii. 1220.

     Paper, in folio. — xviii. cent.
         A translation of Dupin's Ecclesiastical History, with additions, by Digby Cotes. Prefixed is the assignment of this work to the booksellers, dated 1730, and the printed proposal.

     Paper, in octavo. — xvii. cent.
         Records of Dunkeld in Scotland, from the year 1560 to 1649, wherein the conspiracies and rebellions against Charles I. are related.
       This copy differs from the printed edition.

     Paper, in folio.
         Visitation of various counties by Flowre, and Glover, his marshall, in 1580 and the following years, particularly Cheshire and Lancashire, with blazons ; transcribed from a book of parchment in the hands of Robert Cooke, Clarencieux King of Armes, in 1585.

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     On vellum, in quarto. — xvi. cent. Injured by damp.
       The Statutes of the Order of the Garter, as amended by Edward VI.

     Paper, in folio, written in double columns. ff. 126. — xv. cent.
         The Confessio Amantis of John Gower.
           This copy commences with the words, " To thinke upon the daies olde," in the middle of the first prologue. It is therefore akefaloV. See Rastall's edition, fol. Lond. 1554, fol. 2.

     Paper, in quarto, pp. 102. — xvii. cent.
         A Treatise on the Sector, by Edmund Gunter.

     Paper, in quarto. — xvii. cent.
         An answer to George Hickes' Constitution of the Catholic Church, by the Rev. Nathaniel Banne.

     This MS. is now lost. It is described in the old catalogue as a treatise de tribus hierarchis.

     Paper, in folio.
         Mancuniensis, or an History of the Towne of Manchester, written in the beginning of the Civil Wars, by Richard Hollingworth, a Presbyterian teacher.
           Wood made large extracts from this MS., which are among his p.7 / papers in the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford. The entire work has been recently printed.

     Paper, in quarto, pp. 184. — xvii. cent.
         A short view of the state and condition of Ireland from the year 1640 to this time (viz. the end of the year 1652) ; or, a vindication of his late Majestie of blissed memory, our soveraigne King that now is, and their Majesties supreame minister instructed by them, for the conducting the affaires of that Kingdome, from the scandalls and calumnies cast on them by many scandalous pamflets set forth in Latin by anonimous writers, and perticularly against a pamflett lately published by the direction of a titular Bishop of Fernes, and composed by him.
            This MS. agrees very much with the History of the Irish Rebellion by Borlase, who is accused by Wood of being a plagiarist on another occasion.

     Paper, in folio and quarto. Two vols., pp. 535, 674. — xvii. cent.
         Collections for an intended History of Lancashire, by Dr. Richard Kuerden.
           Other MSS. of this writer are in the British Museum, and the library of the College of Arms.

     Paper, in quarto.
         " A brief treatis, or rather a project of course to be taken for the defence of this realme against all forraine invasion and for the necessarie service of the same in all other actions of warre, scribbled in hast, and finished the xixth of Aprill, 1596."
            The writer of this tract was H. Knyvett, and the following remarks are taken from the old catalogue. " Of this writer I p.8 / can find nothing, except what he says of himself in his dedication of this treatise to Queen Elizabeth, (which, from its being bound in red velvet, the illuminations of the capital letters, and the singular beauty of the penmanship, I should judge to have been presented to her ;) wherein he mentions, ' Yett if it maie please your Majestie not to forgett that at the siege of Leith, I had the charge of a hundereth horse, and after the siege ended (where I lost both lim and blood) I had the charge of two hundereth foote in the garrison of Barwick, which were fiftie more than the eldest captayne there had, and was twice after that ymployed in your Majesties service in Scotland, under the Lord Scroope that last died, and the Earl of Sussex, then your Majesties President at Yorke.' From this hint, I found in Ridpath's Border History of England and Scotland, p. 600, his name, which is there spelled Knevet, mentioned among others as desplaying great bravery in a skirmish between the English forces quartered at Barwick, and the Scotch, being in the Corps of Lord Scroope, Lord Marchall."

     Paper, in folio, ff. 52 — xvii. cent.
         A book of rates for Lancashire, compiled by William Crabtree.

     Codex chartaceus, in quarto. Sec. xvi.
         Relationi del' viaggio fatto dal Signior Girolamo Lando di Venetia in Inghilterra, 1559.

     Paper, in quarto, Two vols. — xvii. cent.
         A description of the temple service as it stood in the days of our Saviour, by John Lightfoot.

     Paper, in folio. pp. 183. Original manuscript.
         A History of Scotland from the year 1436 to Mary, Queen of Scots, in eighteen books, by Robert Lindsay.
            This MS. was presented by William Stirling, of Ereskin-house, near Glasgow.

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     A thick quarto volume, on vellum and paper, containing poems by John Lydgate, the celebrated Monk of Bury. This transcript was commenced in the year 1480, and finished in 1485, as appears from contemporary manuscript notes.

     1. Life of the Virgin Mary and St. Cecil.

        Ad calcem.—Explicit vita Sanctæ Virginis et Martiris Ceciliæ scripta per manus Domini Wellelmi Cotson, Canonici, in mense Marcii, anno Domini m. cccc. lxxx.

      2. Life of St. Margaret.

        Tit.—Hic incipit vita Sanctæ Margaretæ compendiose compilata per dompnum Johannem Lydgate, monachum de Bury, anno viij.o Henrici Sexti.

      3. Life of St. George.
      4. Life of St. Edmund.
      5. Life of St. Fremund.
            Nearly at the end of the manuscript, there is an unfinished drawing, which appears to be intended to illustrate a passage in the life of St.Edmund.

     Paper, in quarto. Three vols.
         An enumeration of the houses and inhabitants in the town and parish of Manchester, drawn up in 1773 and 1774.
            This work was performed at the joint expence of several gentlemen in Manchester. It was presented to the Library by Dr. John Whitaker. A single sheet, privately printed by Dr. Percival, relating to this subject, is inserted at the end of the third volume.

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     Vellum, in quarto, ff. 82, in double columns. — xv. cent.
       The travels of Sir John Maundevile to the Holy Land.
           Incip.—Here begynneth the Book of John Mawndevyle, knyght, the whilk techethe the right way to Jerusalem fro diverse countryes.
            This copy is valuable on account of the following colophon at the end ;—" Translatus in Anglicum de lingua Gallicana." It has been a disputed question whether this work were originally written in French or English, but the foregoing colophon settles it for ever.—See the preface to my edition of Maundevile, 8vo. Lond. 1839.

     Codex membranaceus, in quarto, ff. 301. Sec. xiv. Ex dono Nicholai Higginbotome de Stockport, in anno 1657. Cum illuminationibus.

      1. Calendarium, cum notis obituorum.

         Ad calcem.—Liber Ecclesiæ Petri Westmonasterii.

      2. Flores Historiarum Matthæi, Westmonasteriensis monachi, cum continuatione ad annum 1326.
            The public recantation of Pecocke, Bishop of Chichester, at Paul's Cross in 1457, Dec. 4th, in English, is inserted at the commencement, and other various scraps of little importance. The fact of this MS. having formerly belonged to the Monastery of St. Peter at Westminster renders it of peculiar value, it being no doubt copied immediately from the original manuscript. Should the Flores be again printed, this copy ought to be collated,. Nor must this MS. be passed over without mentioning that it possesses numerous early historical additions to the chronicle, which likewise impart a considerable value to it.

     Vellum, in quarto. — xv. cent. In the original binding.
      The Roman psalter, translated into English.

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     Codex chartaceus, in quarto. Manu Italica in anno 1470 exaratus.
      Commentarius in Ovidium.

     Paper, in folio. Written in the year 1671.
         A visitation of Pembrokeshire, with arms blazoned, and pedigrees.

     Codex membranaceus, in folio grandiori. Mutilus, cum illuminationibus.
          Psalterium Romanum, cum calendario et canticis Gregorianis, akef. kai atel .
          In catalogo veteri hic liber dicitur " The gift of John Gyste, Esq. for the use of St. John the Baptist's monastery at Godestow."

     Paper, in folio.
         The visitation of Lancashire, made 1567 by William Flower, Norroy King at Arms, and afterwards copied by William Smith, Rouge Dragon, 1599.
            The pedigrees of Hopwood, Hesketh, Stanley, and Holden are wanting.

     Codex membranaceus, in folio, cum illuminationibus. In anno 1427, manu Italica, exaratus.

      Terentii Comediæ, cum versuum distinctione. Akef. in prologo.

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     Codex membranaceus, in quarto minori. Sec. xiv.
      Terentii Comediæ, sine versuum distinctione.

     Codex membranaceus, in quarto. Sec. xv. ineuntis.

      1. Verbum Abbreviatum.
      2. Regulæ Grammaticæ
      3. Alia varia vix illius pretii.

     Vellum, in quarto. Written in double columns at the commencement of the fifteenth century. Given to the Library by the Rev. John Clayton, M. A., in 1732.

      1. Alphabet of lessons for every day in the year, from the Salisbury Missal.
      2. Wickliffe's translation of the New Testament.
         Tit.—Here bigynnith the Newe Testament.
         Beg.—Matheu that was of Judee, as he is set first in ordre of the gospelleris, so he wrot first the gospel in Judee, and fro the office of a tol gaderer. He was depid to God whanne this Matheu hadde prechid first the gospel in Judee, and wolde go to hethen men. He wrot firste the Gospel in Ebreu, and left it to mynde to Christen men of the Jewis ; fro whiche he departide bodily, for as it was nedeful that the gospel were prechid to confermyng of the feith, so it was nedeful that it were writun also ageyns eretikis.— (Prologue.)

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     Paper, in folio, ff. 112. — xvii. cent.
         The visitations of Hertfordshire, viz., those of 1579 and 1634 joined together : the last being taken by Sir Henry St. George, Richmond Herald, deputed by Sir Richard St. George, Clarencieux, and Sir John Borough, Norroy.

     Paper, in folio, ff. 293. — xvii. cent.
         A miscellaneous collection of arms in trick of English families, with an index. The arms of " Shakespeare of Stratford upon Avon" occur at fol. 251.

     Paper, in quarto. — xviii. cent. An Autograph MS.
         Spherics, or Elements of Spherical Geometry, by Dr. John Lawson, of Cambridge.

     Paper, in quarto, pp. 199. — xvii cent.
         An analysis of the works of all the sacred and ecclesiastical authors, together with a general account of their doctrine : written in French by the Rev. Benedictine father Dom. Remy Ceillier, and translated into English by the two brothers, Thomas Theodorus and Robert Renatus Deacon.—(It extends only to Book 2nd, chap. 7.)

     Paper, in quarto. — xviii. cent.
         A theological common-place book, by the Rev. Robert Thyer.

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     Paper, in quarto. Two vols. Written in 1769 and 1770.
         An index in Spanish to the romance of Don Quixote, by the Rev. J. Bowle, M. A. of Idemestone, Wiltshire, written in an interleaved copy of a Spanish vocabulary, printed at Venice in 1645.

     Codex membranaceus, in folio minori. Sec. xv. manu Italica exaratus.
          Leonardus Aretinus in libros Ethicorum Aristotelis ad Martinum Papum V.

     Codex membranaceus, in folio minori. Exaratus sec. xv forsan manu Italica. Mutilus.
         Oratio Æschinis contra Demosthenem, Latine. Ex versione Leonardi Aretini.

     Codex membranaceus, in quarto. Sec. xv. Olim peculium D.D. Farmeri.

      1. Epistola Valerii ad Rufinum de uxore non ducenda.
      2. Jacobi de Cessolis ludus scaccorum.
      3. " Historia Daretis Frigii Entillii historiographi de vastatione Troiæ in Græco facta, et a Cornelio Nepote Salustii de Græco in Latinum sermonem translata."
      4. Paulus de itinere Æneæ in Italiam.
      5. Divisio orbis inter filios Noe.
      6. De conceptione et nativitate Christi.

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      7. De ætatibus mundi.
      8. Gesta Alexandri regis.
      9. De antiquitate Universitatis Cantabrigiæ.
            This has been printed by Hearne from another MS. at the end of Sprotti Chronica, 8vo, Oxon. 1719.
      10. Tractatus declarans quomodo Anglia primo vocabatur Albion.
      11. Chronologia mundi.

     Paper, in folio. — xviii. cent.
      1. Various medical tracts.
      2. Journal of a voyage from Lucca to Glasgow, in the year 1770.

     Codex membranaceus, in folio, manu Italica scriptus. Sec. xv. exeuntis.
          Justini Historici libri quadraginta quatuor.

     Paper, in octavo, pp. 259. Written in 1767.
         The Book of Common Prayer, written after the manner of Dr. Byrom's short hand, by the Rev. Henry Jackson, curate of Gorton chapel.

     Codex membranaceus, in quarto minori. Sec. xv. Cum picturis et illuminationibus.
         Missale Romanum, cum calendario.

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     Vellum, in quarto. ff. 114. Written about the year 1400.
         The Prick of Conscience, by Richard Hampole, akef. kai atel.
         Incip.—Of the las worlde.

     Paper, in folio, ff. 368. An extremely valuable manuscript chiefly consisting of early English poetry, written in the fifteenth century.

      1. Life of St. Dorothea, in prose, fol. 1.
         Beg.—The right glorious virgyn Seint Dorothea came owne of the noble blode of the Sanatours of Rome.
      2. An English poem entitled Assumptio Sanctæ Mariæ, fol. 4.
         Beg.— " A merye tale telle I may
  Of Seint Marye, that swete may,
  All this tale and this lesson,
  Is of here holy Assumpcion."
      3. The life of St. Anne, in verse, fol. 19.
         Beg.—O blessed Jeshu that arte fulle of myght.
      4. The lyf of Seynt Katerin, and how she was maried to oure Lord, in prose, fol. 31.
      5. The Distiches of Cato, in English verse, fol. 49.
      6. The Romance of Torrente of Portyngale, in verse, fol 76.
            The only complete copy known to exist either in print or manuscript. A few leaves of a printed edition are in Douce's Collection in the Bodleian Library.

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      7. The lamentation of Our Lady, in verse, fol. 119.
 Beg.— " Off alle women that ever were born
       That berith children, abide and se
  How my son liggith me befforn
       Uppon my skyrte, take ffrome the tre."
      8. A prayer to the Virgin, in verse, fol. 121.
         Beg.— " Mary moder, welle thou be :
   Mary mayden, think on me !"
      9. The tale of Bevis of Hampton, in verse, fol. 122.
         Beg.— Lystenythe, lordynges, yf ye wille dwelle.
      10. The tale of Ipomadon, in verse, fol. 188.
         Beg.— Off love were lykynge of to lere.
      11. A boke of kervyng and nortur, in verse, fol. 334.
          Beg.—In nomine Patris God kep me, and filii for cherité.
      12. The manner of the feasts and visitations of the Emperor of Bourgoyne, addressed to the Lady Comynes, fol. 353.
      13. The names of the wardens and bailifs in the time of King Richard I. and King John, fol. 363.
      14. A ballad of a tyrannical husband, fol. 366.

     Paper, in quarto. Written in the early part of the seventeenth century, by Thomas Smyth, who was a University man. The MS. formerly belonged to Thomas Martin of Palgrave, and afterwards to Dr.. Farmer.
      1. Upon his five senses, in verse.
         Beg.—From such a face whose excellence.
      2. Of charitie and upon faith and workes, in verse.
      3. The anatomy of Love, in verse.

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         Beg.—In Aprill of my youth or else in Maye.
      4. Schisma ecclesiæ pestis, metrice.
      5. A coppie of the Archbishop's speech to the King's Majestie, when there should (according to the vulgar speech) have bine a generall tolleration of relligion, as also concerninge the Princes goinge to Spaine, mense Julii.
      6. Lamentation for Tom, in verse.
      7. Sonnets and verses, copied chiefly from printed books.
      8. Verba visionis loquentis ad Federicum regem Bohemiæ in mense Novemb. 1623, metrice.
      9. Versus in obitum piæ virginis Margaritæ Derham placidissimæ in Christo obdormiscentis 10 Calend, Augusti, anno 1623.
            Hæc poema metrice scribitur, et in dialogum inter Mortem et Poetam exhibitur. Versus super funerem ejusdem in manuscripto sequuntur.
      10. Satirical verses on the gunpowder plot.
      11. Epigrams in Latin and English.
      12. A true Puritan without disguise, in verse.
      13. Various scraps of little value.
      14. Latin verses upon Dr. Redmagne, Chancellor of Norwich.
      15. Observations upon fishing and fishes.
      16. Elegy upon the death of that worthye, learned and zealous minister, Mr. Howlet.
      17. Anecdotes, taken from printed books.
      18. Variæ epistolæ, versus, etc.

Paper, in quarto. Written in the time of James I.
      1. Verses sent to the King, Feb. 1618.

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      2. Baronets created in the year 1611.
      3. Epigrams, in Latin and English.
      4. An elegie on the death of the vertuous youth Howard Oxburg, April 30th, 1603.
      5. An elegie uppon the death of his dear friend Mr. Edward Eldrington, the 5th of May, 1603.
      6. The Papist's pater noster,
      7. Oratio Reginæ Elizabethæ Oxoniæ habita.
      8. Verses written by Mr. Smith in the behalfe of his scholler Nicholas English, and sent to Mr. Person's schoole.
      9. Satirical epigrams.
      10. An elegy upon the untimely deaths of Sir John Sheffield, Sir Edward and Mr. Phillip, 1614.
      11. A prophecy given to the King, 1618.
      12. Verses made uppon Sir Giles Mompesson.
      13. Verses on the comedians of Cambridge and Gray's Inn.
      14. A libill made by Oxford men upon Cambridge men's enterteyning the King.
      15. Propositions for the marriage of the Prince of England with the infanta of Spaine, 1622.
      16. Political Ballads.

     Paper, in quarto, pp. 193. Of the time of James I.
      1. The arraignment of the Earls of Essex and Southampton, 1600. p 1.
      2. An account of a meeting in the Star Chamber, Nov. 19th, 1599, p. 30.
      3. Copies of letters, including several relating to Sir Walter Raleigh, p. 41.
         All of these have been printed.

p.20 /

      4. Gallinge sonnets, by J. Davies, p. 70.
      5. Songs and epigrams, chiefly extracted from printed books, p. 75.
      6. An epitaph composed by Sir Edward Dyer of Sir Philip Sidney, p. 143.
      7. A collection of humorous epitaphs, of which the following may be given as a specimen :—
      " Here lies the Butler that never was Doctor ;
         He dyed in the yere when the Divell was proctor."
      8. Mr. Martyn of the Middle Temple his speech to the Kinge, p. 168.
      9. The petition of the House of Commons to the King in 1621, and other matters relating to the same, p. 175.
      10. A collection of psalms, p. 181.

     Paper, in quarto, pp. 140. Of the time of Charles II. Formerly belonging to Dr. Farmer.
          Poems and satires, collected and written by Oliver Le Neve, and including several by Lord Rochester.

     Paper, in quarto, — xviii. cent. atel.

         Poems by Dr. Byrom, including the following :—
      1. A letter to Martyn Foulkes on the Cambridge stage-coach's being rob'd on Epping Forest.
      2. Tunbridge ale.
      3. The dissection of a beau's head.
      4. Epitaph on the Barrington, a large two-handed silver cup at Trinity College, Cambridge.

p.21 /

     A vellum roll, containing the names and surnames of all persons in the Hundred of Salford chargeable for land and goods to the payment of the first subsidy granted to King James by the Parliament in the eighteenth year of his reign.

     A parchment roll.
      1. An indenture for the taxinge of and raysinge two subsidyes on the County of Lancaster, 4 Charles I.
      2. The names and additions of all such Popish recusants in the Hundred of Layland as are chargeable by the Acte of Parliament to pay viij.d. a powle, &c. dated Aug. 4th, 1628.
       These two rolls were presented by Sir Oswald Mosley, Bart.

     Paper, in large folio. — xviii. cent. Collected by Thomas Barritt in 1782.
         Lancashire pedigrees collected from vellum rolls, ancient manuscripts and authentic records, some of the armorial bearings curiously emblazoned ; interspersed with numerous historical memoranda, and drawings and engravings of celebrated persons, &c.

     Paper, in folio. Collected by Thomas Barritt.
         A miscellaneous collection of fragments relating to antiquarian subjects, such as ancient alphabets, p.22 / imitations of ancient seals, imitations of ancient charters and records, &c.

     Paper, in folio.—xvii. cent. Formerly in Barritt's possession.
         A curious collection of armorial bearings of Lancashire and Cheshire families, several of them emblazoned.

     Paper, in folio. — xvi. cent. Formerly in Barritt's possession.
         A curious collection of armorial bearings, some few of them emblazoned,

     Vellum, in small folio. Written in 1617.
         A collection of swan-marks for the river Thames, with the names of the owners.
            The " gamester's oath," which is curious, is given on the first leaf, as follows :—" You shall be of good behaviour toward the Game of Swans, wherein you shall not do any harme, suffer to your power any to be done, neyther medle with or take up any swans or cignett without speciall warrant or lycence from the Master of the Game of Swans or his deputy. You shall true knowledge give unto the Master of the Game or his deputy, of all manner of offences and misdemeanures whatsoever committed and done against the game to your knowledge : And shall truely observe and do all auncient lawes and customes heretofore used by the gamesters of the said Game of Swans so neere as God shall give you grace." A similar manuscript is preserved in the library of the Royal Society. This one formerly belonged to Barritt.

     Paper, in quarto. Collected by Barritt, in 1767.
         A collection of 548 coats of arms, some of them p.23 / finely emblazoned. At the end is a genealogy of the family of Kinaston of Brodenheath.

     Codex membranaceus, in quarto. Anno 1331 exaratus.
      1. Varia medica.
      2. Glosulæ super febres Ysaac.
      6. Liber de simplici medicina translatus a magistro Girardo Cremonensi qui Albigephir vocatur.

     Paper, in quarto. Collected by Barritt.
         A miscellaneous collection of coats of arms, of different ages, including an early trick of those of Shakespeare at p. 181.

     Paper in quarto. Collected by Barritt.
         A collection of engravings of armorial bearings, separately pasted on blank paper.

     Paper, in quarto. Written principally in 1774.
         A curious and interesting collection of antiquarian memoranda, principally relating to Manchester and its vicinity, by Thomas Barritt. Numerous drawings, engravings and heraldic devices are inserted.

     Paper, in quarto. Written in 1749.
         A copy of an ancient manuscript relating to the parish and manor of Ashton Underline, with observations by Thomas Barritt.

p.24 /

     Paper, in oblong quarto.
         A collection of sketches of ancient castles, halls, houses, and other remarkable remains, made from personal inspection by Thomas Barritt, with short observations upon them.

     Paper, in duodecimo. Formerly belonging to Barritt.
         A journal of a partizan of the Rebel Army in 1745, who received sentence of death at Carlisle, but was reprieved : and afterwards joined an expedition sent by order of Government to the East Indies.

     Paper, in quarto. A modern transcript.
         A brief journal of the siege against Latham House.
        This has been printed.

     Vellum, in quarto, — xv. cent. From the library of the Duke de la Valiere.
         Œvres diverses d'Alaine Chartier.

     Paper, in folio. Two vols. — xix cent.
         Horæ Musicæ : an elaborate treatise on ancient and cathedral music, by James Pymlot.

     Paper, in folio. Written in 1832.
         A collection of copies of documents from the British p.25 / Museum and the Record Offices relating to Lancashire, by R. T. Hampson.

     Paper, in folio. — xvii. cent.
         A treatise on the High Court of Starchamber.
           This MS. was purchased at the sale of the library of Sir H. Mainwaring, Bart.

     Codex membranaceus, in folio. Sec. xviii.

     Paper, in folio. — xix. cent.
         A collection of documents relating to Lancashire, copied from the collection called the " King's Pamphlets" in the British Museum.

     Vellum, in large folio. — xv. cent.
          The Polycronicon of Ralph Higden, translated into English, atel.

     Codex membranaceus, in quarto. Sec. xiv.

      1. Liber Ypocratis de aere et aqua.
      2. Signa Ricardi.
      3. Modus medendi archimethei.
      4. Expositiones somniorum.
      5. Varia medica.

     Paper, in quarto. — xviii. cent.
         Statuta Collegii Christi in Mancun. a rege Carolo fundati.

p.26 /

     Paper, in folio. — xix. cent.
         An account of the meetings of the Manchester Presbitery Church, 1646-1660.

     Paper, in folio. — xviii. cent.
         An old shelf-catalogue of the books in the Chetham Library.

     Paper, in quarto. — xvii. cent.
         A true and perfect booke of all the taxations for the Countie of Lancashire, 1650.
