p.i ]

[Image with inscription 'Otia Sacra... Optima Fides...Deus nobis hæc Otia fecit. Virg : ... London Printed by Richard Cotes. 1648.']

Otia Sacra title page. 'Deus nobis haec Otia fecit.' Virg. Printed by Richard Cotes, London, 1648

p.ii ]

Infans Natus, Filius Datus.
Esay 9. 6.
S there a Child born? what great wonder's that?
When 'tis natures property to Generat;
But here's a Sonne too given, which implies
All that can be ascrib'd to Mysteries;
For He's a Father, Brother, Kinsman, Friend,
Both Sacrifice and Priest to recommend
That offering up : Samaritan past by
Himself to Act the height of Charity
On us lay stript wounded; A Physitian
Cures the disease of our indisposition
To ought that good is; Shepheard to redresse,
And bring us back out of the wildernesse;
Where we had gon astray into his fould,
A Merchant that Redeems us who were sould
To sinne and bondage ; and to make all good,
Contented was to spare his previous blood:
So was a Lambe before the Shearers led,
To be disroab'd, despis'd, and slaughtered,
That we might Live in credit, and put on
The whiter Robe of his Salvation:
Th's Atlas-like the Government doth bear
Upon His shoulder, and if Counsellour
We would esteem Him, we should be content
To make his mercies our encouragement:
For mighty faults deserve a mighty rod,
But He an Everlasting mighty God,
The Prince of Peace, full of Compassions store
Holds out the Golden scepter evermore,
And that this Birth and Gift to us be knowne,
He pleads himself Our cause at's Fathers Throne.

p.iii ]


Totus, Solus, in Omnibus

E tibi deficias fac sit tibi Totus Iësus
   Nec metuas, Christus sat tibi solus erit
Omnibus & cupiens rebus gaudere secundis
    Conferat in Dominum singula facta suum

That to your selfe you be not wanting, make
Iesus all yours, and Christ alone your stake;
For who desires enjoyment of good things
Must place upon his Lord what e're hee brings.

Tantillus Homo, & Tantus Peccator.

Ow small a thing is Man, and yet Immence,
In acting over Disobedience;
From the first spawing time He did begin
To hatch Rebellion, and to foster sin:
Dispute His Makers Mandate, and make choice
To yeeld unto the Subtil Serpents voyce:
Thus then betray'd, ere since he doth preferr
Custome to be New-natures Usherer;
And so prescribes, Thinking he doth no worse
Then his Fore-father who entail'd the curse,
A new Beleefe of credit would put on,
That God would signe a new Redemption:
As if his Sonne into the world did dain,
Once for to come, should come for him again;
And so He will; yet not by Ransome led,
To purchase that again man forfeited

p.iv ]

By second Error, but as Judge to try
(Whilst Conscience verdicts) each enormity:
And as mans misdemeanours They expresse,
Though Great in Guilt, in Goodnes He'l goe lesse.

Ad Amicum.
Randia parva juvant, Parvus Lectusq; domusq;,
   Nec magnus Puer est, nec focus ille tuus.
Parvis magna solet virtus gaudere micatque
   Oppositis positum grandius ingenium.

Before a Sacrament.

S there a Feast to day ? must I make one
          At so great Celebration?
And am I yet to seeke how to be drest
          As to become a worthy Guest?
If to some other Table bid I were
         My Taylor, and my Shoomaker,
Sempster, and Barber, all might mustred be
         To add to my Formality.
But this more reall than all else, implies
         A Banquet fill'd with mysteries:
God's manifested in the Flesh and thus
         The height of mercy shown to us:
And if the Rule of charity begins
         At home, let's call to mind our sins,
Befreind our selves so farre as to Confesse,
         How much He did, and we doe lesse;
Be joyfull for so Great a Saviours Power,
         Yet in Contrition melt a shower,
To think how oft whilst lewd affections guide
         We make our Lord New crucifide,

Tim. 3. 16

p.v ]

Heb. 2.14.   
Then if we would no more of horror dread,
         We may approach and take this bread
And wine, the Comfort and the staffe, whereby
         Not Life but Lifes Eternity
Secured is, and then with Grace possest,
         Shew that we have an interest
In his high merits which alone Comprise
         Power to quell our Enemies.
And though our former Actions turn'd to weed,
Let's now bring Faith though but a Mustard seed.
   So may we all remove that high appears
   In our Conceipts, into a sea of Tears;
   For 'tis His Blood no other Jordan can
   Cuer the Leperous Assyrian.

I Cor.I.30.
Qui factus fuit
            nobis a Deo
Prov. 9. 10 Sapientia; Ut Timeamus  ;  utpote Initium.

I Cor. I.29. Justitia; Ut nostræ nihili pendamus quoniam carnalis.

Sanctificatio Ut in posterum (vitæ prioris pravitate reli-
   ctâ) secundum sacrosanctam tam verbi ejus
   quam Exempli normam ambulemus.
Redemptio. Ut ne quid amplius Diabolo, Peccatis scilicet
   & affectionibus Carnalibus sed ipso Sacri-
   ficanti sacrificio; Ipsosmet in omni sancta
   & pura conversatione Consecremus &

Non Recusantes, Cruci viZ. Afflictionibus & Tribulationi-
   bus pro Illo succumbere, Qui istius Gravitatem & Anxi-
   atatem pro nobis sustentaverat.

p.1 ]

Columna Fidei.

U R Senses are bewitch'd, and seem to grow
So to the Creature, and on things below,
That all our busied Fancy can devise,
Serves more to sink them, than to make them rise:
For out of sight and minde, at once agree
To blind-fold Nature from Eternitie;
And leave her groveling, for to groap her way
Here in This Transitory bed of Clay,
Till Faith steps in; and in the stead of wings,
Unto Beleef, a lofty Pillar brings,
Whereby we should be raised up; And thus
Ascend to Him, descended once for Us.


On the Title Page.

Here is a Fowle wont hide its head
To Passe so undiscovered:
Judging it self exempt from eyes
Of others, whilst it none descryes.
Not much unlike are such to these,
Who commit Closet-trespasses
And Chamber-dalliance ; and then
Goe for unseen, 'cause so of Men.
If They my Pillars top attein,
They'l finde an eye tryes heart and rein:
But Natures Pur-blinde sight short is;
Nor can she rise alone to this,
Till Grace assist, which will such vertue yield,
As both t'ascend the Pillar, gain this Shield.

p.2 /

Design, printed size 9.84cm wide by 1.62cm high

O T I A  S A C R A.

Ad Libellum suum

O E without Dedication, for that might
Imply I sought to Shelter what I write
Under some Patronage : I can afford
None Sharers in this Offering with my Lord:
His are both Line and Leisure, which mis-spent,
The fault lyes on th' unhappy Instrument
That should improve both better : But 'tis done,
And Thy fate is decree'd, thy woof is spun,
Censure must passe : Yet Blush not since thy Strings
Are onely consonant with holy things.

Ad Viatorem.

Umina, non Nummos, Me dum cernis Meditantem,
   Et Me-ditantem crede (Viator) habes.

p.3 /

Triangle in circle with EST written across it

In Unitate Trinitas.

Hat Number 'bove the rest,
                  For ever Blest,
                Which God Himself doth daign
To Branch into, yet Re-unites again,
  For as His Prescience could tell
                                  When Angels fell
That Man would follow, and there should be One
   Sent for to make Redemption:
So from our Misery did He Infer
   Th' necessity of a Comforter.
   This doth inspire, That did Create,
   The second did Regenerate:
                Thus though Distinct, They are
                                  Yet singular,
And One wise-ever Power it is doth Tie
This Triple Knot into a Unitie.

p.4 / (image of page 4)



Ex Maxima Parte
  nondum Vocati.

Participes Verbi et
  qui fuêre vocati
  sed nondú electi.

Electi, ideoque vo-



Qui propter externam
  vocationem Domini per
  Verbum, interne & effe-
  ctualiter vocantur per
  Spiritum Sanctum.

Grex parvulus Christi,
12. 32.

Tertia pars Domini, Za-

Let me not treat the Broad highway to Sin,
But being Elect declare my Call therein.

à Deo


     Ut Alterutri

Inter Homines
à Diabolo


     Ut Alterutrum

p.5 /

A Morning Thought.

          Sithence it is given
To Man, to follow's Labor till the Even;
          And when that Star doth close
Up Day, then to seek quiet and repose,
          Let Us what's of our Own
                Learn to make known,
                          To be
But so much Cash of purchas'd Misery;
                All else Confess
( Of Love and Providence) true happiness.

          For as our Souls had been
A Combating all Day with Flesh and Sin,
          And then for Captives led
In Slumbers Fetters ; Prison'd in a Bed.
So by the Nights Exchange again to Day
                             They may
          (Set free) take up their Armes,
      And having overcome those Charmes,
Boldly Conclude the Victory to keep
When as they Warr for Him kept them asleep.

                No other Ransom Need
                          To Speed
          This Liberty ; but once awake,
                  Into our thoughts to take,
                 What such Confinement might
Administer of Danger in One night,
                  And how th'all-wakefull eye
      Provided had for our Delivery;
Which on the wings of Contemplation rais'd
Again, w'are Mounted, whilst His name is prais'd.


p.6 /

Psalm 19.

The Son of
Blindness in

Cæli enarrant Gloriam Dei.

Re we asleep? or doe we see
No more than did blind  * 
      Or are our Senses Charm'd to lie
      Benumm'd into some Lethargie,
      Whilst Sin makes of's a Conquest ?   Rise
      Flesh-buryed Soul, and from the Skies
      Let thy wing'd thoughts to thee relate
      Who 'twas those structures did Create,
Where in Thy Hemisphere at large is pen'd,
More wonder then frail Clay can comprehend.

      Whether a Sun, a Moon, a Star,
      A Comet or a Meteor,
      A Various Bow, true sign of Peace,
      Swoln Clouds, which cause on earth increase
      When breaking they Distill ; the Glum
      And horrid beat of Thunders Drum
      We hear or see: Why are these sent ?
      But t'shew His is Omnipotent,
Who thus in Characters doth write, whereby
We have a Lecture in Divinity.

      For as those great and lesser Lights
      Distinguish Time by Dayes and Nights;
      So was it Day with us untell
      Our Disobedient Parents fell.
      Yet as the Tincell'd Night gives way
      At th'opening o'th' true Golden Day;
      So did the powers of Darkness fly,
      The Sun of Righteousness being by:
And when we Comet-struck, int' Sin had run,
The Father did redeem us by the Son.

p.7 /

      When th'Undertaker first did dain
      For to restore His world again,
      He us'd no other lock or sluce
      I'th' Clouds, but sent a Bow of truce.
      What did His Mercy less, when we
      Who are the Worlds Epitome,
      Delug'd in Sin, lay Breathless, Drown'd,
      Untill Our Saviours Pretious Wound
Open'd a Drayn, wherewith he laid us dry,
From wickedness into fertility ?

      The Aire imprison'd, fain would try
      The virtue of more Liberty:
      Yet meeting with a tougher Cloud
      Is forc'd to quarrell, and speak loud.
      So if we seek our freedom heer,
      We must no Cloud of Fortune fear:
      But like Bonargeses, proclame
      What we profess, then be the same.
For whilst the Face looks one way, and the Mind
Another, 'tis like Rain brought against the Wind.

There shall no Thunder-crack, nor dash of wet,
Prodigious Comet, in us fear beget;
But the Suns Purple, and the Silver wings
The Moon puts on, bespeaks us Saints and Kings,
Whilst Iris Endless Peace, the numerous Lights
Adorn the Night, discypher all delights:
      Which for to seek to compass and obtain,
      He that quits life and all here, makes great Gain.


p.8 /

My Countrey Audit.

Lest Privacie, Happy Retreat, wherein
I may cast up my Reck'nings, Audit Sin,
Count o'r my Debts, and how Arrears increase
In Natures book, towards the God of Peace:
What through perversness hath been wav'd, or don
To My first Convenants contradiction:
How many promis'd Resolutions broke
Of keeping touch (almost as soon as spoke.)
   Thus like that Tenant who behind-hand cast,
   Intreats so oft forbearance, till at last
   The sum surmounts his hopes, and then no more
   Expects, but Mercy to strike off the score.
So here, methinks, I see the Landlords Grace
Full of Compassion to my drooping Case,
Bidding me be of comfort, and not griev'd,
My Rent his Son should pay if I believ'd.

Cui in calamitatibus soli sit fidendum.

Juv. Sat.10.
Hen first the Towring Hills, the loftier Pine,
Exchang'd to ride upon the swelling brine:
Neptune prepar'd, and with more Active skill
Grew sometimes in the Vale, sometimes on th'Hill:
Whilst Floating in a compleat tackle drest,
She's taught to Sayl from Cadis to the East:
Where Ganges runs, and from those coasts being come,
To steer a course back to Illyrium:
Then was that coward Fear banish'd the Mind
And Heart of Man, ambitious still to find.

p.9 /

More worlds and works of wonder, wherein He
Might trace the Greatness of the Deitie.
Then as if fortify'd with steel and brass,
Ventur'd his Bottom on this field of glass,
  So brickle and unconstant, as contrives
  A nearness unto Death, yet with reprive.
A small Gale over-fils the sayls, a leak
Is sprung, in shorter time than I can speak.
Then being o'r-set above, o'r-charg'd beneath,
What can expected be but present Death?
  Unless we seek to Him, at whose command
  Becalm'd into Obedience, Tempests stand,
  Rising when He so pleases, and are gon
  When He Planes o'r their rugged Motion:
Whose Power at life's exprest, when weight ascends,
And almost to the Crystall Skie extends:
And then again, when Nature on't doth enter,
It is permitted for to wash the Center.
  Then are such troubled as on it doe ride,
  Rowling and Tottering from side to side,
  Being drunk through fear and sorrow; nor can tell
  How many Sands shall knowl their Passing-bell.
Thus in a Trance dismay'd, and quite bereft
Of sense, save of a little spark that's left
To kindle hopes, They to their Maker Cry,
Who straight releases them from Misery,
  Sending a Calm; whereat the Liquid plain
  Becomes to them a Looking-glass again:
  So They in mind restor'd, have quick access
  Unto the Haven of their Happiness.

Hor. Od. 3.

Psalm 107.

p.10 /

My Carroll.

                ARise, arise
  Dull Fancy from the bed of Earth,
             And that low strain
             Besots thy vain;
         That so thou mayst devise
  Some Record of that famous Birth,
Which about This time, as our Date will have,
One Son for All the rest the Father gave.

                   Leave to the Bee
  To set a Valuation
               On this, or that
               Fair Garden-plat,
         There t'Browse some Flower or Tree:
  And to some Forraign Nation,
To crown their Annals with the Pelican,
Or far-fetcht Cordiall, Mirabolan.

                   Here's Comfort more;
   A gift that's far beyond all worth,
               The Curious mind
               Could ever find
           In what a Plant e'r bore,
   Or Barren wilderness brought forth:
Sweetness excels the Bee's-Bagg, and such Good
As prov'd our Strong Restorative by's Blood.

p.11 /

To overcome by Contraries.

N humane things 'tis held a Maxime wife,
To seek to Overcome by Contraries:
And in Diviner, if we will express
Obedience to God, it holds no less;
For t'conquer Pride whereby we fell, no Art
Is comparable to a Contrite-Heart.

To Improve Afflictions.

F David found it good He'd been in Trouble,
What would it teach Me am a sinfull Bubble;
But that th'Afflictions we meet with heer,
Are sent to Steer Us to our God more neer?
   Who thus improves his thoughts on things goe cross,
   Without a Riddle, makes Great gains of Loss.

They that sow in Tears, shall reap in Joy.

S in the Countrey-Parable it's found,
God's meant by Husbandman, and Man by ground,
His Word the pretious Seed, that doth excell
All other grain; Our hearts the Arable:
So would't inform We should our soil prepare,
To recompence so Great a Seedsmans care;
And neither prickt with Pride, stupid like Stones,
Laid Common to all wicked Motions:
Be unprovided t'save, much less t'afford
Increase against the Harvest of the Lord:

p.12 /

Wherefore as Earth 'thout Culture sithence mans fall
Is of fruits barren, Thistles Prodigall:
So doe the dispositions and desires
Nature brings forth, abound with Thorns and Briers;
Which to correct, the Masters strict Command
Is to break up again the Fallow-land.
And by Contritions Coulter and Plough-shares
To dress our Minds, surrow our Cheeks with teares
Of true Repentance. And those thus destroy
The Weeds of Sin, shall surely reap in Joy.

Ascensus Gratiarum, Desensus Gratiarum.
F there be any Vertue left that can
Pull Blessings down, 'tis Gratitude in Man;
And to be humbly thankfull, that alone
Makes Him true subject for Compassion.
    All Other Graces As Assistants sit
    Upon the Wool-sacks for to farther it;
    In representing how the Law concludes
    On Gods Rich Bounties, Our ingratitudes:
    So thereupon Impeachment's drawn to show
    Delinquencies, and what He gives, we ow.
First then unless dejected Care possess
The Heart and Soul for by-past wickedness,
And stir up Resolution to become
Henceforth more righteous, ev'n to Martyrdome:
In vain it is to hope, or yet surmize
The acceptation of such Sacrifize
From Him, whose all-discerning eye doth pierce
The very Center of the Universe,
And knows before we think: Let our thoughts flye
To overtake His providentiall eye;

p.13 /

Then we shall straight be conquered, and confess
His Bounties, but our own Unworthiness.
    And like the Eagle, first such flight begin
    From the low contemptible Vale of sin,
    Untill Confession and Amendment raise
    Our stretcht out Pinions to the clouds in praise.
         And then when all is done that we are able,
         Still we must know, we're but Unprofitable.

Contemplatio Diurna.

         W Hen we behold the Morning Dew
Dissolve ith' rising Sun: What would it shew ?
          But that a Sun to us did rise,
Our Fathers hoary sin to Atomise.
          And when the Flowers display'd appear,
To entertain the mounting Charettier:
          What would they speak in that fair dress ?
But Man's redemption out of wretchedness.
          For the shade-shortning Noon can tell
The Proud, and such as with Ambition swell;
          That whilst upon Opinions wing
They seek to fore, they work their lessening.
          And the Prognostick Western set,
May Our Conditions rightly counterfeit;
          For if we rise, shine, and set Cleer,
The Day-Star from on high's our Comforter:
          If Sin beclowd us as we fall,
Our next dayes rise will prove our Funerall:
Et quid lachrymabilius?

p.14 /

Ubi desinit Medicus, incipit Theologus.

Pharmaca ægrotantibus Optima.
Orpore si tu ægrotas,
   Æsculapius vocetur:
Anima sin sit, devotas
   Preces quisque Meditetur.

Convictus facilis & maxime Nutriens.
ec quid comesurus cures,
   Paucis nam Natura gaudet:
Verbum Dei si procures,
   Dapes (quisquis velit) laudet.

Aer Optimus & ad Veram Valetudinem
propius conducens.
Era dum Malignum quæris
   Sis morbosus; nec sit mirum:
Sancto sodale si frueris,
Téque efficiet talem virum.

Exercitium veram sanitatem comparans optime.
Xercearis licet tota
   Nocte Dieq; Fata vocent:
Sed si Deo facta Vota
   Sint sincera, Hæc non nocent:
   Ad sanitatem potius veram
   Et æternam, Viam docent.

Where the Physitians skill can doe no more,
Divinity must best of health restore.

p.15 /

Annus annulus, &c. Diminutione largimur.
S the Year, Serpent-like doth cast its Skin,
And's stript o'th' Old, when as the New comes in;
What would 'tinform, but that anew w'invest
Our selves in Christ, Old Adam's Rags detest ?
And if a Janus Bifronted doth stand,
Looking at once to this and t'other hand,
What would He teach our Consciences, save this,
To see at one View whence Salvation is,
And whence our woe came ; that for this we may
Our Tribute Tears, for that all-praises pay ?

Now when the Season Blossomes in its Spring,
And time puts on a party-colour'd wing ;
Why should not our Souls, which before did lye
Defil'd through th'smutch of Sin, receive a dye
(Whereat the Rose may blush) from that same flood
(All Streams surpasses) of our Saviours Blood ?
For if that Leprosie we fain would heal,
This is our Jordan, stain'd with Cutchinneal.
If from our first Sire we receiv'd a wound,
This is that Spikenard that can make us sound.

And as th'approaching Sun comes daily on
For to supplant the Winters Garison:
So should our frozen hearts be thaw'd, and Melt
When we to Mind call what our Jesus felt,
And we deserv'd; His Zodiack should bring
Us to the Tropick of our Summering
In those warm thoughts, till ripe in faith and hope,
Love like a Vale, cover Our Horiscope:
For what can we return for His, who rent
The Temples to free us from Punishment ?

p.16 /

O let the Lustfull Clusters we behold
Betasseling Autumn, and those Ears of gold-
Resembling Corn, say to us, if we thirst
Or hunger: He who is both Last and First,
Did tread the Wine press for us, and fulfill
What was to us due for our Parents ill;
That so we might be numbred 'mongst those guest
The Lamb invited to his Mariage-Feast.
And though we once fell by what one Tree bore,
God by Anothers fruit did us restore.

Then whilst the Sharp'd-breath'd Winter seems to lay
Stripes on the bearing earth, and Blasts th'array
She late was deckt in; Spitting on her face
Its Feather'd-rain, (all embling the disgrace
For Us He felt, who would have known no shame,
Had we been Innocent and without Blame)
Doth't not discypher how a Lilly pure
Sprung up' midst Thorns, Scourgings to endure:
And how They Spat upon a Face that Shin'd,
Which prov'd our Eye-salve, who before were blind ?

My Observation at Sea.

Hough every thing we see or hear may raise
The Makers Praise;        
For without Lightning or Thunder,
His Works are all of wonder;
Yet amongst Those there's none
Like to the Oceon.

p.17 /

       Where (not a Catalogue to keep
Of severall Shapes inhabiting the Deep)
                 Let but our Thoughts confer
With what once Gravel'd the Philosopher:
                 And we must straight confess
Amazement more, but apprehension less.

                 The Fire for heat and light
                              Most exquisit:
                 And the All-tempering Aire
                              Beyond Compare.
Earth Composition and Solidity,
Bountifull Mixed with Humidity.
           But here for Profit and Content,
Each must give place to th' Liquid Element:

           Whose Admirable Course, that Steers
           Within Twelve Houres Mariners,
                      Outwards and Homewards bound
                      May be Sufficient Ground
          To raise Conclusion from thence
At once, of Mighty Power and Providence.

                      For as the Cynthian Queen
Her bounty less or more vouchsafes be seen:
                      So by her wain She brings
The Tides to Neaps, and by her Full to Springs:
                      Yet not but as He pleas
Who set Her there, chief Governess of Seas:

p.18 /
Exod. 2.
2, 3.

Exod. 2.
3. 14.

                                 Which understood
Truly by such would seek for Traffique good,
                      They must their Anchors waigh
               Out of the Oozie dirt and Clay
                      Earths Contemplations yeild,
And hoysing Sayles, They'l straightway have them fill'd
           With a fresh-Mackerell Gale, whose blast
May Port them in true happiness at Last.

                      There th'in a Bay of Bliss,
           Where a Sweet Calm our welcom is:
           Let us at length the Cables Veere
Fore and abaff, that may our Moorage cleere
From warp or winding, so ride, fixt upon
Our Hopes Sheat-Anchor of Salvation.

Upon Moses put young to Sea, or hid in
an Ark of Bulrushes

His son of Amram, soon as born did find
Pharaoh a Tyrant, but the Midwives kind:
So being from that bloody Doom set free,
Becomes His Mothers Care and Huswifrie;
Who to His safety, that She might confer
More hopes, She makes him first a Mariner:
A good presage; whereby it was implide,
His People He through the Red-Sea should guide.

In Mosen adhuc Infantem Amni commissum.
Ur latitans Juncis Moses sit Nauticus Infans ?
Ut ducat Populum per Vada Rubra suum.

p.19 / (image of page 19)

Decem Præcepta. Acrost. Kenist.

I    J n Ægypto cum fuisses,
   respexit (Solus) ut Exisses
2    E rrantes in Eremo plectit paucos,
   posteros ut reddat Cautos.
3    H abeas Nomen non in Vano
   ore, sed in Corde Sano.
4    O pere, nec sordeat Dies,
   in quâ jussa Sancta quies.
5    V erus Amor Paternalis
   doceat in Parentes qualis.
6    A rdens Cura ignoscendi,
   tollat Rabiem Plectendi.
7    D oceat Castæ Vitæ normam
   qui & Vitam dat & formam.
8    E ripiendi queis fruentur
   alii, nec sit Mens libenter.
9    V era Testimonia Testes
   reddant lætos, falsa Mæstos.
10    S is Contentus tuâ sorte;
Nec Iunctam cupias Portam Portæ :
Capias Vitam tunc pro Morte.
   Isa. 5. 8.

The Contempt of this World, raises
the Others Esteem.

Hen all the Vertue we can here put on,
Is but refined Imperfection,
Corruption Calcin'd : A Minerall vain,
Where Clay (to be more priz'd) some Ore doth gain:

p.20 /

Why should we not employ the best of Care,
To learn wherein Truest Contentments are,
And how attain'd ? The Jewellers command
O're Art, is how to Foyle the Diamond
As may add Lustre to it: So, who tries
Less to Esteem of This worlds Flatteries,
  Sets higher Value on the Other, where
  Perfection proves th'Eternall Jeweller.

In Diem Natalem.

E moriatur Homo, Sanctus de Virgine purâ,
   Mirificusque hodie nascitur Ille Puer.
Ne Peregrinetur Factus Peregrinus & Idem est,
         In Cunis Stabulum Glorificatque suis.
Ne pro Delictis Proavi plectatur, amara
         Pocula fert, alio non patienda Modo.
Exul ut è Cælis Migrans terraq; Mariq;
         Iactatus, tenebras Mortis, & Ima petit,
Nos ut surgamus Sancti, quoque Luce fruamur
         Æterna, Astriferas incolit Ille Domus.

In Eandem.

Christus |


Venit:    |


Læta Dies Cunctis, Mors quâ calcanda receβit,
         Nascitur in Domibus dommodo Vita suis:
Plena Dies Lucis Verum quâ clarius exstat,
         Et Falsi Fuscum tollitur Omne Genus:
Fausta Dies in quâ Via sternitur Omnipotentis,
         Error & aufertur; Clara, Beata Dies.

p.21 /

To Kisse Gods Rod;  occasioned upon
a Childs Sickness.

Hat ever Gods Divine
      Awardeth unto Mine
                            Or Mee,
         Though't may seem ill,
              With patience
      I am resolv'd to undergo,
      Nor to His purpose once say no,
         But Moderate both Mind and Will:
And Conquering th'Rebellions of Sense,
Place all content in true Obedience.

          Thus I create it good
                            When His
              Correction's understood,
                            Which is,
                    Not to destroy,
                    But to reclaim,
          And t'cause me turn a new-leaf ore,
          Count all an Error-writ before,
          So find the sting of Flattering Joy:
Making the scope of all My future aim,
To Reverence and Glorifie His Name.

     Thus when our God will frown, if we weigh it
     In Judgments Scales, we mak't a Benefit.

p.22 /

My Penthouse against the Storm of Grief,
occasioned upon the Death of a dear Friend.

How the Blasts
Temptation Casts
              Against my Naked Ston,
              Threaten Subversion;
   Sithence the Decree of late was Thine
   To take away My Sheltring Vine !

                         Well, let them blow,
                         Break clouds and rain,
              Their Gusts and Show'rs in vain;
              For Confident I am,
   My Gratious God upholds the Frame,
   Whilst I the Olive Sprouts see grow.

                         Thus to my Hart
                          may impart
              Th'assurance of a Peace,
              Wherein such Trials cease
   If Patience-born; that Fear is good
   When it withstands ill, not of ill withstood.

Man Levens the Batch.

OD makes all things for good; 'tis Man
Sowers and worsts Creation:
      Who Leven'd by his Father, thence
      Becomes all Disobedience;
p.23 /
No thought, no word, no action He
Contrives, can own Integrity
To Him that made Him, for by Deeds
As Words and Heart, his growth's in weeds,
Which whilst neglected doe express
Gods Grace, but Man's unfruitfulness:
   Now if again man would bear Corn,
   He must himself a Weeder turn.

The Attributes of true Love.

E call that Patience, when provok'd we can
Deferr revenge, but 'tis true love in Man:
   And when with open hand we would express
   Our Bounties Tribute, some style't Lavishness:
   But They mistake, as farr as those despise
   All steps whereby an Other Man doth rise;
   Yet think they have Love too; and boast no less
   Than that She is their constant Patroness:
If Her Decrees be not to seek her own
Praise, (as not seemly) whither are such blown,
As thus would tempt Her anger, when 'tis taught
She is not to be mov'd to an ill thought,
But's ever pleas'd, and doth rejoyce to see
Truth sit in Triumph o're Iniquitie:
   As She sustains, and is contented still
   With what wind blows, so doe her hopes sails fill,
   When from the windows of Beleef doth breath
   A steady Gale, t'advance her course beneath:
   Till by the Saints transplanted, and above,
   She's Moor'd within that Port, and call'd True Love.

p.24 /

Contraria juxta se posita
Gal. 5. 19. to 23.

Poem rendered graphically

   Like Night to Dayt, or foyles that Raise
   The Lustre of the Diamonds praise:
   Such, and no other Vertue Lies
   Hid in th'approach of Contraries.

p.25 /

Love begets Fear.

Was of Thy Goodness (Lord) at first I had
Knowledge of what was Good, and what was bad:
   Yet through the Ill of Nature become blinde,
   I followed Sin, and left thy Fear behind:
   By which I forfeited a Blessing , till
   Thou of thy Mercy, free and Gracious will
   Sign'st me a Pardon in that style, Repent,
That so I might avoid all Punishment.
Thus then rows'd up and wak'ned, I began
Thy Judgments, Blessings, Love, and Fear to skan:
And in a Scoale when I them all had waigh'd
Methought I lov'd Thee still, still was afraid.

My Invocation.

Reat, and Good God, of Justice, Love;
As That to Fear, so grant This move
My Trembling Heart, till It retain
Some Sparks of heat and life again;
      Sithence My Creation-Fuell's don
      Lighten again the Turf by thine own Son.

Small hopes of This, unless I may
 In awe to That, finde a decay
 Of such Lewd Thoughts, Words, Acts, did bring
 My whole Man to a wintering
     In Lust, and Sin, and growth of Grace,
     T'assure a fruitfull Spring-tide in the place.

p.26 /

How's that attain'd ? By heat, not cold,
'Tis that the Bounteous Marygold
Displayes its Treasure ; and kinde Showers
(Not Frosts) befriend both fruit and Flowers:
   Thaw then my Breast till't open Zeal,
   And let my Eyes those sighs reveal
      In rain, that my Affections may subdue,
      So from my Old Congeal'd Clot raise thoughts new.

Misericordia Dei splendidissima.

ODS Mercy shines 'bove all His works, as farr
As doth the Cyprian-Queen out-light a Starr.

To Man. Epig.

Psalm 51. 

Ard-Hearted Man ! what canst thou say,
That Thou thy self hast turn'd to Brick thy Clay:
But that Thy Hopes are built upon
His Promise once sent Fountains out of Ston:
Wherefore to Sacrifice to Gods desire,
Mans Heart must be the Altar, Sighs the fire.

My Pool of Bethesda, or the Effusion of Christs
Merits to heal our Miseries.

Hen Children would goe, or Cripples stand,
Crutches and Stools are fram'd for Arm and Hand
To rest upon, lest such attempting shall
Without like Props occasion them to fall.

p.27 /

   What are the Sons of Adam ? if we try,
   Condemn'd to Lamenesse and to Infancy
   Through Sin, and so disabled to Pace
   The Paths of Vertue, tread the Steps of Grace;
Till God of's Mercy pleased to Confer
A standing stool, as if from th' Carpenter,
Though He himself was Artist, and did frame
This Remedy for Those were Weak and Lane:
   So that without a farther Inquisition,
   We All were, and are such, Christ's the Physition.

The Five Porches to Bethesda.

An is Bethesda , and's five Senses be
Porches unto that Great Infermery,
Where Divers Cures are fought for; yet not one
Attain'd but through an Angels Motion,
Grace powred on the Heart; which who so can
Improve, becommeth straight a perfect Man:
But Those who Opportunity neglect,
Must not an other Saving help expect.
   For as the Cripple Thirty eight years lay,
   And had done more, had not Christ come ith' way :
   So whilst these powr'd out waters we would try,
   Others step in, Prophane their Sanctity.
Lusts both our Ears, and Eyes, and Palates charm:
Through Nostrils and by Fingers we doe harm;
And 'cause all over Leprous and defil'd,
We'd fain be cleans'd, to health be reconcil'd,
Yet cannot get so soon into this Tide,
Afford us of that Jordan from Thy side.

p.28 /


Nima, quid tam tristaris ?
Ocule, quid Lachrymaris ?
Cur in Pectore singultus ?
Cur Mærore madet vultus ?
Quî fit, gemitu plangescis
Cor, ut si integrum non esses ?
Cum, quo hic fruamur toto
Nostro non in Dei voto.
Ejus est suffragii, sortem
Dare, Vitam dare & Mortem.
Mortis certitudo, brevem
Vitæ Curam reddit levem :
Et post Mortem, sit levamen
Quod Vivetur semper tamen :
Nec mensurâ quâvis, horæ
Vespertinæ, vel Auroræ
Metitur : æternâ Luce
Sed (hæc dicta Dies) duce:
In quâ, cum gaudeat omnis Sanctus,
Luctus sistat, sileat planctus :
Pœnam (hic) quâ laboramus
Somno Mortis nam mutamus :
Et quid mali hora dedit,
Gaudio Sempiterno cedit.
Qui sic mutant, invidendos
Sentio solos : non deflendos.

è contra         Pectora Peccatis data,
Cor corruptum, Ora lata,
Animam infectam Malis,
Nox dum sequitur fatalis,
Lugeat, doleat Omnis Tales.

p.29 /
A Carroll

F nothing else) may not this season move,
Or Time become true Chronicle of love ?
And so allay the Fury, stint the Rage
Or madness doth predominize this age ?
When for to Ransome Man, whose least Offence
Was character'd in Disobedience,
He who knew no Sin came, that, to fulfill
The Mercy Statute of His Fathers will:
Thus He forgave, and gave, to let us know
What to our Very Enemies we ow,
By His Example; and decrees this fate
To the Posterity unfortunate
Of too-beleeving Adam, That They must
Give themselves over to no other Trust
Than what His Word assures; nor to make less
That first of Sins, Create them numberless
In Envie, Malice, and Ambition,
But joyn to Charity Contrition
For by-past faults, and resolutions raise
To spend the future in our Makers praise:
   Obey Him first, then Those His Glorious Powers
   Shall substitute for our Superiours:
   And with our own Condition whatsome're
   Content, enjoy a full Harmonious Sphere;
   Leaving no Orb for Discords fond increase,
   Sithence He that's born for us was Prince of Peace.

p.30 /
A Quid Retribuam.

Oor sin-bound-naked-creature Man, ne're knows
What to return for that His God bestows;
But as Prosperities increase, goes less,
I'th' retribution of Thankfulness:
His eyes not open but with Clay made dim,
Renders that Miracle, not wrought on Him,
Remains so stupid, but where Faith's declin'd
Int' unbeleef, such are for ever blind:
Now that I may like Judgment still prevent,
By entertaining True-Souls-Nutriment,
Not Poyson: let Example spurr me on
To take the Cup fill'd with Salvation;
And t'praise his holy Name that did prepare
Such Cates for those heavie and Laden are,
Sins Dromidaries swift by Nature led
To run to Evil, here unburthened
By One who bore both Crosse and shame, to free
The Pliant branch of Eves posterity:
(So have I tender Saplings seen unbroak,
When Tempests have o'r-turn'd the sturdier Oak:)
And if in Sacrifice we'd passe degrees,
The best for acceptation's from the knees,
Outward and inwardly exprest; whereby
To notifie unfeign'd Humility;
For such deny to shew repentance thus,
Surely forget Christ came from Heaven to us:
And those of that short memory may know
Their Portion's here; They shall not to Him go,
Who's Riches, Rayment, Food, and all Relief
To them Contemn this World, make Him their Chief.

p.31 / (enlargement of page 31)

'Eucharistia', title of poem

Though All must truly say, They've done amiss,
Yet there Goes more than Ord'nary to This:
For He that would not make the banquet sower,
Must form His Relish to his S
A V I O U R.

A Pelican feeding her young with blood out of her
own Brest, a type of our Saviour.

Behold Here from the P E L I C A N S Brest sprung
A stream of precious blood to feed her young.

p.32 /

In Sanctam Cœnam Domini, Epig.

Ash and be clean; Eat, Drink this, and 't will save:
So easie is the suit our Lord doth crave :
Yet with the healed Creeple, back He'll call thee,
And bid Thee, Sinn no more, lest worse befall thee.

A Dedication of my first Son.

S it not fit the Mould and Frame
Of Man, should dedicate the same
To God, who firsst Created it: and t'give
To Him the first fruit of that Span we live ?

In the worlds Infancy could Hannah tell,
Shee ought to Offer her sonn Samuel
        To Him that made him, and refine
        That Sacrifice with Flowre and Wine ?

        Was Abrams long expected seed
        From Sarah's womb condemn'd to bleed ?
And shall the times now they grow Old, conclude
In faithlesness, and in ingratitude ?

Let shame awake us and where blessings fall,
Let every one become a Prodigall
        In paying vows of thanks, and bring
        The first, and best for Offering.

p.33 /

Where am I then ; whom God hath deign'd to bless
With hopes of a succeeding happiness
        Unto My house ? Why is't I stand
        At th'Altar with an Empty hand ?

        Have I no Herds, no Flocks, no Oyl,
        No Incense-bearing-Shebah-soyl ?
Is not My Grainary stor'd with Flowre that's fine ?
Are not my Strutted Vessels full of Wine ?

What Temporall Blessing's wanting to suffice
And furnish out a lively Sacrifice,
        Save onely this, to make a Free-
        Will-offering of an Infancy ?

        Which if I should not doe, that pil'd-
        Up wood, whereon lay Sarah's childe;
The Temple would accuse me, where the son
Of Elk'na first had Dedication.

        Wherefore accept, I pray thee, this
        Thou'st given, and my first Sonn is:
Let him be Thine, and from his Cradleling,
Begin his services first reckoning.

Grant, with his Dayes, thy Grace increase, and fill
His Heart, nor leave there room to harbour ill:
        That in the Progress of His years
        He may express whose badg He wears.

p.34 /

In Quadragesimam.

Hen all the Dayes w'have borrowed are mis-spent,
Had we not need to beg more time were Lent;
And not to suffer This too, to be gon,
Because abus'd through superstition ?
   A knife to cut with's good, but if to kill
   It be abus'd, why then we deem it ill.
All things are made for use; Abuses came
But as Usurpers to deprave the same:
And in some kinde or other all we do,
Speak, think, or have, those have their morals too.
   Our Pampred Bodies oft such thoughts put on,
   That they become like to proud Iessuron :
   And when our minds from full Cups are exprest,
   They're like to Baltashazzer's at His Feast:
   Our Actions too, laden with Temporall good,
   Cannot permit t'aspire at Spirituall food;
   But over-fed, we surfet, and becom
   Like to the Beast in all things, save being dumb:
   Tongue-tide we are not, when we would express
   Our Enmity, from th'root of Bitterness:
   Nor yet uncharitable, unless in this,
   To judge that those who hunger doe amiss,
   And such as thirst too, whilst our Cups run o're,
   And Bellies are made Magazines of store.
   It should be otherwayes, if we would shun
   The heavie doom of sad Temptation;
   And as the Meat and Drink of Faith, prepare
   A Holy-Fasting-sanctifying Prayer,
   Cook'd from our Corner'd hearts, and not the streets,
   A Sacrifice Incens't with Love for sweets.
      And thus performing what is Lent aright,
      We'l fear no Schismatick, nor Anchorite.

p.35 /

A Hymm occasioned upon going to receive the
ssed Sacrament when it was a snow.

Nvited now to Sup with Thee my Lord,
All that I am is at a Period
                         How to be fitly drest,
                   And so t'become a worthy Guest;
                         For 'tis prepar'd alone
For such as have the Wedding garment on,
                         Which through Guilt I want,
And all my Substance t'buy one is too scant.

Make Me a Purse then, from His Sacred Score,
Whose institution 'twas, and will doe more
                         For Those beleeve His name,
                   That to redeem us Sinners came
                         Into the World, and shed
His precious blood, which might stand all in stead;
                         By a quick Faith apply
The Soveraign Balsome of His Agony.

For like the Man met Theeves, we all were left
Naked and Wounded, Spectacles of Theft
                         And Rapine too, wherein
                   We weltring lay, a prey to Sin;
                         Till th'true Samaritan
Passing this way, Redemption began,
                         Not sparing Wine, nor Oyle
Out of His Hands, and Feet, and Side the while.

p.36 /

Rev. 7. 3. 
Mat. 25.4. 
Thus now upon Recovery agen,
Bound up in His Grave-cloaths, brought to our Inn,
                         And Earnest left, to prove
                   His high Compassion and Love:
                         What care should be t'express
In all our future Actions thankfulness ?
                         Which no way's better spent
Than in partaking right this Sacrament:

Which, without Cleansed hearts, and mindes that Can
Turn a new leaf with the Centurian,
                         More of a Christian show,
                   Made white as is this day with Snow;
                         And like the Prophets sute
Purged with Hysope from what doth pollute,
                         We cannot hope to do;
Nor that, 'less prompted by thy Grace thereto.

Whereto (I pray Thee) so much mercy add,
That I may have some Balm from Gilead
                         To heal my Leprous Sore,
                   Whilst humbled for my Sins before,
                         My future dayes may be
The Inventory of more Piety;
                         My forehead bear thy stamp
As servant, having Oyl still in my Lamp.

A Reveille Mattin, or Good morrow to a friend.

S the Black Curtain of the Night
                  Is open drawn
              By the Gray-fingred Dawn,
                       To let out light,

p.37 /

And bid good Morrow to the Teeming Day:
        So let all Darkned thoughts Through Sin,
                                  Call in
Their Powers, that led them in a blind-fold way:
        And Rows'd up from security,
Bring better fruits unto Maturity.

          For now the Fragrant East
          The Spicery o'th' World,
                                 Hath hurl'd
A rosie Tincture o'r the Phœnix nest;
          And from the last Dayes Urn
                     An Other springs,
                                 And brings
With it a Charettier too in its turn:
               So then by this new fire
Be Goodness Hatcht, all wickedness expire.

       Then as This Prince of Heat doth rise,
       In Power, and in Might seem stronger,
       Proclaiming that 'tis Night no longer;
By vanquishing the Witchcrafts of the Skies,
                  The Spelly-vaprous Mists:
                  So let th'enlightned Soul
Our Actions, that no farther they persist
          To follow senfe, whereby t'invite
Ruine, the sawce t' unruly Appetite.

                       Thus now it's cleere,
                Out of all Question,
The world's unmask'd, and all of Vailing gon.
Phœbus Triumphant o'r our Hemisphere:

p.38 /

      Let us not therefore in disguise
                Seek, or Bravado,
To shadow as if under Maskerado
           So many faults and Villanies,
           Knowing that He who made the Light,
Cannot Himself be destitute of fight.

                     But though His Providence
                               Did this beget,
                     That Suns that rise should set,
             And in appearance vanish hence:
             Yet doth He claim for th'interest
                               Of Day-lights bliss,
                      We slumber not amiss;
When as our Light is borrowed by the West:
But the Choice Cabbinet of minde adorn
With Contemplations may befit next Morn.

Trium Gratiarum maxima Charitas.

Hen all Perfections prove
         But like some sound
                                             Of Brass,
          Wherein no certain Note is found,
                   Without Harmonious Love;
What do we see then more, than through a Glass ?

                   We may with Eloquence
                           Beguild our Speech,
                                      And then
          Offer at more than we can reach,
                   And bring an Influence
Of Works to raise us : yet are we but Men.

p.39 /

                   For if provok'd we be,
                           We'll not forgive;
                                      And so
          Forget the wrong we did receive,
                   Though it be Love's decree;
Untill we can work our revenge in wo.

                   The Churle, whose sparing skill
                           Denies to feed
                                      The Poor,
          And such as stand in greatest need;
                   Yet thinks he doth no ill,
Whilst He walks double on his Ivory floor.

                   An Other, Envie-swoln,
                           When once 't was heard
                                      By chance,
          That such a one was new prefer'd,
                   Cries, What are honors stoln!
Yet by the same tract strives Himself t'advance.

                   This Mushrum may appear,
                           When first the Sun
                                      Doth rise;
          But when His Hemisphere is run,
                   And that the Ev'n draws near,
It shuts up all its treasure, and so dies.

                   Unless reviv'd again
                           By Loves sweet Charm,
                                      O'r which
          No Night or Vapour can do harm;
                   For neither Pride, Wit, Gain,
Can make us truly Live, or truly Rich.

p.40 /
                   But if Affection
                           To Truth prevaile,
                                      And say ,
          No Suffering shall turn the Scale,
                   Nor yet promotion:
This Night will turn into eternall Day.

Matth. 13.   
El Sembrador, or, the Sower.

LL are Solicitous, who grounds possess,
                            To know
                   Both when and how to sow,
That promise may to them the Most increase.

And by the severall Seasons, Change, or Wain,
                                 Full, or
                   Increase, to stir them for
What might be properest of every grain.

Nor do they search so deep as for a Mine
                                 Of Gold;
                   Yet what's the fittest mold
For every seed, can readily define.

And doth not great neglect and sloath appear
                                  In these,
                   Whom Barley, Wheat, Rie, Pease,
Affect alone in being cheap or dear:

Whilst that the Fallows of their hearts, untill'd,
                                  No more
                   Can promise than before,
To be with Cockle-thoughts and Darnell fill'd.

p.41 /

For when the Bells do seem all In to Chime,
                                  They'll say
                   This is some Holiday;
So never frame a work unto the time.

All that they pray, or hear, or read, or do,
                                  Shall be
                   Choak'd with the Brierie
Cares of this world, which they are Slaves unto.

Before the Reverend Preacher can divide
                                  His Text,
                  Some one soon tels't the next,
Yet's robb'd of it; For 't falls by th' high-wayes side.

An Other gets a Point by th' end, and may
                                  Go on
                  Till Persecution
Declare him Niobe : then he must stay.

As when a Soil's prepar'd with art and Care,
                                  The Hinde
                  Such Crops doth alwayes finde,
As to's endevours answerable are.

So let our Hearts be throughly wed of Sin,
                                  And then,
                  They'll prove good ground agen,
And bring us more than thousand profits in.

p.42 / (image of page 42)

Necesse, est Ut

Temporum Vitia Careant Dei amicitia
Absque vera tristitia.


à quo per quem ad quem







Joel 2.










—— |


Sic fiet; Ut
Mundities. Dentium * Candor    
Armorum Clangor
Pestilentiæ ardor



Copiæ & ubertati
Paci & tranquillitati
Sanitati & temperiei.

Quod fac sit Dominus huic Mundi angulo Angliæ.

A  M  E  N

p.43 /

A Carroll.

Hat though't be Cold, and Freese,
Let no good Christian leese
             So much of heat and Zeal,
             As not for to Remember
             That blest day of December:
And what to Shepheards Angels did reveal,
             Which doth of right Claim lay
To All that ever Man can write or say.

             A Saviour's born for Us,
             What News more precious ?
             Wer't but some Neighbours Son,
             The Bells would straightwayes ring- - -
             In Cakes for Gossipping;
So soon the Tydings o'r the Town would run,
             And many a light brain tost
Amongst the Goodwives, where to place their Cost.

             And shall my frozen heart
             Not thaw, and bear its part
             In Jollitie for this:
             Whereby not I alone,
             But each beleeving one
May promise to Himself eternall bliss ?
             For such can ne'r be Cold,
Who have this Birth-day in their hearts enrol'd.

             But may be said to burn,
             Till some thanks they return,
             Which though far short they reach,
             The comfort is most sure,

p.44 /

             It hath healing wings to Cure
Not for reward, but to make up the breach,
             Which so repair'd 't is we
Must make it good 'gainst Satans Batterie:

             Whereto belongs this Care
             In Chief and Singular,
             That stricter guards we keep,
             Because both night and day
             Th' Artillery doth play,
Nor doth our Adversary ever sleep:
             Then we shall shew hereby
Christs Favour hath not slipt our memory.

Upon the birth of a Childe.

Hen I (O Lord) Thy Mercies scan,
Stooping unto the Publican,
Who stood afar off; and didst daign
To give, that He might ask again:
(For not the Outward-beaten-brest,
Nor down-cast-look could make Him blest ;
But 'twas thine own Power did controul
His former Vice, stamp New His soul.)
   Methinks I am so far set free
   From all Sins bonds and Tyrannie,
   As that rais'd up in hopes; no More
   I need Zacheus Sycamore:
   But (though a Dwarf in Grace) conclude
   I see Christ 'bove the Multitude
   Calling me down; as if to say,
   He meant to be my Guest to day;
         And (though a Sinner) crown My wish;
         Bringing an Olive-branch for's Dish.

p.45 /

  This is a true saying, That Christ came, &c.    Tim.1.1,
E a thing true or false, our Nature lies
   Alwayes so prone to Novelties,
That we are caught : and what is done or said,
         Tickle, till we have uttered;
Yet asleep whilst this True saying's come,
         (Or else with Zachary struck dumbe
Through incredulity) although 't express
         In it the height of our unworthiness:
And this the Scope , That He was 'nointed King
         Although he govern'd every thing,
Contented was of's footstool t'make a throne
         Where He might work Salvation,
And so is a true Jesus; nor doth thus
         Become unto the Righteous,
But to Those likewise who through sins decree
         Condemned were to Miserie,
Amongst whom the Apostle, whilst he'averrs
         Himself as chief, so little errs:
What should we Judge our selves to be, whose all
         Of Life is but Apocryphall,
Less than the least of Mercies: yet again
         When in our ills we not remain,
Goodness shall cause that Scepter to distill
         All saving Grace into the will;
So that repair'd by this, forgiv'n by that,
         We may thus far be Consolat,
That Princely Clemency, and wonted love,
         May both the Crime and guilt remove:
Then though the chiefest of the Chief we bee,
If we repent, this Verse may set us free.

Luk. 1.20

Mark 2.17.

p.46 /

My Looking-Glass.

Oe to Ill-faces for thy truth, be free
And Shadow back my Souls Deformitie,
Thou'lt please me better far, than that which can
Return a Raven White, or black a Swan:
For if thou shouldst like to thy self, rubb'd ore,
Give All for Moteless that comes Thee before,
I might suspect, (that justly) whilst thou'rt set
To me 'n diameter for Counterfeit,
So horrid black my Conscience doth present
My Guilt-complexions Night Firmament,
Not Tincel'd with one Star of Grace, or Spark
Of Goodness, but Sin-clouded o'r and Dark.
How shall I then presume to Claim a right
In any Dawn of Mercy and of light ?
Unless My Faith give credit for the Loan;
And so Gods Son lend from th'Reflection
Of His Bright Merits, so much power to say,
My Pardon's seal'd, and Night is turn'd to Day:
And then, and not before, I may seem drest,
When His Great Favour, my Great Sin's confest.

Sham'd by the Creature.

He Thankfull Soil Manur'd and Winter Drest,
Returns the Hinde an Autumn interest
For all His care and Labour: nor denies
To be uncloath'd, to deck his Grainaries:
So doth the Youthfull Vine those Prunings own,
When as her Blossomes are to Clusters grown;

p.47 /

Nor (to shew thanks) doth spare her blood to spill,
That so the Planters Vessels She may fill.
    This Vegetable Lecture may indeed
    Cast a Blush o'r me, whose return for seed
    So far fals short, as not for every one
    To bring an Ear; but for a whole Season none,
    No not that Corn again was left in trust,
    And Harrowed up under My barren Dust:
But pregnant Nature doth so rule and raign,
That with wilde Oats She Choaks the better Grain;
And where My Gratefull Heart should dye my Prefs,
It's all Besmeared with unthankfulness.
  Nor can a Thought, a Word, or Act proceed
  Out of My Clay, that turns not straight to Weed:
  And for My Fruits, ere Ripeness is begun,
  Abortive-like, They wither in the Sun
  Of Self-Conceit: Lord prune once more this Vine,
  And Plow this Ground, lest the Figtree's doom be Mine.  Luk. 13. 7.

To Man, on his frail Condition.

Hat permanence to Earth or Clay is due,
Fond Man consider, for that Emblems you:
This Day brings humane flesh under Death's yoke,
And yesterday I saw a Pitcher broke.
Our Forms are different, Substances the same:
The subtil Artist doth both Vessels frame
For Honor and the Contrary ; and thus
Our great Creator moulds and fashions us.
If we would then our Makers praise set forth,
We should take Care to become Those of worth.

Hodie vidi,
heri vidi, &c.

p.48 /

The Fallacy of the outward Man.

Re we awake, or doe our Eyes
Onely with th'Gloworm sympathise,
         To light the Pismire to his bed,
When it through toil and labour's wearied ?

         Doth not the Bank of Moss appear
         Crispt up in Moon-shine far more clear;
         When Argus-ey'd with many a Mite,
It waits upon the Goddess of the Night ?

         Have not the wanton Fairie-Elves
         Their Torch-bearers, Light as themselves,
         That with our Fancies sport and play,
Untill they lead us quite out of the way ?

         Cannot a Spangle, Pin, or Bead,
         By Candle-light, int' Error lead;
         And representing Treasure, claime
A stooping to the Mat or Bord for th' same ?

         'Tis from no other, but from hence
         That whilst alone with th'outward sence
         We doe behold, and not with th'Minde,
         We are asleep, or we are blinde.

         Awake and See: Let Sin no more
         Lock up the Window and the Dore
         To thy fair apprehension (Soul,)
But let its own allurements give Controul.

p.49 /

         Let this False treasure, vapour, spark
         Of candid dew, shine in the Dark,
         And the Bejewel'd worm Eschew
The morn, left that her Diamonds prove untrue.

         But Let Thy Lustre Foyl-less be,
         And so present the Day to thee:
         Let Sparks of Grace, and Truths light steer
Thee to Contemplate Thy Lord Treasurer.

         Who not on Bords or Mats did lie,
         But did Install humility:
         Whilst in the Chambers of the Inn
One spies a Bead, an Other sees a Pinn.

         He is that Light which doth convay
         All wise men to th'eternall Day,
         Whilst Fools by false Illusions fire,
As in the Dark slip into Dirt and Mire.

         'Twas He alone; whose wounded side
         And Hands and Feet are glorifide,
         Whilst Potentates with Jewels hung,
But Barren Moss-banks are, and filthy dung.

         No sweat, no Travail, grief nor Pain,
         Did His Love Shun, to win again
         Thee that wer't Lost: His mercies Shon
Far above th'Glance of Truest Diamon'.

         Wherefore if Thou mak'st use of this
         Worms Love to Raise thy thoughts to His;
         If with Industrious Care Thou bring
         Home to thy self His suffering ;

p.50 /

         If by reflection thou return,
         Sighings unfeign'd, for sighes, and burn
         In Zeal: no Falsifi'd delight
         Can e'r deprive thee of thy sight.
But with the eye of Faith thou Maist behold
A Crown Immortall priz'd 'bove purest Gold.

Upon the Times.

Wake thou best of sence,
  And let no Fancy-vapour steer
Thy Contemplation t' think that peace is neer,
        Whilst war in words we doe bemone,
There's nothing less left in Intention.

        England that was, not Is,
   Unless in Metamorphosis,
   Chang'd from the Bower of bliss and rest,
To become now Bellonaes Interest,
   In danger of a Funerall Pile,
Unless some happy Swift means reconcile.

        Which how to bring to pass,
        Beyond Mans hopes, alass,
   Therefore be pleas'd (Thou) who didst make
        Atonement for His sake,
   To silence this unnaturall spell,
As Thou didst once the Delphian Oracle.

p.51 /

My Reformation.

                                 If all the Span
                                         Of Dayes
                                 Lent here to Man
                                 To Pilgrim in,
           And in Times Kalendar enrol'd,
                                 God should but Skan,
           What might He finde for weight and Measure,
But Pounds and Pecks of this and t'other evil;
                       No one markt to His Praise,
                                 But spent or sold
                       For Profit, or in Pleasure:
                                         By whole-sale
                                         Unto Sin;
                                 And by Retaile
          Unto the Flesh, the World, the Devil.

                                 If the Immense
                                 Did not dispense
                                 Its power upon
          Our frailties, that like Clay or Glass
                                 Makes no defence
          'Gainst Potters, or the Glasiers skill:
What could we promise to withstand such loss,
                       Our Miseries redress,
                                 Unless (alass !)
                       His Son He let them kill:
                                 So Himself t'pay
                                         That by One,
                       Which on all lay;
          And t'expiate, through grief and cross.

p.52 /

                                 Here am I lost,
                                         So small,
                                 Yet so much cost,
                                 Wherein the debt
          Would wel-nigh drive into despair,
                                 Had not the Most
          Of me been dross, and so unfit
To take the stamp of any Grace or Good;
                       Untill he that made all,
                                 Did to repair
                       My Crackt estate, and knit
                                         By His pain;
                                         Wherein met
                                 To set again
          That Breach for Balm, His precious Blood.

                                 Captives ye know
                                         Are led
                                 Into much woe
                                 And Sufferance,
          Untill by Ransome they get free
                                 Again; and so
          No more are bound, but to those wayes:
Where lies my bond and Obligation then ?
                       To Sin was Cancelled,
                                 But still with Thee
                       My Saviour, whose Bayes
                                         O'r Death's sting,
                                         Hell, and Chance,
                                 A Conquest bring
To set me at full Liberty again.

p.53 /

                                 Not what I will
                                         To speak,
                                 Or doe My fill,
                                 As Appetite,
          Not Reasons Fescue shall direct;
                                 But with that Skill,
          Thy Gracious Mercies shall infuse
To make me truly sensible of those;
                       Whilst I the Fetters break,
                                 And so detect
                       That which did me abuse,
                                         My Young years,
                                         Which were light,
                                 Too void of fears,
That so I might the rest for Thee compose.

My Close-Committee.

Ow busied's Man
To seek and finde
           An Accusation
                   Against all those
He deems his Bodies good, or Goods oppose!
And winks at such as Hazard Soul and Minde.

                   Nothing of late
                   Is done or spoke,
           But either King or State
                   Concerned are;
The while Each 'gainst his Neighbour wages War,
So're all the bonds of love and friendship broke.

p.54 /

                   And how Comes this,
                   But that we do
           Or utter what's amiss
                   In every thing;
Making Each Fancy Lord, each Will a King,
And all that Checks not Reason, Treason too ?

                   Were't not more wise,
                   To lay about
           Which way for to surprise
                   That Traitrous band
Of Sins, that in our Bosomes bear command;
And entertaining Grace, t'cause those march out ?

                   Our Lust, our Pride,
           Or whatsome'r beside,
                   Seems to give way
To that unjust Militia and Array,
Bring we t' our Close-committees inquisition:
   Thus when our hearts these for Malignants brand,
   Commit them not, but banish them Thy Land.

Humiliation without Reformation, a foundation
without a Building ; Reformation without Humili-
ation, a Building without a foundation.

Est Architects whether in Brick or Ston,
Cast first to lay a sure Foundation,
Then raise the Fabrick ; Confident hereby
T' assign't a term of perpetuity:

p.55 /

While Lesser Artists failing of that Care
And skill, erect them Castles in the Aire,
An Element unconstant, which betrayes
To Ruine whatsoever there those raise.
    Such, and no Other are They, so profess
    To add by Reformation, happiness;
    Yet want the Basis for to build upon
    To make it last, Humiliation;
    When others seemingly cast on the flore,
    Yet are reform'd no better than before:
    So here Foundation without Building is,
    And there a Building on a Precipice.

       Wherefore let me be humbled first, and then
       Reform so, as never to sin agen:
       Blending these two together, with intent
       To Build an Everlasting Monument.

A Carroll.

Wake dull Soul, and from thy fold of Clay
Receive the blessed Tydings of the Day:
Not of a Foxes Cubb, whose guile might be
A promise of successive Tyrannie.
Nor o' th' Victorious Eagles farr-spread wing,
The chiefest of the Worlds parts covering:
  But of a Lamb that's yean'd, a Childe that's born,
  No Spectacle of Glory, but of Scorn;
  For in the house of bread, This Bread of life,
  For us, is come to Ioseph and his wife:
  And though the City David's were, therein
  His Son no Throne Possesses, but an Inn.
Luk. 2.     
8. 10.     
2. 1.     

Iohn I. 20.
Luke 2.     
4.  5.    

p.56 /


Psalm 44.  

I Cor. 6.  
There thou maist finde him, at whose mean, low birth,
The mightiest Potentates of all the Earth,
Nay Oracles, are silenced and gon,
Nor longer serve the Devils delusion.
  The Delphian Fiend confesses, He's o'rcome.
  And by an Hebrew-born-Childe stricken dumb.
The Letters of th'Old Law effaced are,
Down falls the Statue of great Jupiter,
With th'Twins, and their nursing Beast: which shour
Of prodigies, rouse up the Emperour,
Who thus farr in the dark could see, t'erect
In honor of th'Almighty Architect,
An Altar in the Capitoll to's Son
First-born, with the sole dedication.
  If Light thus thorow darkness shone, why is't,
  That thou who hast the Gospels beams, the mist
  Of errors canst not dissipate, but still
  Becom'st idolater in doing ill ?
How doth thy Pride and Envie hatch deceit,
And fond Ambition raise thee in conceit
Of thine own worth, when all such honors can
But dress thee up more stately Beast, no Man ?
The Serpents brood like Twins doe alwayes Pare,
Which by Thy beastly humors fostered are:
Thy tongue no more thy hearts cross-row doth spell,
Than if thou were't an Other Oracle:
Be silent then, nor longer more prophane
That Holy Temple, for which thou art tane;
But let the Lambs blood wash away the stains
And Characters were written in thy veins
By thy first Parents, and which sithence thou hast
By thy Endevours into Volumes cast,

p.57 /

   Throw down thy self for Him who meekly came
   Into the world for thee, a Childe, a Lamb,
   Born to be Slain for thee, yet slain before,
   To make the Victory and Conquest more.
Humility's a Childe; a Giant, Pride;
Goliah from the hand of David dide :
So though like Foes, thy ill Affections grow
Unto immensity, a Powerfull throw,
Out of the Sling of Faith, of Hope, and Love,
May all that Monstrous-uncouth-brood remove.
   Then maist thou raign without suspition, free
   As Pharoah did, till this Nativitie:
   Then shall thy Conscience oraclise thy Fate,
   Than was Augustuses more Fortunate;
        Nor in the Capitoll,|but in thy Hart
        Erect an Altar to Him, let each Part
        Express thou art awake, and seeing canst tell,
        That now Salvation's come to Israel.

      Psalm 14.

In Pueros Bethlehemiticos quos Herodes morte
Christi causa multavit.

  Mat. 2. 16.
Nnocuis nocuit, Iusto dum Injusta minatur,
Infanda Infantum Laurea Pœna dabat.

p.58 /

My Handkerchief to dry my eyes after the losse
of a most dear Friend.

Ord, sithence the best
                 Of Thine,
              Their Portions have
    Of Sorrow, Sickness, and the Grave:
          Why should the worst repine,
Though Thou lock'st up their chiefest joyes in rest ?

              Joyes, here but Lent,
                             And so
                That we can say,
               W'enjoy them for a day,
'Tis of meer Mercy, when for all we owe,
The Landlord must distrain to have his rent.

This the unthrifty course we take,
                Whilst Pity mov'd, he tells
          Us, He'll repair our tottering Cells,
    And quite strike off our former debts,
If with Contentment, thankfulness partake.

               These against sadness are
                             An Antidote,
          Preventing its Cold Poyson, and
A heat-allaying-Julep, where Thy hand
Doth Thy displeasure in a Fever note:
They style the Grave, whether 'tbe near or farre,
         T'be but a Bed; wherein when all must sleep,
         Let them rest envy'd, for our Sins we'll weep.

p.59 /

On the Proto-Martyrs Death

Hey w'r of Deucalions race, could be of no other,
Who ston'd St. Stephen, Pyrrha was their Mother.

In Epiphaniam, five manifestationem.
Um manifesta novo Christi quæ Gentibus Astro
Lux hodierna refert, Astra loquantur Ave.

A Morning Fancy upon recovery from sickness, and
the birth of a Son at the same time.

Ark but the Sluggards shame, the Change
Where Pismires numerously doe range;
And you'll conclude, no fight so quick to try
Distinction in Those Creatures industry.

See but a shower of motes that seem to beat
Some busie Traffick in a Sun-beams heat:
Then tell me what eye's so distinctiall,
As for to single One out of them all.

This, and much Less is Man, whose numerous fry
Fills the world to preserve posterity:
And yet there was an Eye both frown'd and smil'd;
A Sickness here, but there a Lovely Child.

Singling out One, to shew at once the room,
Where's Mercy do His Judgments overcom :
And when the Fatherly Chastisement's don,
Crowns him the joyfull Father of a Son.

p.60 /

               What can be here return'd ? the full expence
Of a whole Summers toyl and providence,
Or such a pack of lighter Merchandize,
As in the Sun delight to exercise ?

These, and no better are what we can raise,
To shew our thanks, saving a heart of praise,
Which God Himself must give; and then 't's no more,
Than t'borrow of one, to pay the same a score.

Yet Lord, here be my Creditor, and lend
A Soul, that may so much to Thanks pretend:
That whilst it seeks thine own but to restore,
Thou by acceptance maist create it more.

Psalm 82.
6, 7.   
From God to all Princes for moderation in
taxing their Subjects.

Hough styled Gods, yet must ye die like men,
Saith God the Lord: Hear what he speaks agen,
Whose Children if you'ld all accounted be,
(O Israels Princes) leave off cruelty:
And let your judgements, Justice so put on,
That there be no room for Oppression:
Neither exact from those who call you Lord,
More than your needs require, their powers afford.

Psalm 105.   
Psal. 8.6.   
Verbum Dei manet in æternum.

Ætari in Domino juvet; & cum Lubrica turbent,
  Solamen Verbum Nocte dieque suum.

p.61 /

Ut sit & Cogitationibus, Verbisque, Factisque
propitius Omnipotens.

Reat God in whom all Justice raigns
                      And Truth,
                         Let not the reins of youth,
                    So slacken in me still,
T'enthrall and Captivate my thoughts to Ill,

         Much less my Deeds : but as thy Son
                        Where Solomon
                                     Laid Ston:
                      So make thy house my heart,
And scourge out of it each Mechanick part.

         Neither let words that die when spoke,
                       My Soul to think,
                                     They'l sink
                   Into Oblivion,
As soon as They are uttered and gon.

         Place a Sentinell before
                                     My dore,
                       That by my Tongue
                                     be song
                   No Anthem but thy Praise,
Nor let it ever send forth other Layes.

p.62 /

Thus may my thoughts and words, which usher on
                    My Deeds to Action,
By Thy Divine Power purg'd from th' dross of Sin,
Pave me a Golden Tract to Progress in:
        Which if thou crown with grace too, let appeer
        Dormant, yet watchfull, ceasing never heer.

Non est bonum ludere cum sanctis.

Luke 1. 78.   
Mnis Caro moritur,
Et Sol Institiæ Oritur,
Proferens Sanitatem,
Si volumus,
In Alis;
Quâ curet Vanitatem,
Quam Colimus
In malis.
Ideo Qui timet Omen Inferni,
Metuat Nomen Æterni;
Et absit prævaricari,
Si velis Sanari.

Ad Angliam in quinti Novembris
Feriam Annoalem.

Estum quid proferas Insula ? quid Diem
Commemoratione dignam existimes
Si Hanc prætereas ? in quâ Mirabilis
Acta est benignitas Liberationis,
Qualem qui comparet Antiquis seculis,
Parem inveniat nusquam in Atavis,

p.63 /

Gigantum licet repetat Fabulam,
Quâ Cœlum Ipsum stultitiâ petitur;
   Mons super Montem palam ostenâitur,
Ast hìc ad Centrum usque & Infernas
Terrarum nigras itur Cavernas:
   Monet apertâ fronte malities,
  Sed cæca jugulat, neque à pendente
  Malo, quam à periculo latente
  Tam dirum Nefas; munit Conditio
  In quâ prævalida stet admonitio.
  Serpens Innocuus dummodo tuendus,
  Quoniam Reptilis facilè fugiendus
  Herbarum sub umbra conditus metuendus.
      Cui nec diβimiles Dolos fuisse
      Nos subterraneos, Quos latuisse
      Usque ad Vigiliam Diei festi,
      Memineris in quâ manifesti
      Amoris Divini patuêre Radii.
        O ! si mihi faveat Arcadiæ
        Terra, vel Nemus, ut inveniam in Illis
        Quibuscum notare Diem: Lapillis,
        Utì mos Veterum, nec mihi Rubro
        Tinctus sit Calamus atramento,
        Cum Luceat dies & à sanguine Liberata:
        Nigroque carbone notata
        Nusquam Conveniat; nam licet Atra
        Machinatio Ista & Tartarea
        Frustavit Hanc Dominus, & Tenebrarum
        Orcum fugavit Lumine Gratiarum.
                 Tutior Anglia ut in posterum sies
                 Cordibus Gratis notetur Dies.

p.64 /

Quid maxime semper in votis habeat.

Otis si faveant Numina servuli,
Peccatis Placeant parcere; quantulum
Parcæ Temporis & cedere posteris
           Vitæ Limitibus velint
           Texetur Melioribus
                   Telis in addant.

Contemptu in habeat Splendida Seculo in
Hoc Nugalia: nam in Vespere Condita est
Auroræ facies, nec rugit amplius,
           Cum Nox adfuerit Dies
           Lethi, sic Thalamis modo
                   Dormiet Omnis.

Dum mane est fugiat Machina Tartari,
Nec in Meridiem Sordida contrahat,
Vespertinaque tunc Tempora conspicit
           Lætus, Iudicium cupit,
           Sperat Cœlica, at Improbus
                   Altera suadet.

Times Mintage
F all the scattered Brood,
        Or Brotherhood,
  Drawn from Creations line,
  To Blazon Providence divine;
                The Worm, the Snail,
                    The Ant, the Fly,
        Best make discovery
        What Adam did entail
                On His posterity.

p.65 /

To dwell with Dust and Clay,
        Which Symptome may
    Mans Low condition,
  That without intermission
        Heaps up with care
        What here is got,
  And Ignorant knows not,
        These Transitory are,
        Nor shall endure, but rot.

What was Domitians game,
        Or th'Sluggards shame,
  The Bloodless creeping beast
  Carries his house wherein to rest,
                 Or Legless one,
             But Emblemer
        Of frailty, would infer
           Danger to be trod upon
             By every Passenger.

And doe we break our ease,
                   To follow these ?
        Fly at preferments pitch;
  And adding to our heaps grow rich
                   In Muck and Slime ?
                   When 'tis our Soul
           Immortall should controul,
       And so Calcine our time
       From all such dross to Gould.

                 Which by afflictions tri'd,
          And worldly crosses purifi'd,
       Our Great Redeemer will apply
       His stamp to give it currency.

p.66 /

In Divitem & Lazarum.

Luke 16.    
Ives Quidam Ingens, sed nondum Nomine Dignus,
Pupureo Decoratis erat; Victuque Superbo
Gaudet & Aβiduis Dapibus; nec sumptibus ullis
Parcitur, Ingluviem Queis poβit pascere Fœdam,
Sed Mare Consulitur Totum, & longinqua Potestas
Terrarum excutitur: nec non Iunonia Regna
Addunt Ingenuis cumulatim prœmia Mensis:
Nec deerat, nisi Flammiferens Ignisque futurus,
Mortuuus Iste tamen, Somno Lethale sepultus
Dicitur——— nil aliud- - - -

Pauper & Alter erat, gracilis Quem buccea reddit
Spectandum Charitate Magis, nudisque laçertis,
Frigidus ante fores procumbens Divitis, Omne
Solatium à Canibus Lambentibus eβe fatetur:
(Non etenim blando hoc captanda est gloria seclo)
Mortuus est etiam: Sed Queis discrimine vitæ
Diβimilis fortuna fuit, His Mortis & idem:
Nempe; Quod in fragilis gaudetur tempore mundi
Vertitur in Lachrymas; Duriβima quæque fuêre
Illius Arbitria, accipiunt pro munere Pectus.

p.67 /

Upon the Rich Glutton, and Poor Begger.

Here was a Certain Mighty Rich man, had
No other name (in Scripture) although clad
In Purple: who delitiously did fare
Daily, for which there neither Cost nor Care
Was spar'd, to feed his Gluttony with store,
Of what the Seas could yeeld when Galed ore;
And whatsome'r both Earth and Air afford,
Seem'd heaped Tributes to his quainter børd:
So that no Element to his desire
Was Niggard, save what was reserv'd, the Fire.
Yet this man Died, and on that sleepy score
Was Buried — and no more- - - -

There was an Other, whom spare Diet made
More spectacle for Charity, being laid
Naked and Cold before the Rich mans gate;
Who full of sores, and all Disconsolate,
Saving from what the licking Dogs apply,
Concludes all this worlds pomp but flattery:
Then He Dies too. But as in life these were
Nothing akin, so in Diameter
Death Their Condition states, for now't appears,
What here was sown in Joy, there's reapt in tears;
And He who by hard Fate was here opprest,
In Abrams Bosom finds an Interest.

p.68 /

A Reveille Mattin to my best Friend.

Ord, when the Casements of Mine eyes,
                  To welcom in
                       The Morn, first open'd are;
Grant that my Heart may early sacrifice
                       To Expiate for Sin,
And mustring up Thy Favours and Its Crimes,
Cashiere the One, let th'other stand enrold
To evidence at full that Time of Times
Wherein Thou Ransom'dst me, who once was sold.

          Let all the Drowsie Vapours Prest
                                My Fancy down,
                       Dispell and give it way
To rise betimes, and to be better drest;
                       So Dignifie and Crown
                                The Day
With Anthems may set forth that Glorious flame
Thy love burst out in, when my fault was so,
I'd line for e'r benighted in the same,
Hadst Thou not vanquisht and o'rcome my fo.

          Cause (I beseech thee) that moist dew
                               That falls upon
                      My waking Temples tress
By every yawn, Thy goodness taught to shew,
                      An Exhalation

p.69 /

Obeying no heat save what did proceed
From that most Righteous Sun, whose beams alone
Were of full Power to refine the deed
Our Parents Dross'd by their Corruption.

          And as My Armes unfolded stand,
                               To fathom out
                       The Latitude, as't were,
'Twixt the Beds either side Meridian:
                       Let my Thoughts sore about
                               That Sphere,
Unparalleld for Grace: and stretch to be
Embracers of those Mercies did extend
Beyond all sounding Plummet or degree,
And thither all my Kids and Fatlings send.

          Thus tane by th'hand by His whose felt
                                    What mine deserv'd,
                      I'm up; and straight perceive
The Mornings Birth Bedew'd with his whose smelt
                      All of Perfumes, and serv'd
                                T' conceive
Such Raptures in Me, that no part nor sense
Could be at quiet, till it rose to make
This Offering, and from a full influence,
Inspir'd of Love, Dull Thanklesness t'forsake.

         Now if my Eyes, my Heart, my Head, my Armes,
         Embrace, Contemplate, feeling, seeing Charmes,
         Where can this Exorcism trulier stay,
         Than on that Star which chang'd our Night to day ?

p.70 /

Quid Amabilius.

            IF I must needs Discover
I am in Love: be Christ again my Lover,
            And let His Passion bring
My Actions to their touch and censuring:
            Who in this world was born,
Liv'd in it, and was put to death with scorn,
            That I to Sin might die
Being born again, so live eternally:
            Thus I'l no longer make
Addresses to my Glass for this Curles sake,
            Or that quaint garb, whereby
I may enchanted be with flattery:
            Nor on Luxurious vow,
Becircling Rose-buds seek to Gird my brow:
            But with a melting thought
Bring home that Ransom whereat I was bought,
            In Contemplation
Of that same Platted Crown He once had on.
            And when my Glove or Shoo
Want Ribbond, Call for th' Nails that pierc'd Him too:
            Else farther to be drest,
Borrow the Tincture of His naked brest:
            Nor wash, but Soul Pride,
Then use no other bason than His Side:
            So, up and ready, think
How He, for Me, low in the grave did sink,
            That I again might rise
With Him, who was both Priest and Sacrifice,
            To make atonement in
The Difference 'twixt his Fathers wrath, Mans sin;
            Whereto it must remain,
That I through Faith requite this love again.

opposite page 70 / (image opposite page 70)

Luke 24.
      5, 6.
        Quare |


quæritis? |

Non Hic


Dum in |

Lusuria &
Arrogantia &
  & Tyrannide

Et in omnium
deniq; malorum,

Et tamen |

Salvatorem &
Veritatem &
Immunitatem &

Denique quicquid bonorum ex
 omni munificentia & singulari
 providentia largiri dignetur
 O nanipotens, petere conentur;
 quid aliud nisi viventem inter
 Mortuo; querimus
vertical rule Ut itaq; vertical rule
Mortis amaritudine relicta

Vita fælicitatis fruamur æternâ

Vitia vitemus ut pote ad
 mortem æternam du-
 centia, & Amphoram
 amplectemur aquæ

Nequitiam in nobismetipsis necemus,
Ut beneficia Resurrecti acquiramus.
Descendamus per pænitentiam pro peccato in nostro-
      rum ipsorum Contemptum,
Ut Ascendamus per benevolentiam humilitatis ipsius
      in Gloriam.
Sic responsum habeamus,

Quando Sponsum videamus, |

Ut deposito Terrestri
simus induti cum cælesti,

Et sepositis in sepulchro Carnalibus,
Non illic speretur frui spiritualibus.

Sed veriùs de talibus dici potest |

non enim

sunt &
cu illis
Fælices ter. & amplius,
Qui Peccato ita Mortui fuerint
Ut simul cum Christo quam certiβimè resurrexe-


p.71 /

line design

The necessity and grounds of Faith.

AN in the state of Innocency, knew
Nothing to fear (whom all things were set under)
But was Created by perfections pattern,
And so above all hopes: till he whose Pride
Sent him like Lightning from the place of Bliss,
To become Prince of Darkness, (which alone
Proves Nurse to Envie and Maliciousness:)
Drownd in his hopeless Fortunes, seeks all means
To make fond Man partaker of his woe
By Deprivation, not of Paradise
Alone, but of the glorious Makers presence;
And of those Visions Beatificall,
The Banishment from which, is Held to be
The Chief of Torments threatned for degree:
So 'twas decreed, to sharpen Satans Crime,
Sweeten Gods mercy :   t'cause his Comforts less,
Gods glory to appear by much the more;
And therefore mark how't fals out; Man's alone,
So God provides him for Companion
Part of himself, a help, but such, whose skill
Fit to receive the subtil Serpents guile,
And help to cheat too, when the subject's, Pride,
Ambition, or the like, what ere's forbidden;
As straight betrayes him to the greatest offence
He could have faln in, Disobedience.
Now whilst he seeks to know, hee's Ignorant,
Yet knows more than he should, That he was nak'd,
    Gen. 1. 26.

Gen. 1. 28.

Luk. 10.18.
2 Pet. 2. 4.
Jude 6.

Gen.3. 24.
Gen.4. 16.

Gen. 2. 20
Gen. 3. 1,


p.72 /



2 Cor.1.20.
Job.3. 15,

Luke 23. 2,


Rom. 8.34.
1 Tim. 2.5.

Ephes. 2.9.

    And so provides him Leaves to Cover that
Which without Leave he thus was stript into,
Nor rests he there secure; it seems the guilt
Of what he had done, presented as a glass
His Souls deformity through Nakedness,
In not beleeving God, (whose Voice but heard)
They Boldly enter thickets, though afraid:
Hence may that Passion count its age, and then,
What antidote prescribable, save hope,
That still Looks forward, 'less in Promises
Which calls the thoughts back, to see what shall come:
And this must work by Faith, and Faith recall
The first Seducers Doom, (to be o'rcome
By the same sexes Issue, was o'rcome first
Which is the substance of our wish'd Desires,
And Evidence of what each soul admires,
Yet sees not, though thereby Salvation's wrought,
And Grace to win it; Absence prompts the minde
To Incredulity; till faithfulness,
Grounded upon those Promises ne'r fail)
Assures it self of Pardon and forgiveness,
Through him that was accus'd, condemn'd and died,
Yet Lives to try, and Judge hereafter all.
By whose alone sufficiency of Merits,
And intercessions as our Mediator,
There is found ground and Ankerage for Hope
To Stretch the Justifying Cable on;
When all that ever from our selves proceeds,
Avails us nothing, but t'increase misdeeds:
Yet as a Body without motion,
Or spirits quickening, so Faith alone,
Without some operative concurrences
Is Dead, not Lively, but a Dream or Shadow,

p.73 /

Chimera, or such like, wherein we seem
To have some fancy-glimmerings of the truth,
Yet not beleeve it, nor so much awake
As t'apprehend Christ and his benefits:
So suit our works according to his will,
Whose will it was to suffer that which we
Deserved had: and t'undergo the wrath
We justly had pull'd down upon our selves.
The outward sense prevails much with our nature,
And every one is apt to apprehend
Some wonders thence: from Lightning, Thunder, Hail,
The stormie Winds and Tempests (without doubt,
Gods warning-peece) laden with Natures Cartridge,
Whereat the very Heathen fear and tremble,
And the Meer worlding is convinc'd thereby
To think there is a God, whilst all the fruits
And benefits the earth repays him with
For all his sweat and labour, he ascribes
Solely to th'Seasons temperature and bounty,
Not thinking in whose Fist the deeps and hills are;
And Both (for Nature couples them) impute
What ever good successes they obtain,
Or health, strength, wealth enjoy, to Casualty,
Chance, or Good Fortune, (as they call it) born
To tread a few steps here, and then return
They know not whither, they beleeve still well:
So how they should beleeve well, scorn to Learn;
When on the contrary, that Soul subdues
The motions of the sensuall appetite,
Which causes surfet upon outward means,
And fixes all Imagination
Up to the Throne from whence all blessings rain,

1 Thes.1.10.


Nero, &c.




p.74 /

Luke 23. 47
Mar. 15.39.

John. 15.13
Ephes. 5. 2.
Phil. 2. 8.
Mat. 11 29.
Joh. 10. 11.
Rom. 2. 4.

Mal. 4. 2.


Jer. 8. 22.

2 King.5.15,
Zach. 13.1.
    And Chastisements but drop, (yet so, as when
They mollifie, not with their often fall,
They surely doe confound and break withall,
Is in pursuance of the Makers praise,
And contemplation of that work of Wonders,
Made the Centurion first think of God:
It doth beleeve the Sampler, and endevour
To work it stitch by stitch, whereof such Love
Was never shewn before, begins the Thred,
Humility and Meekness seconds it;
Charity, Patience, and Long-sufferance
Winde up the Bottom: for these well Cast o're,
Will perfect Faith, so that it need no more,
To Rise to him that did descend for Us,
And bring his Mercies down to take that rise by,
Craving his Healing Wings to Impe our Feathers,
That so we flagg not through Lasiness
Towards what good is, nor yet make a plain-
Discovery that our quarry still is earth,
But like the true-bred Chicken of the Eagle,
With rais'd up Beak behold the glorious Sun,
That Sun of Righteousness, till all the Dark
And misty Vapours that our sins had rais'd
Dispell and vanish at his Merits Rayes.
No Balm from Gilead may refresh and heal
The festered sores of our Corruptions,
But such as that Samaritan applyes:
For as our Leprousie through sin was grown
To a more cankered Infection
Then Naman, the Ayssyrian's, and GaheZies:
There must another Iordan be found out
To work the cure; a Purple stream of blood.

p.75 /

Flowing out of a precious saving Side,
To wash our Souls white, when apply'd by Faith;
Not onely Seven times, but all that Time
Alots us here to breath in: That Disease
Compar'd to snow, being cur'd, resumes the flesh
Of a young Infant: Here an Infants flesh
And blood not spar'd, procures so bright a tincture,
As that no snow can parallel for whiteness,
The Lambs blood-washed Robes, wherein the Saints
Are clad here, first by Christian faith and Grace,
And therein drest, hereafter enter glory;
So thenceforth shall we promise happiness
Unto our selves in each condition;
When our Assurance, for foundation,
Hath the try'd Corner-stone, and all the fabrick
Is pedestall'd upon those precious piles
He bore, and bore him, bidding us bear after.
And by which plenall satisfaction,
The Vials of his Fathers wrath were stopt.
God by reproof sends Sluggards to the Ant,
Proud Courtlings to th' Riches of the fields:
And why should we not think that we are taught
By Love, to love again ? were our hearts iron,
A Loadstone might attract them, and (such Love is)
Doe the milde Turtles so engage themselves
By Natures mandate, That the loss of one,
Denies the other benefit of Like ?
And shall we not resent that benefit
Our Saviour purchas'd for us, quitting Life,
To make ours sure for ever ? Or, how is't
We can survive, not droop and pine away,
For our offence (which was the cause) we ought,

2 King.5.27,

Luke 2. 21.


Luke 23. 26.
Phil. 2. 8.
Prov. 6.6.

Magnes Amo-
ris Amor.

2 Cor. 5. 15.

p.76 /

1 Cor.15.21.

Luke 24.26.
1 Pet.2.24.

2 Cor. 6.4.
John 4. 14.
Gen. 2.7.

John 3. 1,
    And the Dominion that sin hath o'r us,
Else 'tis an other lesson Grace instructs,
And that's to entertain his Sufferings
As our enlargement, his Stripes, for our healings;
Embracing all those Bounties with such Souls,
May ready be to melt and to dissolve
In tears contritionall for their Corruptions;
Yet rais'd with Comfort of such Mercies, Riches,
Be fruitfull in the works of Piety
Henceforth, and praises of his holy Name
Who is the Fountain, and must give the same,
Unless with Bartimeus we were blinde,
How doe we not perceive the Clay we tread on,
To be the substance whereof we were made:
And by the Sun that Attom'd into Dust,
Tells us but what we must dissolve into:
Or like the Shadow represents us, see
We not what 'tis, and what we all shall bee ?
That in observance of our bubble Thoughts,
We still aspire, and make our Fancies dance
Within the Imaginary pool of Pride,
Or sea of Self-conceit; This not of Eyes,
But dimness of the Minde is too too bad,
Wherewith bemisted in our apprehensions,
We dream we fathom all perfections,
And yet but grope after the least of truths,
It may be in the twilight of our reason,
We offer at obedience to instruction,
And seek to be inform'd: If what we hear
Fly not beyond our pitch, (a great Professor,
Master of Israel, once was gravelled
Upon that Shelf) and 'twas through lack of Faith;

p.77 /

Had he but had so much, as t'have compar'd
With that least Grain of all, no Mountain could
Have bragg'd of firmness 'gainst his moving power.
But to shew truly what esteem we ought
To set upon our selves, 'tis here set down,
When the prophetick Prince, and Prince of Prophets,
Compares his Royalties but to a Worm;
And by the best Authority can vouch,
An innocent, and little harmless Childe
Is plac'd for us to imitate: And those
Who would aspire great blessings of salvation,
For to be Last is First, and First but Last,
Least greatest, greatest Least: Epitomise
Our selves, and we become voluminous
In Graces Library: when if we swell
With pride of our own Worth, the smallest vent
Un-winds that blather, blasting our intent:
And that we may once more Example scan,
Consider th'Pharisee and Publican.
But if all these not serve to break our ston
And iron hearts; mark what he Rode upon
Into the City, who Salvation brings,
And when he lifts rides on the Winds swift wings.
Doth the least cross or rubb we meet withall,
Set our whole little world afire, and raise
Tempestuous motions to disturb the rest
And quiet of our Souls: Prompting revenge ?
And yet behold, our Food and Raiments friend
Led to the slaughter, Dumb, and to the Shearers
Without an angry Bleat to shew distate!
Are we so frozen-handed, that we fear
To open any help to those that need,
Upon this scruple, left thereby we seem
Mat. 17.20.

Psalm 22.6.


Mark 9. 35.
Luke 9. 48.

Luke 18. 11.
Zach. 9. 9.
Psalm 18.10.

Psalm 44.11.
Job 31.20.
Isa. 53.7.

p.78 /

Gal. 5. 6.
1 Cor. 13.1.

Luke 19.9.

Deut. 15.7.
Mat. 25.40.
Luke 16.9.

Mat. 26.67.
Mark 14.65.
Luke 22.63,
Mar. 15.17,
    To break the Ice for Merit to start out at,
So seek to share with him in whom all Lies,
As if we knew not that our Faith were lame,
Without this Grace for to support the same;
And that if in his Name who fed the hungry,
Cur'd the diseased, heal'd both Lame and Blinde,
Administring (whilst here he was amongst us)
All comforts, for our imitation
And pattern to walk by) we doe refresh
Any the sons of Abraham with water,
A Mite or Ragg may help necessity,
He will accept it, as to him 'twere given,
And the reward or recompence is Heaven.
Call we to Minde when mov'd to any wrath,
How many wayes we daily doe transgress
Our gracious Gods decrees, who as the sarcell
Or master Feather of his Mercies wings,
To raise them above all his other Works,
Abounds in Patience, and delays due Judgment,
To favour our Repentance with more time,
Never forgetting, how He bore the Taunt
That whited Wall cast on him, nor the Buffet,
Scourging, or Spittings on, all that disgrace,
Envie, and Malice could contrive for us
Who had deserv'd no less; and then perchance
Such Lessons may procure our temperance.
To suffer is a double kinde of phrase,
For so he did that died for us, yet still
'Tis through his sufferance that we are alive,
And suffered to enjoy one benefit;
Whilst by our Evil wayes, what in us lies
We crucifie the Lord of Life each houre:

p.79 /

As when our thoughts forge mischief on our beds,
Are not his temples Crown'd anew with thorns ?
Our hands that should be open to Relieve,
If that they graspe more than our own, so thieve
Or work oppression: and our feet are swift
In shedding Blood too: how doe such again
Nail his unto the Cross ? our tongues are tipt
With poyson'd Envies and Maliciousness,
False lying, slanders, all that's impious,
Tuning our Lips to Blasphemy, and loose
Unsavoury talk. Doe they not seem to spit
On him afresh ? tearing that window open
With our spear-pointed Discord, that let in
The Gall-less Dove brought the true branch of peace
And Reconcilement, whilst from thence did flow
A Crimson shower of pure Compassion,
And satisfying mercy in the height,
His Side (I mean) that like Noes Ark had been
Our safeties from the Deluge wrought by him,
And now Remains our pledg, that those that flie
Unto that Sanctuary never Die.
We through our Natures weakness, not of power
To give the Least of Sufferings resistance,
Although we promise fair, as Peter did,
May here be taught to trust so far to Faith,
Not that proceeds from vain security,
Left then the Crowing-Cock give us the lie;
But such whereby we are Regenerate,
And Justify'd, more than bare Law could promise,
As to o'rcome the great'st temptation,
And judge the Buffetings of Satan Blessings;
The World, the wilderness, and Every high
    Psal. 36. 4.

John 19. 34.

Luke 22. 33,
Rom. 3. 28.

Matth. 4. 1.
8, 5.

p.80 /

Conceit of our own worths we are tickled with,
To be the Mount: Superlative designes,
As when we pry too far into Gods Ark,
And sift those Mysteries, 'neath the Cherubs wings,
We seem upon the Temples Pinnacles.
Thus travailing like Pilgrims here a while,
Nothing but dangers and vexations,
Allurements through enticing change, betrays
Us to the snares of His precipit ways,
Whose Art destructive by enchantments power,
Seeks to encompass us within that circle
He fell himself into through presumption:
Which to eschew, whilst Gods long-suffering, patience,
And charity shewn to his handy work:
His meek Humility, and chief of graces,
Favours us with forbearance; Let's come home
Psal. 95.8.
Heri vidi Fragile frangi,   } Sen. trag.
Hodie vidi Mortalem mori.}
Quem Dies vidit veniens Superbum,
Hune Dies videt rediens Jacentem
, Ibid.
   Whilst 'tis to Day, (for who can tell to
The morrow shall belong ?) and in that
Tract by the Prodigall i'th Parable,
Luke 15.13,

Rom. 5, 6, 8.
    Seek out our Fathers face with love and meekness,
And we are sure of his embracing Armes.
For though through Natures subtilty we have been,
As 'twere, hid deep within the caves of Earth,
Buried in Wordly cogitations;
The Merchant of our Souls did spare no pains
Nor cost in myning through the earths dark vains
To purchase us, so brings again to light.
Yet as pure Gold requires the Finers art,
And Diamonds polishing, and to be cut:
So here He past the Furnace, and became

p.81 /

Chief Jewe'ler, for 'twas the Blood o'th Lamb,
Not of he-Goats could serve; and if we grinde
Our selves for Sin to powder, we'r Refind'
So as at first we were, unman'd by her
Should be our help; that still she might so prove
God brings't about, no other Vessell serves
To entertain a ghest of so great price,
As that must Ransome all the world besides,
But of that Sex; and though the news at first
Strook terrour and amazement, afterwards
It was sole Remedy against fear: for as
The name of Cæsar to the Seaman once,
Prov'd of security, sufficient
To make him put to Sea: So here the Virgin
Assured that 'twas Emmanuel she carryed,
Gave Ioseph courage not t'abandon Her;
But casting Anchor on those promises,
To become full of Faith, and by what ere
The Lord suggested In that Course to steer.
Thus was time brought abed of what its young
And tender Infancy had onely shewn
By Revelation to the Patriarchs,
Prophets, and men of God; and which now past,
Upon these latter Times by Faith is cast:
So he that was before all time begun,
Came in the fulness, and remains a Son
To mediate with the Father, that our fears
Cancell'd by Faith, we might become Coheirs.
    Heb. 10.4.
Heb. 9. 12.

The sacrifices of the Old,
but shadows of the New.   
A Diamond dissolvable
by Goats blood, and to be
cut with the help of its own

Luke 1. 28.

Quid Times ?
Cæsarem &
fortunam suam


Gen. 12. 3.

Isa. 7. 14.

John 3. 15.
Gal. 4.4,5.

1 Tim.2.5.
1 Sam. 17.
Psal. 3. 6.

p.82 / (image of page 82)

Bona |

Regni Terreni

Regni Cœlestis

Deliciæ :



quibus op-




Joyes Flitting Pleasures, Transitory Lie,
Accompanied with much Infirmitie
Below here: whilst without th' allay of wo,
Heav'n for eternity doth those bestow.

The Brazen Serpent.

He world's a Wilderness, and Man therein
Exposed to the bite and sting of Sin,
Whose wages, Death, from that same curse began,
Ushering in need of a Physitian:
Then did the Great Creator of Mankinde
(And all things else) a ready Balsame finde
To cure those wounds, corrupted Nature so
Contracted had for its own overthrow :
Whose Mercy by a Type, at first invites
Unto belief the stiff-neck'd Israelites,
Brings Moses into credit as they pass,
By setting up a Serpent made of Brass,
To foil Sin at's own weapon, and to bring
The future hopes of our recovering

p.83 /

By Him alone who lifted on the Tree,
A cursed Death endur'd to set us free;
His goared head, Pierc'd Side, and Hands and Feet,
With Crown of Thorns, and Spears, and Nails did meet,
That we might tread on Carpets, and become
Coheirs with Him in truest Elizium:
That bitter Cup he did vouchsafe to pledg,
For us whose teeth by sower grapes set on edg,
Were almost helpless; must incite us on,
To seek the liquor of salvation.
Taste Vineger and Gall here first, and be
Greatly Ambitious of humilitie;
Cast down our selves for him was rais'd for us,
If we desire to rise Glorious.
Bear Crosse, be rob'd and hurt, shame undergo,
Passe from Ierusalem to Iericho,
There meet with theeves, no healing hopes we can
Expect, but from This true Samaritan.

Good Fridays Reveille, or on the Passion.
Salutis Cataplasmus.

Ay we call this Dayes task to minde,
And prove we to each other still unkinde ?
Doth Passion bear o'r Reason sway,
  Making us quite neglect this Passion day ?
Why are we suffer'd so to err,
  As not t'remember our Great Sufferer
In Praises due ? who whilst he dies,
  Shews what He'd have us doe for Enemies,
Forgive them first; for thus He sues
  Unto His Father for the cursed Jewes:

p.84 /

  Next, whatsoever Crosses come,
To be like Sheep before the Shearers, dumb;
  Or Lambs unto the Slaughter led
In Meekness, not with fury hurryed:
  Then through that Conflict he endur'd,
If humbly we beleeve we shall be cur'd;
  For it falls short in other art,
To frame a remedy for such a smart,
  As from the sting of doing amiss,
In following Sin to death here heap'd up is:
        And to apply this Plaister, lay it on,
        There needs no Others hand, save Faith's alone.

On Easter-day.        1648.

Death, where is thy sting ?
Grave, where is thy victory ?

Ach thing below here hath its day,
     As in the Proverb's said;
And so it comes to pass that they
          Conquer are Conquered.
For He who for mans fault assign'd
          Death, and a Graves reward,
Was pleas'd those bands for to unbind,
          And so himself not spar'd,
But issuing forth his heav'nly throne,
          Vouchsafes the Earth to bless,
And became here a little One
          To make our Crimes goe less:
Not that our disobedience can
          In weight or measure shrink;

p.85 /

But that this Great Physitian
          Before us takes the drink,
That bitter Potion we had
          Deserv'd to quaff, and thus
He weeps Himself, and becomes sad
          To purchase Joy for us.
And more than so: for every one
          Will for his friend lay down
Some spark of love: but he alone
          His Enemies to crown
Refus'd not Death; so deep from high
          His Mercies did extend;
And if you ask the reason why,
          'Twas meer for Mercies end.
Yet that grim Death and mouldy Grave
          No longer be His Prison,
Than He himself alone would have,
          He 'bides not there, but's risen.
And if we would as Conquerors rise
          With him who vanquish'd those,
We must not fear where danger lies,
          For Him all to expose:
But though the Grave doe open stand,
          And persecutions reign,
At Hels desire and Deaths command,
          Look on our Sovereign,
His Banner doth present the Cross
          He bore, and bare him too
For us; and we must count it loss
          To fail what he did do.
Thus Sin and Hell, the Grave and Death
          Must quit the field and fly,

p.86 /

Whilst in contempt of borrow'd breath,
          We'd live Eternally.
Thrice happy day whereon the Sun
          Of Righteousness did rise,
And such a glorious Conquest won,
          By being our Sacrifice:
And as unhappy He, that shall
          Not finde the white and best
Of Stones to mark the same withall,
          And priz't above the rest.

to Prince C H A R L E S,  in Aprill,  1648.

Upon the hopes of his Return.

Eems not the Sun more Glorious in his ray,
When as the Cloud that shadowed's blown away ?
Is not each beam He darts then truly said,
Of triple heat after being sequestred ?
The Crimson streaks belace the Damaskt West,
Calcin'd by night, rise pure Gold from the East,
And cast so fair a Dapple o'r the Skies,
That all the Air's perfum'd with Spiceries:
And shall we think when Jealousie and fear
Are out of Breath, the Day of hope's not near ?
Doth it not bloom already, and untie
That stubborn knot of Incredulity ?
When blossomes fall, we say our Trees are set,
But so, as may a womb of fruit beget.
Thus when the clumsie Winter doth incline
His candid Icicles, for to resigne

p.87 /

To Flora's beauty, and the Spring drives on,
T'oretake Maturity's perfection,
The Cold so tyrannised had o'r blood,
Is thaugh'd, and each enjoyes new livelyhood:
The Mariner meeting a stress of weather,
That with his Shrowds and Tackle shakes together
His apprehensive thoughts, till they are spent,
And nought but Death and danger represent :
With what a full Sea of content doth he
Making a Coast embrace security ?
These, and much more, Illustrious Sir, become
The Issues of your little Martyrdome,
With whom all good and Loyall hearts did bring
Ambitious heat to joyn in suffering;
For Seas prove calm when as the storm is ore,
And after Cold, warmth is of Comfort more.
Best Diamonds may have foyles; mistakes have gon
To blemish; yet rais'd disposition
More splendid in esteem; no more to say,
You are the Aprill to our future May.

To Easter Day.

Elcome Blest Day, whereon
           The Sun
        (Not of the Spheres alone)
                          Did rise,
But that of Righteousness, who shon
Our True-Light, was our Sacrifice.

p.88 /

                  For 'thad been night
                                With us,
Dark, Everlasting, Dismall, Vaporous,
Entail'd from our first parents Appetite:
           Till by the Power and Might
Of this Light of the world, our Shades took flight.

                  Death, hell, the Grave
                  That ever Crave
        And never satisfi'd appear,
        No longer their Dominions have,
        Sithence vanquish'd by this Conquerer,
Who doth enlighten every faithfull Sphere.

        Now that each Orb consenting prove
                                The while,
And trulier might feel those comforts move
          From so Great Light, such precious love
          We must reflect, and back recoil,
To see what either hath in's Lamp of Oil.

                 For without Doubt
Their share is Darkness, let their lights goe out:
                 And where agen
Ones light doth shine through vertues before Men,
                 'Tis True Divinity,
Our Heav'nly Father's Glorifi'd thereby.

p.89 /

Soliloquium ad Salvatorem.

QUid in Me conspicuum
           Nisi Vitium ?

Peccans ab Originale,
   Non vult adhuc nisi Male.

        Vile Lutum,
            Fit Pollutum.

Quænam est conceptio Mentis ? vana,
        Seu Prophana:

Verba sed (Heu) nostra ventis
   Parent; non rationi Mentis:

Facere nec quidquam lubet
   De Illo, quod Ipse jubet.

   QUid in Tua facie
           Nisi Gratia ?

Sed qui Tempus antecedit
   In Tempore Seipsum dedit;

        Sanguine lavare,

Ast, quod caro factum fuit
   Verbum, instruit:

Dum quod scriptum est loquutus
    Qui & vinctus, & solutus:

Qui pro Illis quos creavit,
  Nulla pati denegavit.

Verba                        Facta
Cor           Correcta
Fac sint,
Qui pro summa Laude,
           Vacuus est ab omni fraude.

M E N.

The true Bread of Life.    John 6. 48.
Read is the staff of life, and life's the scope
Of every mans desier, aime, and hope;
Yet He who was the spoil of Death (for so
The Syriack renders him) yeelded thereto.

Gen. 5. 25.

p.90 /

2 Kings 4.
42, 43.
   And after more than any else e're saw
Of Years and Dayes, did at the last withdraw,
To shew the frail condition here beneath
Of those who in their Nostrills bear their breath:
So that compar'd unto Eternall bliss,
A Shadow, Bubble, Span, all Emblem This.
Why then should Thoughts be tost to Court such Clay,
But that Our natures mandate we Obay?
And may doe so, whilst appetite puts on
No other garb 'save Moderation:
The bounty Ceres from her Golden Ear
Scatters to bless the painfull Labourer,
Comes from above too, yet when ground and bread,
'Tis but our Tabernacle's nourished,
And that but for a while; the Soul must be
Beholding to an Other Grainarie;
Not that which Moses Prayer caus'd to fall
To satiate the Israelites withall;
Nor of such Barley loaves grew once on earth,
Wherewith Elisha fed some in a Dearth:
These might have hunger after; but Those blest
With the True batch of Life may ever rest
So satisfi'd, as with the height of store,
For such shall never need to hunger more,
But an Eternall life enjoy, wherein
No dearth or famine is, save that of Sin:
Plenty and Joyes for evermore dispose
Themselves to be the Comforters of those.
And whilst our Faith makes that a life indeed,
The other seems to trust a broken reed.
   Afflictions sowre that Temporall bread with Leaven,
   Which this is freed of, for it comes from Heaven.

p.91 /

A Carroll.

Hen we a Gemm or Precious stone have lost,
   Is not the fabrick or the frame
Of Fancy busied, and each thing tost
                   And turn'd within the room?
                             Till we the same
Can finde again, Is't not a Martyrdom?

Doth Vanity affect us so: yet are
        We slumber-charm'd, nor can employ
A thought that backward might reduce, so farre,
                    Lively to represent
                               Our Misery,
Who fell, and thus incurr'd a Banishment?

Shall we leave any corner Reason lends
         To give sense light, unsought, untry'd?
To finde how far our Liberty extends,
                    And how refound we were
By th'Shepherd, and by th'Son o'th' Carpenter?

May not this skill and love in him, require
          The white and better stone to Mark,
And t'raise this time above all others higher,
                    Wherein He came (though Light)
                               Into the Dark,
For to restore unto Mankinde its fight?

Most sure it will: and where neglect denies
            To be observant of this day,
It proves not onely forfeiture of eyes,
                    But all parts seem asleep
                              Or gone astray:
So's the house again unbuilt, and lost the sheep.

p.92 /

Tragicomœdia vitæ Humanæ

     ORimur & Morimur,
Mors & Nativitas simul introeunt:
     Quid ergo Gloria Mundi Istius?
     Verùm Theatrica ingredi scilicet,
     Egredíque semper, Mos fuit vetus,
     Est etiam hodie, erítque, donec
     Postrema scena peragenda est, in quâ
     Simul Omnes iterum partes ut agant prodierint:
     Lævaque acies multis Miseriis
     Finem imponent suæ Tragœdiæ ;
     Dextrum Cornu dum in Choreis
     Sponsi resonent Epithalamium:
     Ambo Epilogum Tragicomœdiæ
     Narrent, dum manet Ambos Conclusio.

In Horologium.

Entitur celeri facilis rota tempora cursu,
  Et properans Tardam præterit Illa Diem:
Sic Horam Alatam superet modo Plumbea virtus,
        Cum juvet in stimulos pondere pressa suos.
Fallere quam facile est dum non sentitur, amisso
        Pondere tarda rota est, tempora sed fugiunt,
O ! mihi sic Liceat prudenti Corde fugaces
        Annumerare Dies, ut mihi Pondus erit.
Sic possem subito vitam disponere seclo,
        Ut renovet Claram Candida sera Diem.

p.93 /

The Tragicomedie of Mans life.

Ere One is born, and there an Other dies,
                    Nativity and Obsequies
        Enter at once; What then is all
           This worlds Pomp, but Theatricall ?
        For to come out, and to goe in
        Hath evermore the Custom been,
        And will be till the latter scene
        Summons us all at once again.
Then shall the Left-hand file in Miserie,
  Shut up the story of their Tragedie:
        Whilst with a Chorus the Right wing
The Bridegrooms Epithalamie doth sing,
          Both giving a Catastrophe
          Unto this Tragicomedie.

Upon a Clock.

He swifter lying Wheel o'r-runs the Day,
Would make it seem as guilty of Delay ;
And the wing'd hour out-stretch as conquered
In swiftness, by the Plummets weight of lead:
    The fallacy is easie, for admit
    That weight were off, then time would out-fly it.
O let my flitting dayes so numbred be
By a wise heart, they prove of weight to me:
So may I life dispose, that in the end
By setting bright, it may a clear Day send.

p.94 / (image of page 94)

Quid Vita Vera, Quænam Mors certissima
Oli vivunt - ———
Soli Mortui - ———
Seducit in Tentationem
Vipote Conditionis nostræ
Æmulus Satanas
Ui in Christo vivunt.
Qui in Peccato remanent.
Vivificat per sui Ipsius oblationé.
Vipote Miseriæ nostræ & Misericordiæ
Patris quam Memor Christus.
Veram igitur ut Vitam habeamus,
A Peccato dehinc abstineamus.
Moriamur itaque- - ——  
Ut Fruamur Vita ———  
Non in sed à Peccato;
Quæ sit & in & à Domino.

Upon a very wet S. Stephens day

OD would his Saints should be bemoan'd,
So the day weeps for Stephen ston'd.

In Diem Circumcisionis ad Adamum sive
totam humani Generis stirpem.

Luke 2.21. 

Gal. 2.4,5. 
Ircumcisus erat, Legi sic paruit Olim,
      Ut parat invitis Pilea certa suis:
Et Novus in vetulo dignatur Parvulus Orbe
             Vivere, Nos animis Vestiat Ille novis.
Tempora sic fugiant, Magna est Mutatio secli,
             Non Mutare, suas mutet Adamus Opes.

p.95 /

Upon Easter day.

In buryed Soul awake and rise,
        Let not the Conquered More
O'r thy Affections Tyrannize:
All that This world affords for Ore
But Drossie is, nor the least Mite
Of happiness in Fleshly Appetite.

       The Devill from the first was styl'd
           A Lyer, and hath still
Improv'd His malice, so beguil'd
Us as our Parents to his will;
Each Word we utter, Thought conceive,
Or Act, all serves but t'help him to deceive.

       No marvail then if Thou wer't bound,
            When 'twas a Threefold Cord,
A Trident mischief that doth wound,
Requires a Treble Patience to afford
Relief: with which we here were sped,
When th'Womans Seed did break the Serpents head.

       First 'twas One God in three Compact,
            Vouchsaf'd to work this Cure,
Though't seem'd the Sons alone, this Act,
Both Father and Spirit were there most sure:
For 'tis without Contention,
All Three in One work'd Mans Redemption.

p.96 /

       They were three Wisemen from the East
            Conducted by a Starr,
Refus'd no Travail for this Guest,
But came with Presents from afarr,
To Court Heavens Munificence
With Gold, with Myrrh, and Frankincense.

       Those three indeed bewitch our sence,
            And what could Men bring rather ?
Faith was in Infancy, and thence
It chose to suit the Gift, I gather,
As whereby t'shew what Dawning 'tis
That Entertains the Blossomes of our Bliss.

       The Fruit comes after: and that was,
            When He who knew no sin,
Condemned, yet contented as
A malefactor Great had bin,
Not onely Born, but born to bear
Our Crimes, became for men a Sufferer.

       Suffer He did, and was interr'd,
            And shall fond man refuse
To Die for Him; or be afeard
To bear, nay, t'see his cross, and chuse
Rather to pass a moments pleasure
Here, than partake of such a lasting Treasure ?

       Shame Rouse us, and as He did sleep
            Three Dayes within the Grave:
So let our Sins be buried deep,
That They no more Dominion have;
Nor hang like Plummets on our thighs,
When with our Blessed Saviour we should rise.

p.97 /

       Who for our sakes this Conquest won
            O'r Hell, the Grave, and Death,
Three that sought Mans Confusion
Till Man-with-God-unite, beneath,
So far prevail'd, as first to Die,
Then Rose again to Crown the Victorie.

Christ alone the Author and finisher of our Faith.

Hilst we beleeve (no more) we but resemble
The Devils, for Those doe so too, and tremble.
He who for Mans redemption was sent,
Will be of true Faith the accomplishment,
As well as framer; and assurance gives,
Though yet unseen, of Large Prerogatives,
As to become Coheirs in that estate
Which He did purchase for th'regenerate:
No Others to be quoted are, but all
Authors besides This One, Apocryphall:
   He opens to's the door to true Belef,
   Who seeks t'come in another way's a Theef.

Upon a Thanksgiving day for a Victory

Rue Victory, on Fames wings taught
                    To fly aloft,
                  So covers all the Plash
       Or Stream wherein her falser tydings wash,
         That none of them more rise,
         Upon our Faiths to Tyrannise,
But put to plunge what shift to trie,
Shunning the Hawks pounce, meet the Pole, so die.

p.98 /

          Now as In Aqueducts, the source
                            Must guide the Course,
                   And to the same degree,
          Heighthen the reach of its humiditie;
                             So 'tis but just and even,
                    That Benisons sent down from heaven,
          Should thither rise again in praise,
And fill each Kalendar with Holidayes.

          Not such as wont make red-Ink dear,
                            Charging the year
                      In memory, t'express
          This or that Man's a Saint, could go no less.
                  But by duties t'show
                  Our Thanfulness, and what we owe;
          As from that Place alone we can
Conclude our spring of Blessings first began.

          Thus whilst for praise we set apart
                             Both Day and heart,
                       And sweetly doe embrace
          Gods mercies meeting in his holy place;
                  'Thout question He'l go on
                  To perfect the Conclusion,
          And crown the Conquest farther, so
That that ne'r more be our friend, He deems soe.

p.99 /

Assensus Sensuum Ascensus

p.100 / (enlargement of page 100)

'Opera', Otia Sacra p.100

This difference in works is known,
The first is Gods, t'others our Own.

p.101 /

My Embassie.
Aliter cum Domino & cum Principibus Mundi
istius negotiandum.

otum Deo si mandatur,
Or gemitibus rumpatur,
T ocellis fons, in ore
Uens precis, cum amore
Mosynentur Manus,
        Nec Legatus rediet vanus.

Forma Cordis, sed infecti
Uvet, os pictura recti,
C blandities parcetur,
Um dum præmeditetur,
       sub alternum Regem satis,
            Flectent Ista Quem nil gratis.      Catena.

'Catena Causarum ad Salutem pertinentium', poem from Otia Sacra, p.101

p.102 / (image of page 102)

The Seed of the Woman breaks the
Serpents head.
(1) Pegasus.
(2) Helicon.
(3) Hotat.
Ovid. Ar.

(4) Hippocren.
(5) Ob id ani=
mas quasi ha-
bere dicuntur
ut pote & im-
mortalia quo-
videntur, &
etiam creasse:
(1) A
Lipes Astra petens (sic Fabula) gramina rumpit,
In Fontex Montis
(2) Culmina versa fluunt:
(3) Vatum satiantur (4) Nectare venæ,
          Ne careant animis
(5) Carmina digna suis.
Nec careant dum
(6) vera subit victoria, frangit
(7) soboles qui Mulieris erat:
Unde fit ut cunctis virtutum Flumina manant,

          (8) Vatidicis (9) Cunctos præmia dumpque manent,
(10) Diluit & (11) siccos, sic Pulvere (12) spargit amorem,
          (13) Purpureum: (14) fidas & (15) Diadema capis.
nam, Dignum Laude virum Musa verat mori.   (6) Luke 1. 31.   (7) Genesis 3. 15.
(8) Luke 1. 70. 1 Pet. 1. 10.   (9) Matth. 10.41. & 5. 12. (10) 1 Cor. 6. 11.
    (11)   Genusab humo humanum, & adeo in Peccatis volutum, ut omni Gratiatum succo
prorsus vacuum videatur.
    (12) Gen.3.19.   (13)  Luke 22.44. John 19.34.   (14)  2 Pet. 1. 3.   (15) 1 Pet.3. 4.
    Christi Passio induit Fideles Purpurâ : Resurrectio vero & ascensio Coronam addunt Victor-
iæ, ut ita Secum Reges etiam simus participesque Patris Gloriæ.

A Carroll.

Luke 2.   
As all the world by Cæsar tax'd to know,
What wealth each Country, City, house could show ?
Did that Decree extend but just so far
As where Cyrenius was Governor ?
Yes sure, where e'r the Roman power bore sway,
None could decline the Doom of Syria.
    So cam't to pass, that He of David's stem,
    Hast'ned from Nazareth to Bethlehem.

p.103 /

        With his espoused Mary, and got there
        Of what's before time, Time's th'accomplisher:
        Nor would the Darkness of those Dayes confess
        A currency unto such Preciousness;
        But house and City, Countrey, all three seem
        To cast upon those Guests the Low'st esteem;
        And so the other Strangers well may be,
        Shuffle these Friends into the Ostlerie.
What doe we less, whilst Emperour-like each one
Bears o're his lesser world Dominion,
And freedome hath to tax each Sense, to bring
Its best of treasure to this Offering:
  Yet as asleep, or blinde with Natures light,
  We learn to court all Objects save the right:
  And whilst those houses should 'been tricked ore
  For Him alone, they'd let in Sin before:
    The Cities of our hearts possest with vice,
    Will not change garison at any price;
    So what the Region of our Souls can grant,
    Is, t'appear rich in ill, all good to want:
Yet though this Province, Fort, and Sconces all
Taken, betray'd, and under Satans thrall;
'Tis not presume'd, but that by Faith being led,
All these may eas'ly be recovered,
  Nay, all are won already to that brest,
  Prepared is to welcome this new guest.

In Sanctum Stephanum Protomartyrem pati-
entem & duritiem Cord ium Judæorum Lapidantium.

Artyrii dum prima Petris sua Laurea vincit,
        Saxea Saxosi Corda Manusque gerunt.

p.104 /

To New-years Day

F Eagles shifting but their Bills, have made
Their youth return, so years seem retrograde;
And if't be true, that every change of Skin
To th'creeping brood, doth a new age begin:
Or whilst th'eleven Months like food appeer
To satiate the hungry Ianivere.
   Why should not man this Riddle too unfold,
   And be renew'd by putting off the Old ?

Armamenta ad oppugnandos Hostes, Carnem
scilicet, Mundum, & Satanam, Maxime necessaria.

       VErus Christianus sit,
Ephes. 6.     
11. &c.

Heb. 6.19.
Veritate Cinctus
        Institiâ armatus,
Pacis Calceamento vinctus,
        Salvatione Galeatus,
Super Omne, Fidei scutum
      Cum Spiritus Ensereddent tutum,
                  Nec deesse potest Ei,
                  Unquam Anchora Firma spei.

p.105 /

An alternative to Jacob's ladder from 'Otia Sacra', p.105

p.106 /

Amasse Licuit, Quem peccasse pœnituit.

Zach. 3. 8.
Esay 11. 1,
T in initio Annorum
                 In Hamum
                 Et Improvidi
     Ita Malorum Nostrorum
Tunc ——— Spes Libertatis erit ——— si non
amplius nimis ———Cura Peculî.

Quid proficiet homini si totum Mundum
lucretur, & perdat Animam suam ?

Uæ sibi lucra facit Fragilem Qui comparat Orbem
      Totum, Animam cúmque Hic perdat & Ipse suam ?
Nulla salus Terris, Brevis & mundana voluptas,
            Cœlicolis nulla est turbida perpetuò,
Præferat immeritis Hæc splendida Lubrica Nugis,
            Terrestris superûm nulla valoris erint.

p.107 /

Ad quendam tam Potentia quàm Intelligentia
& Doctrina, Divitiis æquè ac Nobilitate &
honoribus prœditum.

Ngeniosus Homo es, nec quisque Potentior Orbe
       Ditior & nullus, Nobiliórve fuit:
Partibus eximiis juncta est Vigilantia fortis,
           Nec deerat titulis Copia magna tuis.
Hoc tantum si scire placet (me judice) restat,
           Ut reddas Domino quæ tibi Cuncta dabat.

Thou art a witty man, nor's every one
I'th' world for Power thy Companion;
In Birth and Riches all thou dost outfly,
And exc'lent Parts back'd with Authoriry.
On Thy arrears this only now may fall,
Thou spend these to His praise who gave them all.

Temporibus hisce Maxime discendum.

Acilè credimus quod volumus :
      Velimus igitur Bona,
                Et statim credemus
                                    Non omni Mendacio,
                      Sed Potius Verbo
                           Veritatis Ipsi.
Omnis Anima Potestatibus subserviat superioribus.
Rom. 13.

p.108 /

Such as stand upon false Bottoms in saving
their S O U L E S .

The Ignorant.   

The Presum-

The worldly
The morally

The Hypo-
Nscius innumeros Domini meditatur Amores,
        Et salvum nihilo se putat esse suo:
Alter at indubias Veniarum concipit Artes,
           Ut sibi, dum Cunctis Victima Christus erat.
Mundanis nimium sapit Alter amoribus, atq; Hic
           Sola Deo profert Munera ut accipiat:
Hic quoque civilis fruitur jam tempore vitæ
           Nec dubitat Cœlis quin fruiturus item:
Sanctior oppositis sibi dum blanditur Inanis
           Fictilis, & Meritis se valuisse suis,
Rumpitur, & nullam capit Ille vel Iste salutem,
           Durabit Christo quæ stabilita Fides.

In Epiphaniam sive manifestationem Domini.

John 1. 5.
Numb. 24. 17.   
Luke 1. 78.
John 3. 19.
Luke 1. 79.
Ephes. 5. 8.
Matth. 2. 2.
2 Thess. 5. 5.
Matth. 2. 1.
1 John 3. 5.
Isa. 60. 3.
John 1. 16.
Luke 2. 6.
Gal. 4. 4.
Onne putes Merito Cæcos Qui Luce serenâ
       Nil cernunt, ad quos Phosphorus Ipse venit,
Nec tamen Evigilant ? Densâ Caligine Gentes
           Umbrantur Miseri, (vespera tota Dies)
Sed tamen inveniunt stellam, sic noctis Imago
           Versa est è tenebris quâ duce clara Micat;
Et Magus in magno meditatur Lumine Divum,
           Sponte Novum Astrologos Astrum agitatque viros.
Sin quorsum hoc rogites ? ut sit Manifestus ad Omnes,
           Omni Qui in pleno tempore natus erat.

p.109 /

Natus, Damnatus, Necatus, Glorificatus.

escendere descendit è Cœlis ut (pravitate quâ depreβi simus Carnali relictâ) ascendamus in Cœlos: Pati dignatus in Mundo pro immundis, Ut poβideant Lucem, Qui meruissent Crucem. Morte mulctari se præbuit, Ut Vitam capiat, qui Mori debuit. Agnus in Montem passus, pastus & in Montem agnus. Pastor succumbit Oneri Legis, ut languori succurrat parvuli gregis. Ne desit Fons, adest Mons: ad depremendam sitem, (Hanc) cape, Veram Vitem: Qui multo cum cruore Mori vellet; ut humanos ab humanis erroribus avellat. Anguis ut à præcipitio redimatur Ingratus; sanguis Pretiosiβimi effunditur, & consossum Latus: Tumuli limitibus se Captivum tradidit, Ut à Satanæ Militibus nos Liberos redderet. Sepulchro obdormivisse Lapideo videtur, ut duritiei Cordis humani oblivisceretur. Morti pro triduo Temporis paret, Mori ut peccatis quotidie nos præparet; & ne quid in Redemptione sit amissum; horrendum Barathri petit Abyssum. Sed Qui Lux vera est, & ab æterno, non manet tenebris nec in Inferno; Ast Palmam feriens veræ victoriæ, Coronam Fidelibus texuit Gloriæ. Et ne sit Fidei Thomæ defectio, Octavo iterum die est pate-facta resurrectio. Postquam ab eis per quadraginta Dies notus fuit & conspectus, Nubem induit & susceptus: à Monte qui Oliveti vocatur sursum receptus est Pacificator, Cujus readventus est futurus, ita cum Judicaturus. Mente Mie Deus sic donet Spirituali, Ut non sim iterum Reus hujus Mali.

p.110 /

A Threefold Cord is not easily broken.

Eek, Lowly, Humble, was that threefold Cord,
                               Our Lord,
To pull us up to heaven did afford.

He bore the Cross first for us, and became
                                            A Lambe;
Wash'd his Disciples feet, to teach the same.

But who takes out this lesson ? is not Pride
                                           Our Guide,
Envie, Oppression, Malice too beside ?

To cross what's good, bleat after Natures call,
Others; set traps t'ensnare their feet withall.

We can the best of care and thought unbinde,
                                            To finde
What may enrich the Body, not the minde.

So still be cumbered about serving much,
                                            And grutch
That Others have not equall share in such.

When if our Saviour we beleeve alone,
                                            But one
Thing needfull was, and that was Maries owne.

That better permanent part, grant that I
                                            May try,
To compass through unfeign'd humility.

opposite page 110 / ( image opposite page 110)

Regula nullo modo Spernenda.

Ut sit

rule Deo Gloria

Principi Honor

Reipublicæ salus

rule Uni veri solo etsi Triplici Trinuno
   unanimitèr non secundum hominis
   fictum, sed sui ipsius id est veritatis
   verbum Totus inservire, quoniam
     Non vult participem cultus. Iesus.

Debitam Obedientiam utpote guber-
   nandi causa in nos, ab Ipso Domino
   in omne scilicet quod Mandata non
   exuperet Licita Præposito, reddere,
   quoniam Oppugnat Dominum sper-
   nere Regem.

Tantam tribuere Legum institutioni-
   bus et constitutionibus reverentiam,
   ut in omni actione unam vel alte-
   ram instar metæ appetitui præfi-
   gere, quoniam ut salus Populi su-
   prema lex, sic sine Legibus nulla
   salus Populo.


rule Veram Devotionem in Deum
   verum, verbo dum sacro
   Fides adhibeatur sancta

Agnitionem & remunerandi
   observantiam quam humi-
   lem, Grato, Pio, & Patientiæ
   summæ Patrono- Principi.

Pacem sic Tranquillam & ab
[ bonis scilicet ]
   maximè optatam Patriæ.



Nec Papalis hæresis
Nec Fatalis Hypocrisis
Nec effrenata Anarchia
Confusionis Anomalia
Nec Galeata Dementia
Ex Plebeia Insolentia

Quin Homo Probus
Tam uno quam Ambobus.



p.111 / (image of page 111)

rule Creatio prima,
Gen. 1.

Depravatio secuda,
3. 6.

* *

Restauratio tertia,
3. 15.
rule In rule Innocentia Creatus,

Disobedientia dislocatus,
Gen. 3.
23, 24.

Summa clementia redintegratus,
rule Indutus spiritu divino,
1 Cor.

Captus Dolo serpentino,
Gen. 3.

Florens sole matutino,
Luke 1.
rule Ab origine quam puro sine labe vel peccato,

Postea in statu no securo, utpote hortide-privato,

Donec in Christo redempturo tunc credendo sublevato
rule Hæc cum Fide percepisses,

Etsi Miserrimus fuisses,

Causam Spei invenisses.

p.112 /

In Passionem & Resurrectionem Domini.

Ui modo tantorum Tumulorum vincula solvit,
       Carceribus Tumuli traditur Ille novi:
Sic Placuit, maculâque animæ purgentur ab omni,
             Sanguine jam proprio diluit Ille suo.
Humanum inveniens aperit humus illico venas,
             Sarcophagus Dominum sed retinere nequit,
Quid sedes in Tumulum somnose Miles apertum ?
             Quem vigiles vigilat Mortis & arma rapit.
Cum sociis stupefacta videt Maria Sepulchrum,
             In queis lætitia & Mista pavore fuit.
Inveniant Dominum veniunt ut Marmore clausum,
             Mane situs Dominus, nec manet usque diem:
Visuræ gaudent Christum, metuúntque remoto
             Saxo, dum visus Angelus est Domini.

Crux Vera, poem from Otia Sacra, p.112.


All other C R O S S E S may disquiet rest,
But this was that by which Mankinde is blest.

p.113 /


-urrit ad Exitium Genitrix, repetítque Reatum
       Filiolus: Pœnas Hic dabit, Illa suas.
-uminat ut Miseros Rex Inclytus, Alta relinquens
       Ima petitque, subit Nubila lucis Opus.
-nicus à sceptris humiles facit Ille recessus
       Sponte, suam tribuit Qui quoque vita fuit:
-um brevis è teneri concretáque pulvere forma
       Quam vitiosa regunt, Ambitiosa velit.
-uncta Viro Consors, quâ cum de sorte perenni
       Consulit, & Culpa hæc (Morte) perennis erat:
-actus homo Dominus moritur, sed Morte subacta
       Commutat sortem, & vita Perennis erit.
-rritat Superos Gens improba, sed super omne
       Grata est, quæ à scisso Pectore fusa fluit.
-ratia pro ingratis datur integra, Fustus Iniquis,
       Pro Peccatore hæc Pectora læsa manent.
-nduit & nostras humanâ fæce volutas
       Naturas, nobis Cœlica tecta facit.
-ransfixúsque fuit, quo transeat omnis alumnus,
       Et videat passum pacificúmque virum.
-ictus Amore hominum vinctus, Captivus & Idem,
       Ut Libertatis spes modo certa siet:
-espice sic Miserum, Miseros qui è gurgite Mortis
       Eripuit, rapiant Viscera nostra, sua.

p.114 / (enlargement of page 114)

Spectaculum veræ Humilitatis.

'Christus Simon', Otia Sacra, p.114

If in a glass one would descry
Perfect and true Humility;
Then goe no farther, but observe
He bore the Cross which we deserve.

p.115 / (enlargement of page 115)

Pilat's Inscription.

'INRI' from Otia Sacra, p.115.
    1 Pet.3.18
What P I L A T E wrote, He wrote, and did refuse
To alter for the High-Priest of the Jewes:
This Just mans birth with Prophesie suits well,
Who came to save the lost of Israel.

'Piiregis Compassio', Otia Sacra, p.115.

Of All the Vertues happiness Create,
None out-shines this, To be Compassionate:
Mercy the God of Glory doth prefer,
Although All's other works are singular.
This Kingly Pattern here before us set,
Should teach us to forgive, and to forget.

p.116 / (enlargement of page 116)

La Citta Improvida.
A Building that is Tight and free from weather,
Hath all its parts well Cymented together;
For where such Unity In it self's away,
That structure falls under some quick decay.
        This City bore but name of Peace alone,
        Whose Builders did refuse their Corner stone.

Il vero monte Testaccio.


Memento mori, or a Deaths-head worn
Upon a finger, oft becomes a scorn;
For what through use familiar is grown,
Nature counts less by apprehension.
Yet be advis'd, this Mount of dead mens skuls,
A greater dread and terror on thee puls,
Who durst by Sins, and loose desires below,
Make him again pay that which thou didst ow.

p.117 /

Easter dayes Resurrexit.

Et the Cliff higher
                               And raise
                         Each hearts key,
                    To present a Vow
                                In praise
           Of him who lately was our buyer,
                         And of this Day
Which He makes clearer farr then Other dayes.

                    For look we back, and there
                              We may with ease
                              See what we were,
                              Transform'd beyond
                              All works, did please
                                        The Maker
                    That whilst He did commend
What He had done, Man wrought his endless woe;
Nor of those praises longer was partaker.

                    Before when known
                                To be,
           By Innocencies Liverie,
           The fairest likeness of Creation;
                    All other Things
           Were but to Man as Offerings,
                    He might maintain
The Title of the worlds true Soveraign.

p.118 /

                   Justice and Mercy both,
                              The King of Heaven
                              Delights to show;
And in his hands the Skoals doth hold so even,
That whilst enforc'd to punish, yet he's loath
                              To overthrow;
           And so a way prescribes, wherein
           Man may revenged be of sin.

                              To this effect,
                              When He saw time,
                                 His Son was sent,
           That all disgraces of the Crime
                                 On Him being spent,
           No Contumelie or neglect
                                 Might lie behinde,
To sink into Despair a troubled minde.

                   So suffered He
                              To set
                              Whose debt
                   Requir'd no less
                   To recompence
                   The Guiltiness
         Of so great Disobedience.

p.119 /

                    Which bond discharg'd,
                    All are enlarg'd,
            Who can through Faith arise
            With Him who Clarifies
        Beyond our apprehension,
                 The Splendor this Dayes Skies
                                          Put on,
To Embleme His Bright Resurrection.

In Diem Natalem etiam & Jejunalem quoniam
Mercurialem Mensis ultimam.

Uondam Festa Dies, nunc Jejunantibus apta es,
Ut Queis non prosunt Gaudia Mœsta juvent.

English'd :
  A Holiday thou wast, and art so still ;
  For Holy Fasting saves, when Riots kill.

In novi Anni Diem Primam Dialogismus.

Um novus Annus init, an nos nova Pectora flectent,
    Cum Vetulo Vetulas vin periere vices ?
Quid potius ? nam qui memorare noviβima certet,
           Immemor errati gaudeat esse sui.

p.120 / (enlargement of page 120)

Ineffabilis Amor atq; Admirabilis Christi

Image, Otis Sacra, p.120.
(1) In Crucem

(2) Judau.
(3) Gentiles.
(4) Ovid, Mes.
(5) Unus labo-
rum Herculu.

(6) The old Ser-
pent, the Devil.
(7) Semen vir-

(8) Christs con-
quest over death.
(9) Fereudo ferit.
(10) Man had
so offended God,
that nothing but
God and Man
could make
T manus (1) extensas pandit (2) Crudelibus, Ipsos
   (3) Nos velut amplexu comparat Ille suo:
(4) Pythonem innumeris adiment Hydramve (5) sagittis,
        Serpentum (6) Proavum, (7) hæc una sagitta necat.
Nullus Apolloniâ salvus fiat arte Nepotum,
        Nec quisquam Alcidis robore major erit:

Hic tamen hæc magni (8) repetit victoria mundi,
        (9) Et superat pœnas Ille ferendo suas
Pauperis est numerare Pecus, duodecimus olim
        Herculeanus erat Huic Labor innumerus.
(10) Nempe quod in nostris tanta est numeratio Culpis,
        Ut nisi qui posset singula nulla juvet.
(11) Posse & velle suum est, sic nos redempsit iniquos,
        Et firmam st tuat Anchora (12) vera Fidem.
   (11) All power was given him of the Father, who voluntarily undertook the work of our redemption.
   (12) He becomming the truest Anchor of our hopes, we cannot vere out the Cable of faith upon bet-
ter security against all shipwracking.

p.121 /

To my Gracious God.

Etir'd into a Calm of Leisure, Led
By Providence thus : grant me busied
Here after for My King and Countreys good,
The Church and State where I took Livelihood:
That in my Calling I may never falter,
But hew wood and draw water for thine Altar.

The Object of Love and Power.

'Jesus' poem from Otia Sacra, p.121.

Lost Man, when to be sav'd cannot devise
To expiate His guilt by Sacrifice;
Till Priest and Prophet, King, and all agree
In One, to offer and winn Victory;
This for what's past; the other act of power
He gain'd for us, who is our Saviour.

p.122 /

Use and Memory Parents to Wisdome

Se out of Date, and to Remember
Our Saviours Birth, wont bless December,
Cry'd down : What may we judge by these ?
But this, That Wisdome's in decrease,
And certainly must Folly own,
When other Parents are not known.

The End of the First Part.

p.123 /

[Blank Page]

p.124 ]

Famulenter prioribus, from Otia Sacra, p.124

p.125 /

decorated line

To my Book, upon the second Part, and
the Title Page.

Famulentur Prioribus.

Hy first Part bears a stamp Divine,
And so may pass for currant Coin;
Though Momus Cark, and Zoilus bark,
Thou art preserv'd as in an Ark:
For what one doth by Faith apply,
No flood of Envie can destroy.
Yet how to help thee at a lift,
That must be now my Second drift:
For seeing thou wilt not alone
Come forth, but be attended on,
It's fit thy servant still should be,
Adorn'd with modest Loyaltie;
   Such as the Hils, and Groves, and Brooks
   Afford the Fancy, 'stead of Books;
   And help Contentedness to wade,
   Though not to swim under a shade
   Of such Security may give
   'Gainst heat and cold Prerogative
   Defence: where no times rayes or Thunder
   Shall blast or scorch those so lie under.
         But who themselves in Peace can thus read ore,
         Need but be thankfull, and ne're wish for more.

Decorated line

p.126 /

Decorated line
The Second Part.

Humane Science Handmaid to Divine.
Famulent ur Prioribus.

Ll were not Cedars that grew on
The Top of Towring Lebanon,
But here and there some less Plant set
To give attendance on the great:
So have I seen a grove of Pine
Becircled with Eglantine;
A Towle of Oaks that seem'd the higher,
For over-looking of the Brier;
The Beech, Ash, Elm, tak't not in scorn
From the low Shrub and prickly Thorn
That underneath their shades they dwell,
And guard their roots as Sentinell:
Medows, and Fields, and Gardens all
Produce both simples, Med'cinall,
And herbs of less esteem; yet these
May some one sense or other please.
Fountains with Crystall may compare,
As they run out are known to share
With this and that Land-water, til
They colour change, yet Rivers fill.
And if I would my Fancy rear,
To lineat a day most clear;
It should be such a one, wherein
Some wooll-pack Clouds in corner's been.
Thus the wife God of Nature chose
All things in order to dispose:
And Humane Raptures onely doth command
As servants to Divine, to wait at hand.

p.127 /

Occasioned by seeing a Walk of Bay-trees.

O Thunder blasts Ioves Plant, nor can
Misfortune warp an honest Man;
Shaken He may be, by some one
Or other Gust, Unleav'd by none:
Though tribulation's sharp and keen,
His Resolutions keep Green;
And whilst Integrity's his wall,
His Year's all Spring, and hath no Fall.

Inter Acus & Aculeos pugna.

An like a little world, opens a pack
Of Government, to all such Climes as lack;
Wherein those humors that disturb the health,
For Power, doe represent a Common-wealth;
And Nature (uncontrowlably) would try,
To subject all under her Monarchy;
But in that Conflict findes no small disease,
Whilst all restrain'd Authorities displease.
   Here may we see as from a Chaos spun,
   Discord, at push of pike; and Factions t'run
   A tilt : so break int'shivers and destroy
   The strict command of eithers soveraignty.
   Yet neither Title need we fear to leese,
   Sithence there's both King and Common-wealth
('mongst Bees.

p.128 /

Sorte tua fis Contentus.

Um fremit immodicis rapiturque voragine ventis,
     Et vetat irato Gurgite Navis iter,
Littoribus Placidum Pelagus, non Indica reddens
           Munera, sed Conchâ dat propiore dapes.
Elige quod mavis est, Tumidos insistere Fluctus
           An Portum, Exitium quærere, sive bonum:
Tentet Avarus Opes, & Amara pericula Ponti,
           Tuta cupit modicis rebus inesse Fides.
Quamvis Castra petas, Fora vel Togatus Amasses,
           Invenias Laqueis hæc comitata suis:
Sola manet requies Animo Quem jurgia nulla,
           Nulla vaporiferæque Ambitionis habent.
Sed satur, in proprio formentur pectore pacis
           Semina, quæ fugiant Militiam atque Forum:
Gaudeat umbriferis Sylvis pro Classe, Loquaces
           Lympharúmque Choros Curia nec sileat.
Namque Avibus junctis repetitur murmure cantus,
           Et saltabundum cernat ubique Pecus:
Gramineis locuples jactet jam terra tapetis,
           Et violæ soboles sub sepe cœpta ferunt.
Pisciculis avidis Esca est inimica voracem
           Dum Condens hamum, sic cupidos capiens.
Nec minus Agricolæ dum tendit retia Turdus
           Præda fit, aut Visco fallitur Ipse suo:
Si sequeris Leporem, pedibus petit Ille salutem,
           Currenti stimulos addit & Ipse metus.
Sin Rubis evigiles tremulas multo cane Damas,
           Ostendunt nemori non adhibenda Fides.
Sis ubicunque velis, facias modo quid libet, Omne
           Te Cruciat, Menti ni sit amica quies.

p.129 /

Insula Britannica ad seipsam.

Uid moror in terras ? Pinus descendit in undas,
       Et tondet Vitreas Claβica sylva comas.
Gallia, quid profers ? quid Tu Teutonica tentas ?
            Hesperiésque tuis quidve Carina Malis.
Num dabitis Legem Oceano Mihi Jura negantem,
            Littora Cui, Liquidus paret & Oceanus.
Conficiam eximias Aurato tegmine Puppes,
            Signentur Rubrâ candida vela cruce.
Ne caream verbis ubi Rectum quærere Ius est,
            Pulmones strenuos, Ærea Lingua vomet.
Mœnia si quisquam violenti fulmine tundet,
            Lignea forte putet, Igneaque inveniet.

Chloris Complaint

    DOe not the Planets (howsoere
They wander) still retain a proper sphere ?
         And seasons serve the year to bless,
Although the Storms and Tempests are no less?
         Seem not becalmed Seas more fair,
Than if th'had never been irregular ?
         And shall fond Man alone be said,
To be of all things else unpacifi'd ?
         Lions to Lions kinde, and Bears
Friendly to such; so Wolves partake o'th' fears
         With their pursued kin; The fell-
Est Tyger can with her associate dwell:
         And yet (as if unhuman'd) we
By no means with each other can agree;

p.130 /

         So that (we may degenerate
From Natures mandate) all our Passion's hate,
         And where a Mischief may befall,
All Disposition's turn'd to Prodigall,
         Nor is there for Compassion
Left any room (now t's out of fashion,)
                  Befriend me wind, I'll try the wave,
         Though some ther be must sink, yet som 'tmay save,
                  My Kalendar yet marks out spring,
         Dis-gust may shake, not blast the Blossoming.
                  And therefore as I roav'd astray,
         'Tis reconciling Truth points now the way,
                  In which I would be thought as farr
         From variation, as the fixedst Starr;
                  But with a constant shining thence,
         Serve King and Countrey by my Influence.

My Newyears-gift to the Times.

Ovum aperiens Ianitor nunc Annum,
Iani Bifrontis Quis Nothus Cæsarum,
Restet ob victam longè Britanniam,
Templa Clausurus iterum Britannicis?
        Barbariem nunquam, (vel raro saltem)
        Tam feram memini Legisse seclis
                  Ut jam ostenditur,
                    Fratres in Fratres,
                    Filiæ Filiique,
                    Obedientiâ omni,
                    Tanquam protinus soluti,
                In matres etiam & in Patres,
                    Vim ferunt rapide,
                         Parentes mutuo

p.131 /

                  Natos natasque maximo
                              Habent Odio,
    Sexus, Ætates licet numeras,
    Dissensionum undique querulas;
    Rixasque intelligis & Invidiæ
    Artes ministrantur aβiduè ;
            Majorem sub Leonino
    Temperiem invenias Axe, vel Canino,
                      Tam fervida
            Torquet Alterutrinque Ira,
   Adeoque torret Discordiarum Flamma,
   Ut destruit & consumit Omnia:
            Friget in hoc æstu tamen,
                  Charitatis solamen,
                Et quicquid sævitiæ
            Produxit unquam Scythiæ:
                              Glacialis Sphæra,
                  Hujus inimicitiæ
                  Fiat Imago vera.
                  Bellica fuimus
                  Præda Romanis,
                  Nec non Saxonibus,
                  Quondamque Danis,
Vicinis etiam victima Normannis.
                    Ast in Postremo
                    Hoc (absente Populo)
                    Qui nos confundat Seculo,
                              Ipsosmet petimus
                    Et pro Purpureo victore,
Quisque nunc tingitur Fratris Cruore.

p.132 /

The Fift of November, being in Kent a stony Countrey.

M I in Kent ? and can I be no more
Befriended than to want a Stone to score
That scape from Danger; which had it o'r-come,
Might have both Conquer'd Kent and Christendome.
Dye-mans although not rare now, Rubies are
Through our Dissentions made peculiar
Blaz'ners of Vertues Heraldry: nor can
The Tincture serve of the Cornelian;
The Topaz, Saphire, and the Emrald may
On fingers worn, proclaim it Holiday:
But I must finde a whiter, though it came
Not far, but whence fair Albion took its name,
The Cliffs of Dover, on whose Candid Brest
I shall presume to share an interest
On this Occasion, that no Rubricks spell
May henceforth in some Bookers Chronicle
Eclipse my glory, or exempt my praise,
By ranking me amongst the Workedayes.
Surely the Dye that black design put on,
Would crave the best of all, and whitest Ston
To mark that Providence, which did prevent
The mischief of that vap'ring Element:
Which Hatch'd below, should our Conceptions rouse,
(In that before it grew pernicious,
The Shell was crack'd; and so that enterprise
Was vanquish'd, with th'abortive Cockatrice)
First to the great Deliverer, and then
A freedome of acknowledgement 'mongst men,
That all of them may (as their fortunes are)
Spend something on a solemnizing care.
And as the Powder should have been our chance,
Now let 'texpress loud our deliverance.

p.133 /

Anglia Hortus.

He Garden of the world, wherein the Rose
In chief Commanded, did this doubt propose
To be resolv'd in; Whether sense to prise
For umpire to Create it Paradise:
One led by th'Ear of Philomel tels tales,
And straightway cals't the land of Nightingales;
An Other sharper sighted, ravish'd, cryes,
O that I could be turn'd now all to eyes!
A Third receiv'd such raptures from the tast
Of various dainty fruits, that it surpast;
A Fourth was caught (not with perfume) commends
The Indian Clime, but what here Nature lends;
Last, if you would Sattins or Velvets touch,
For soft and smooth, Leaves can afford you such.
   And thus dispos'd, whilst every Sense admires,
   'Tis sensless t'plant 'mongst Roses, Thistles, Briars.


In Pugnam Navalem inter Hispanos & Batavos,         die
Octobris, Anno 1639. Commissam in freto
vulgò Le manche; ubi victoria His, ruina
quàm fœlicissimè Illis accidit.

astiliana suos ardentes linquere Portus
         Justa est Neptuno & frigidiore frui:
Occurrit Liquidis Teutonica claβis ab Oris,
              Ut Ligno huic Ignes suppeditare queat.

p.134 /

Ab Aqua &
Igne libera-
vit nos Do-
Sole exusta suo solvit de littore Puppis,
          Frangitus & Tepidis Artibus inter aquas.
Bella gerunt Homines, nec non Elementa viciβim,
          Contendunt vires notificare suas.
Ignea sublimes vis occupat, Altera mergit
          Tumosa Ærios Ambitionis habet:
Sola manet nostras Terrestria tuta salutes
          Conditio: maneat sic stabilita Diu.

Ad Amicum super quatuor Anni Tempora
& Quatuor Ætates hominum Comparative.

Rumalis secli inconstantia,
Te reddat Mœstum ab Infantia,
Ver præbeat Flores vanitatis
Ideo juventutis, satis
Viribus Virilis ætas,
In Æstate cum nil metas
Æstuet vano : dum senescis
Para fructum, adest meβis.
         Æstivum, Hyemale, vernum,
         Ceres ducunt in æternum.

My Happy Life, to a Friend.

earest in Friendship, if you'll know
Where I my self, and how bestow,
Especially when as I range,
Guided by Nature, to love change:
Beleeve, it is not to advance
Or add to my inheritance;

p.135 /

Seeking t'engross by Power (amiss)
What any other Man calls his:
But full contented with my owne,
I let all other things alone;
Which better to enjoy 'thout strife,
I settle to a Countrey life;
And in a sweet retirement there,
Cherish all Hopes, but banish fear,
Offending none; so for defence
Arm'd Capapee with Innocence;
I doe dispose of my time thus,
To make it more propitious.
    First, my God serv'd; I doe commend
    The rest to some choice Book or Friend,
    Wherein I may such Treasure finde
    T'inrich my nobler part, the Minde.
    And that my Body Health comprise,
    Use too some moderate Exercise;
    Whether invited to the field,
    To see what Pastime that can yield,
    With horse, or hound, or hawk, or t' bee
    More taken with a well-grown Tree;
    Under whose Shades I may reherse
    The holy Layes of Sacred Verse;
    Whilst in the Branches pearched higher,
    The wing'd Crew sit as in a quier:
    This seems to me a better noise
    Than Organs, or the dear-bought voice
    From Pleaders breath in Court and Hall
    At any time is stockt withall:
    For here one may (if marking well)
    Observe the Plaintive Philomel

p.136 /

Bemoan her sorrows; and the Thrush
Plead safety through Defendant Bush:
The Popingay in various die
Performes the Sergeant ; and the Pie
Chatters, as if she would revive
The Old Levite prerogative,
And bring new Rotchets in again;
Till Crowes and Jackdaws in disdain
Of her Pide-feathers, chase her thence,
To yeeld to their preheminence:
For you must know't observ'd of late,
That Reformation in the State,
Begets no less by imitation,
Amidst this chirping feather'd Nation;
Cuckoes Ingrate, and Woodcocks some
Here are, which cause they't seasons come,
May be compar'd to such as stand
At Terms, and their returns command;
And left Authority take cold,
Here's th'Ivyes guest of wonder, th' Owl,
Rufft like a Judge, and with a Beak,
As it would give the charge and speak:
Then 'tis the Goose and Buzzards art
Alone, t'perform the Clients part;
For neither Dove nor Pigeon shall,
Whilst they are both exempt from gall.
The Augur, Hern, and soaring Kite,
Kalendar weather in their flight;
As doe the Cleanlier Ducks, when they
Dive voluntary, wash, prune, play;
With the fair Cygnet, whose delight
Is to out-vie the snow in white.

p.137 /

And therefore alwayes seeks to hide
Her feet, lest they allay her pride.
The Moor-hen, Dobchick, Water rail,
With little Washdish or Wagtail;
The Finch, the Sparrow, Jenny Wren,
With Robin that's so kinde to men;
The Whitetail, and Tom Tit obey
Their seasons, bill and tread, then lay;
The Lyrick Lark doth early rise,
And mounting, payes her sacrifice;
Whilst from some hedg, or close of furrs,
The Partridge calls its Mate, and churrs;
And that the Countrey seem more pleasant,
Each heath hath Powt, and wood yeelds Phesant;
Iunoes delight with Cock and Hens
Turkies, are my Domestick friends:
Nor doe I bird of Prey inlist,
But what I carry on my Fist:
Now not to want a Court, a King-
Fisher is here with Purple wing,
Who brings me to the spring-head, where
Crystall is Lymbeckt all the yeere,
And every Drop distils, implies
An Ocean of Felicities;
Whilst calculating, it spins on,
And turns the Pebles one by one,
Administring to eye and eare
New Stars, and musick like the Sphere;
When every Purle Calcin'd doth run,
And represent such from the Sun:
         Devouring Pike here hath no place,
         Nor is it stor'd with Roach or Dace;

p.138 /

         The Chub or Cheven not appeare,
         Nor Millers Thumbs, nor Gudgeons here,
         But nobler Trowts, beset with stones
         Of Rubie and of Diamonds,
         Bear greatest sway; yet some intrench,
         As sharp-finn'd Pearch, and healing Tench;
The stream's too pure for Carp to lie,
Subject to perspicuitie,
For it must here be understood,
There are no beds of sand and Mud,
But such a Gravell as might pose
The best of Scholars to disclose,
And books and learning all confute,
Being clad in water Tissue sute.
   These cool delights help'd with the air
   Fann'd from the Branches of the fair
   Old Beech or Oak, enchantments tie
   To every senses facultie;
   And master all those power should give
   The will any prerogative
   Yet when the scorching Noon-dayes heat,
   Incommodates the Lowing Neat,
   Or Bleating flock, hither each one
   Hasts to be my Companion.
   And when the Western Skie with red-
   Roses bestrews the Day-stars bed:
   The wholsome Maid comes out to Milk
   In russet-coats, but skin like silk;
   Which though the Sun and Air dies brown,
   Will yeeld to none of all the Town
   For softness, and her breaths sweet smell,
   Doth all the new-milcht Kie excell;

p.139 /

She knows no rotten teeth, nor hair
Bought, or Complexion t'make her fair;
But is her own fair wind and dress,
Not envying Cities happiness:
Yet as she would extend some pitty
To the drain'd Neat she frames a ditty,
Which doth inchant the beast, untill
It patiently lets her Paile fill;
This doth the babbling Eccho catch,
And so at length to me't doth reach:
Straight roused up, I verdict pass,
Concluding from this bonny Lass,
And the Birds strains, 'tis hard to say
Which taught Notes first, or she, or they:
Thus ravish'd, as the night draws on
Its fable Curtain, in I'm gon
To my poor Cell; which 'cause 'tis mine,
I judge it doth all else out-shine,
Hung with content and weather-proof,
Though neither Pavement nor roof
Borrow from Marble-quarr below,
Or from those Hills where Cedars grow.
There I embrace and kiss my Spouse,
Who like the Vesta to the house,
A Sullibub prepares to show
By care and love what I must owe.
   Then calling in the Spawn and frie,
Who whilst they live ne'r let us die;
But every face is hers or mine,
Though minted yet in lesser Coin,
She takes an Apple, I a Plumbe,
Encouragements for all and some :

p.140 /

Till in return they crown the herth
With innocent and harmless merth,
Which sends us Joyfull to our rest,
More than a thousand others blest.

De Imperatorum Julianorum lineæ ultimo :
Et Sulpitii sive Electorum primo.

T Cadat infœlix nec sicca morte Tyrannus,
     Vindictam Patriæ Vindicis Arma dabant:
Nempe Neronis erat Fatum dum terruit urbem,
            Tandem terrifico succubuisse Ingo.
Sic Calvum Galbam appellant, sceptroque recepto,
            Temnunt Calvitiem Plebs opinata suam.
Quid tu Cæsareo gauderes nomine Sergi ?
            Cum non Cæsaries ulla relicta tibi.
Imperium si fortè velit supplere relictum,
            Debuit & Capiti Comperiisse Comas.

English'd thus:

That the unhappy Nero might be said
To fall most like a Tyrant, not in bed.
Vindex in France rais'd Armes, and sought thereby
To vindicate the wrongs of Italy:
The Fates were just to Him, so frighted Rome,
Making at last fear Master of his doom:
So Bald-pate Galba to the Throne did rise,
Whom straight the Common-people 'gan despise,
Crying, Why shouldst thou Cæsars name put on,
When all the hair grew on thy head was gon ?
      If He the Empires Barque anew would rigg,
      He should have brought with him a Periwigg.

p.141 /

In quendam Fictilem infirmi Corporis.

Nfirmum & fragile est Corpus tibi (Fictile) verum
   Mens tua sub curvo corpore recta latet.

Placet in Vulnus, Maxima cervix.

Lagranti stomacho Turdus vorat undique Zuras,
     Dum ferit arte gelu frigidiore Diem:
Sic modo Pinguiscens capitur, citiúsque paratis,
          Aucipis ingeniis præda petenda jacet.
Sæpiùs hoc discat Ditescens atque Gulosus,
          Sic moderare dapes ut sibi lucra fiant.
Prospera nam subito mutentur tempora lapsu,
          Et latet in pulchro gramine Mortis acus.

Upon a Journey of His Majesty's into Scotland,
and His safe Return.

He Planets whilst they move in severall Spheres,
Cut out our time in weeks, in months, in yeeres,
In Night and Day; whose revolutions bring
The day, night, week, month, yeer into a Ring.
    What doe our Princes less, when they goe forth
    A Progress West or East, or South or North?
    Is not the first step that they forward set,
    The Suns, when He his Golden locks doth wet
    In Thetis lap, to all that stay behinde ?
    Is not the world Eclips'd to them, and blinde ?

p.142 /

    Doe not all Minutes stretch, and seem to grow
    Each to an hour, to such as think them so ?
    Doe not our crost, yet longing hopes, present
    Each hour a month or year in banishment ?
They doe: and 'twas not long since we were they
Who stood as Exil'd from our Star of Day;
Whilst visiting Those parts whence He did rise,
He cast a Generall splendor o'r those Skies,
Leaving us onely Cynthia and her Train,
To gives us hopes He would return again:
And so he doth enrich again our Sky,
Bringing those hopes unto maturity,
Our Clime with Tropick's changed, and the same
Season of day, now lengh of night doth claim :
Those onely who by Elevation
Before enjoy'd a lucid Horizon,
Once yearly now with more perfection shine
A whole month, Phœbus, suffering no decline :
Did I but call't a month ? They deem'd it less,
If they could apprehend their happiness;
And we I'm sure had reason t'think it more,
Than many Ages counted ore and ore.
    For as the Suns withdrawing leaves one world,
    Into a Winters Tyrannie t'be hurld,
    Whilst it doth bless an Other; so 'twas thus
    In Scotland, Iune ; but February with us
    Till his return; which chang'd the Season quite,
    Then ours with Corn, with Snow their hils were white
    The night that was resignes, and day's begun
    With us already by our Gracious Sun.
       Let Them pass Envie-free who boast them may
       In the possession of this Month or Day;
       For time wrapt up in swiftness doth appear
       When past, as if an Age were but a year;

p.143 /

    A year a month, a month a week, and That
    An houre or minute, whilst we consolate
    Our selves may in this bliss; that future time
    Seems alwayes flower-winged in its Clime :
        Their Jubile was short and quickly gone,
        Ours under C
H A R L E S is a Perpetuall one.

In quendam nomine Stone-house
Axea Pulchra Domus frons est sed nulla fidenda,
       Nam si Ipsam introeas, invenies vacuam.

To N. B. an Angler.

Hou that dost cast into the Silver brook
               Thy worm-fed Hook,
The greedier Fishes so to cheat
                    Seeking for meat;
Remember that Times wheel will bring
                    Thy deeds to censuring;
    And then as thou through wile
    Those Creatures didst beguile,
    So caught thou'lt be for thy deceit,
    And made the food for thine own bait.

Let this suffice to cause thee t'steer aright,
                              Both day and night;
        That skilfully avoyding this,
                              That Shelf thou miss;
        For 'tis not all for to repent
                     Thy youthfull Dayes misspent,
                     But care must now be had,
                     The future be not bad.
          And as thine Audit waxeth near,
          So Thy accounts make perfecter.

p.148 / [This page number follows upon p.143 in the original.]

In Quendam Glareosam.

Uisquis Te docuit Præceptor, fecit & Idem
     Littora Qui & sterilem bobus aravit Humum.

Amoris Sigillum.

''Condia' image from Otia Sacra, p.148.

C- orpore Cor latitans nondum est manifeste notatum,
O- re, neque ingenio semper inesse queat:
N- empè quod eximium est pretióque notabile cernunt,
D- ifficiles aditus Cordis & alter opus.
I- nnocuos quæ corda viros, faciántve Fideles,
A- βimilent animis Pectus & Ora suis.

Mans heart Lockt up within his secret brest,
Cannot by tongue or Gesture be exprest;
For what's of so great worth, we must suppose,
It is a work of power to disclose:
Such hearts as make Men faithfull and upright,
Are those at once both Looks and Mindes unite.

p.149 /

Genii Hujus Laris & Penatum salutatio;

Ad Rivulum Stanliacum nuper in stagnum
hoc Mervordianum Ductum.

Dulce Flumen Vitreum,
Fundens Crystallum Liquidum
In Mare Hoc Domesticum,
Tu verum Nectar Piscium:
       Mulces & Allicis dum curris
       Somnos, Musicis susurris:
       Nec evigilat Cadentis
       Aqua vestra ut Torrentis.
       Liceat Rhodano Loquaci
       Strepitus, quoniam fugaci:
       Domum Hanc Circundatam,
       Munis & reddis Insulam;
       Sicut Orbem dat Rotundum
       Thetis, Tu cingis hunc Mundum.
                 Afferat Hortorum Decus
                 Priapus, Pan donet Pecus:
                 Tu silvane mittas flores,
                Cypria Hic conflet Amores,
                 Dearum seu Deorum Chorus,
                 Totus fiat Munificus,
                 Ut pro splendore laude Digno
                 Undecimo addaris signo:
                        Tunc Omni Numine propitio,
                        Frui detur sacrificio.

p.146 / [This page number follows upon p.149 in the original.]

Virtus vera Nobilitas.

Hat doth He get who ere prefers
The Scutchions of His Ancesters ?
This Chimney-peice of Gold or Brass,
That Coat of Armes Blazon'd in glass;
When those with time and age have end,
Thy Prowess must thy self commend.
        The smooty shadows of some one
        Or Others Trophees carv'd in stone,
        Defac'd, are things to whet, not try
        Thine own Heroicism by.
  For cast how much thy Merits score
  Falls short of those went thee before;
  By so much art thou in arrear,
  And stain'st Gentility I fear.
        True Nobleness doth those alone engage,
        Who can add Vertues to their Parentage.

Upon a Roe.

Ramite nil metuat recto Qui incedere vellet
      Capreolus, caus devia Rupis habent.

Upon a Cock.

Am mea Nocturnos Pellat vigilantia somnos,
Nuntius Auroræ dummodo Gallus adest.

p.147 /

Upon King C H A R L E S return out of
Scotland in November,

Oth C
H A R L E S return to make our Climate shine,
And shall not every Spring run Claret-wine?
Is not the Kalendar reverst, and where
Decembers dirt, and th'Frost of Janivere,
Threatn'd a winter, now those sheets display
Themselves ore fruitfull June, or teeming May :
For thus as 'thin the Tropicks may we boast,
That two fair Seasons have twice blest our Coast
Ere one whole year ran round: The time He went
Seeming the Springs forerunner, or our Lent;
For so He was but borrowed, and we rest
Pleas'd with's return alone, who's interest
Sufficient of Himself, in which bank lies
The Treasure of His subjects hearts and eyes:
See how they Flock else, and with tumbling hast
Are less content because so soon He past.
   Be satisfi'd, ye have your Prince again,
   Fro' th' North, and C
H A R L E S triumphant, not in Wain.

In quendam nomine Squier,
haud Generosum.

Rmiger es neque Arma geris, non Martis at Artis,
        Indutus Galea es Ingenioque vales.

p.144 / [This page number follows upon p.147 in the original.]

Upon the King and Queens meeting
after long absence

He welcome showers of Aprils morning dew
Distill'd upon the Bosom of the Earth
Beget a May; whose Liverie anew
Cloaths Fields and Woods, and there creates such mirth
    Amidst the winged Quier; that Eccho tells
    It ore again from Natures Minstrells.

The Spicie Gumms that so perfume the East,
To bid the Sun good-morrow; are not more
Esteem'd for that, than is the golden West,
But that of Treasures Both have hidden store,
    Is manifest :   no perils can deter
    The forward hopes of the Adventurer.

No world, no season, spring, summer, nor fall
In Fruits, in Flowers, Treasures could e're present
Such sweet and wealthy Joyes Harmoniall
From Countrey, or from Element:
    As when our Gracious King and his bright Queen,
    Did after Twelve months parted interveen.

In Sim. & Lev. Pot. & Top.

Atura His par est, Vitio nam non caret Alter,
      Et virtute Carens Alter, uterque Opibus.

p.145 /

Cordium Concordia vera.

Illustration from p.145, Otia Sacra.

It is not meant, that three in one should be,
But in each heart triple Capacitie,
Wherewith to serve ones God, ones King, ones Friend,
To which assign'd, and for no other end;
    In Flaming Zeal upwards to mount again,
    In Loyalty to own a Soveraign,
    In mutuall Love society t'maintain.

To N. B. for his Company.
Riend, Can I be at home, and you the same,
                           Yet neither meet?
            The Curteous Flame the Flame,
            And Streams each other greet,
Although it seem from either Pole they came,
                                Or farthest stretch'd
                                Meridian fetch'd.

p.150 / [This page number follows upon p.145 in the original.]

Surely it is but some malignant Starr
                                 That would debarr
             This Influence, for fear
             We should more bright appear:
Souls in Conjunction frame the perfect'st Sphere,
      So I to you must move, or you move here.

Ad Amicum, de Vita Beata.

E qualem capiat Judice Formulam,
Vitæ Commodius Tempora solvere:
Nec tantum tenui pareat Ilici,
Quem frangant Aquilones; neque vertici
Pinus stelliferæ fidat ut arduo:
     Imis non Careant Cœlica Culmina,
     Dormitque Occiduis Lucifer Alpibus.

Non est ut nihilo Laudéve Parvulo
Speret maxima; nam semper honoribus
Tantis præfigitur Lubrica Scalula; quæ
Ergo, nec cupiat Ditior ut siet
Ponti Teutonici Littore: Fertiléque
Agro vivere Fagis celeberrimo
Nondum nunc Placeat: Vinea Ripula
Secretis liceat sit nota passubus
Mentem nec laceret, Pondera talibus
Incumbunt Gravia: est Montis Acutuli
Ditantem-Locum ut in subsidium petat.
   Alis Si-Lineis pervolet æquora
   Quisquam, Naufragium vix fuget ultimum:
   Et si in Remiget Omnibus Amnibus.

p.151 /

    Portus non Aditum hic invenit Ullibi;
    Nam Quot in Tonitru Hesperies Vomit,
    Dotes provideant Indica viscera;
    Dum Marsupia fert Alter Apostolus
    Simonis Filio nec fit Iniquior:
Cæptis væ nisi sit cautus Agellulus,
Cum Parvo sonitu subrepit Inscia
Frigilla, & Nemorum jurgia suscitet,
Subrisum moveat Pullus Hirundinis,
Necnon & Monachi cui Domus arbore.
    Exit ter nobilis cedere Conjugis,
    Voto qui voluit sit licet improbum,
    In Vanumque habeat quidquid & impedit,
    Mentem quin sibi jam comparet integram
    Vivat nam facili, cumque parabili
    Re; nec Carleolis invidet Artibus.
    Sed Coco vacuus præparet Allia,
    Gustum sic patina in contrahat optimum:
Nec desint Oleo Crurula Pulluli,
Reprensa ex Pridianóque superstite,
Adsit Bos Aridus, Lingulaque Hinnuli
Suis Buccina, Ientacula optime
Condit Rancida tunc Artocrea addita
Baccæ Cervisia est in pretio, afferat
Promus Poculáque Alcimedontica :
Sectari Leporem Climate Limpido,
Dum suadet Catulis hora sagacibus,
Cedant Temporibus dumque Caniculis
Brumæ sydera jam quæritet anxiè:
Damarum Domus, in Queis tremebundula
Terret Hospites & Silva Populeis.
    Si quando libeat Limine proprio
    Versari Officiis, non Saliaribus

p.152 /

Iactet Fœmineis; Sed ut Equestribus
Se exornet studiis, Ferra Ferocibus
Dans Pullis; Sonipes Lorea despuat:
    Nunc volvens pedibus queis viduaverat
    Vulturnus Nemora, & nunc Folia, abditis
    In Musæolis & vertere Dactylo,
    Sic fitque ut valido Corpore gaudeat
    Solutus Medico Hic, atque Animo simul.

In praise of Fidelia.

Et thee a Ship well rigg'd and tight,
With Ordnance store, and Man'd for fight,
Snug in Her Timbers Mould for th'Seas,
Yet large in Hould for Merchandies;
Spread forth her Cloth, and Anchors waigh,
And let Her on the Curld-waves play,
Till Fortune-tow'd, she chance to meet
Th'Hesperian home-bound Western Fleet;
Then let Her board-um, and for Price
Take Gold-ore, Sugar-canes, and Spice.
    Yet when all these Sh'hath brought a shore,
    In my Fidelia I'll finde more.

Two Turtles billing, and death with his Sithe
over them, ready to make separation; To whom this

Divide & Impera.
Ature hath ore Affection so much won,
To knit a knot never to be undon
Whilst life remains; but Death to shew his power
Cuts and Divides, so becomes Emperour:
        Yet the Relict for to prevent Fates charmes,
        Doth voluntary fleck into Deaths armes.

p.153 /

To Sir John Wentworth, upon his Curiosities
and Courteous entertainment at
in L
O V I N G L A N D.

Hen thou the choice of Natures wealth hast skan'd,
And brought it to compare with Lovingland;
Know, that thou maist as well make wonder less,
By fancying of two Timbering Phœnixes
At the same time: and dream two Suns to rise
At once, to cast fire 'midst those Spiceries:
    (Pregnant She is) yet that must not deny
    The purest Gold to come from Barbary,
    Diamonds and Pearl from th'Indies, to confer
    On every Clime some thing peculier,
    (For so She hath:) And like a sum to all
    That Curious is, seems here most liberall,
    Affording in Epitome at least,
    What ere the world can boast of, or call best.
    Now as contracted vertue doth excell
    In power and force, This seems a Miracle;
    Wherein all Travailers may truly say,
    They never saw so much in little way:
    And thence conclude their folly, that did steer
    To seek for that abroad, at home was neer
    In more perfection: Wouldst thou Phœbe meet,
    Apollo, or the Muses ? not in Creet
    And Greece, but Here, at Summerly, those are
    Remov'd to dwell, under a Patrons care,
    Who can as much Civility express,
    As Candie lies, or Grecia Barbarousness:
    Wouldst thou be sheltred under Daphnes groves,
    Or choose to live in Tempe, or make loves

p.154 /

To any place where Shepherds 'wont to lie
Upon the Hills, Piping security
Unto their flocks? here the sweet Park contains
More eevenness than the Arcadian Plains:
Nor yet enchanted by those shadowed rings,
Some say the Fairies print with Revellings,
But's all in one dye clad, and doth appear
Like the Springs Favourite throughout the year.
The usefull Ash, and sturdy Oak are set
At distance, and obey; the Brambles met
Embracing twice int 'Arbours, to conceal
And harbour such as stock this Common-weal,
Untill their Master please they should delight
His, or his Friends desire and appetite:
All tales of Satyrs banish'd are from hence,
And fabled Goblins that delude the sence;
'Tis reall Ven°son and abroad, in paste
Alike may satisfie both eye and taste.
The Nobler Plants, as Firre Deal, and the Pine
Weeping out Rozen, bleeding Turpentine;
Like the Life-guard, upon the Hall attend
At nearer distance; where the Gods descend
To keep their Courts, and either Globe's devis'd,
To grasp the Elements Epitomis'd.
    The Sun-beams steady Fire, with the Aire
    Of the inconstant winds Indiall'd are:
    So whilst the one, the Houre doth infer,
    The Other Points a rule for th'Mariner:
    Earth here's Embroydered into Walks, some strait,
    Others like Serpents are, or worms to bait
    Occasions hook till every humor come,
    And feed here fat as in Elysium.

p.155 /

        Nor is there water wanting in this wood,
        Clear as if running, Calm as if it stood,
        And so contriv'd by Natures helper Art,
        There's no appearance from the whole or part,
        That any sullen Sluce to malice bent
        Can open, to impair that Element;
        Nor yet th'Ambition of a Springs ore-flow,
        Cause it t'exceed, or Limits overthrow.
Thus like a gold Chain link'd, or Bracelet strung,
From Carkanet Pleasures on Pleasures hung,
And such delightfull objects did descry
Pursuing of each other, that the ey
Astonish'd at such wonder, did crave rest,
For fear of Forfeiting its interest
In so great bliss, for over-dazled t'grew,
And dim of fight made by each object new.
    So there's a parley granted, and some space
    To gather strength 'twix This and t'other place,
    But very short, not half a Mile at most,
    We landed were again, and made a Coast;
Where if all ancient Poets were to write,
They'd need no other fountain to indite
Story of all kindes with, but dip their pen,
Then swear the Muses more then nine, were ten;
For here dwelt one whose Magick could infuse
A fluency beyond all other Muse,
And Court the Soil, with so much Art applide,
That all the world seems Barbarous beside.
        Here Fish and Fowl inhabit with such state,
        As Lords and Ladies wont when serv'd in Plate,
        Rich Arras, or the like, Bill, Breed, and swim
        In all delightfull solace to the brim.

p.156 /

Decoy'd by so much rapture, on we pass
Unto a Castle that enchanted was
By th'magick spell of Musick; till there set
We found a Cod like to Euterpe's net,
To catch all Passengers, the Lesbian Lute,
O'rcome in harmony became there mute :
Whilst as for Table to the Song-books serv'd
The Crystall fountain : so have I observ'd,
When walking near a stream, the heavens to be
Beneath my feet, to ease Astronomie:
There tell the Gammuth of the Stars, and crack
Of all their motions even with Tychobrack.
        The Fablers of old, I guess, might finde
        Some Objects t'help invention, but the minde
        Was sure Prophetick, for what ever is
        Describ'd for rare by them, 'twas meant by this.
And yet this falls short too, when He to whom
The Cost and Care Owes tribute, 's there to sum
Up All, with such humanity, and press
Of crowded Favours, and heap'd Curtesies,
         As Friendship were a Jeweller the while,
         His welcome seem'd the Diamond, Those the foile.

Ad Amicum ægrotantem.

Mnes Te invisum veniunt Ægrote valebas,
     Nec fuerat Comitis spes tibi, solus eras:
Haud te etenim invideo, tanti nam non valet hospes,
          Quem mihi det morbus, sed bene Solus ero.

p.157 /

Upon King C H A R L E S's meeting with the
Dukes of
Y O R K and G L O C E S T E R, and the
EL I Z A B E T H, his three children at
Maidenhead, the 15 of July, 1647.

Fter a drowth, like welcome rain,
To Bless the Grass and Flowers again,
Lick up those dusty heats destroy
Their Brisker hude, Virginity:
No less of Comfort and of sweets
Proves it now Charles his Children meets;
When an intestine Warlike force,
Had caus'd so many years divorce.
    He prays for them; their tender eyes
    Return'd Him duty sacrifice:
    Untill each others brest appears
    Affection all dissolv'd to Tears,
    Which to the High-mark-point flown on,
    Stand ready brim'd for passion.
         But here all Humors that annoy
         Are banish'd, and give place to Joy;
         Yet such as doth prevaile oft times,
         To make a tear no mark of Crimes.

All streams come from, and return to the Sea.

Uæris aquas sitiens ?   nescis quod Flumina Cuncta
       In Mare se rapiunt, nec satur ?  ah sitias.

p.158 /

Nox Diem sequitur, & Post
Tenebras Lux.

On sine nocte Dies, Tenebræ nec luce carentes,
       Sed Comitem sequitur Alteruterque suam.

To Prince C H A R LE S.

O doth the early Plum, the Pear, the Cherry
Commit a Rape, and make nice Females merry,
When longing-ripe; as Your return will bless
The Brittish Islands with new cheerfulness:
Be pleas'd no longer therefore, S I R, to tarry,
Lest a whole Gleek of Kingdomes should miscarry ;
But You that are the Blossom of all hope,
Dispell the Mists from off this Horiscope;
And in the stead of Jelousie and feares,
Let there be harmony throughout Your Spheres.
There needs no other Midwifery to these,
(As wish'd for turth, and now desired peace)
But Your fair Hand to bring the same to pass,
And place Your Royall Father where he was.
This be Your Noble issue, whilst all those
Abortive prove, that so seem'd to oppose;
And while they'd bring to birth, and yet want strength,
Teach them to know themselves and You at length.

p.159 /

In readventum meum ad Antiquos Lares.

E mpora sic renovant verno sub sidere Terras,
       Sylva & frondiferis sic reparata Comis,
Post tenebras sic grata Dies : sic Fluminis unda
            Gaudens Oceanum reperiisse suum:
Ut Meus Antiquos iterum spectare Penates,
            Exultans Animus quod liquisse suos.

The Spring thus doth the Earth repair,
The Wood thus puts on Leavie hair
Of more acceptance, so's a Spark
Of Light after it had been dark :
The Rivers thus express desire,
Hast'ning to finde their proper Sire;
      As all this My return implies
      To My Old Houshold Deities.

Navis in Tempestate.

Ortuna & ventis agitur Loca certa tenere,
       Nescia fit Dominis paret ut Illa suis

The Fallacy of Hopes or wishes.

Ll present good goes less: by Hopes we deem
Things Great; as Lights farr distant greater seem.

p.160 /

My Farewell to the Court.

Oe (fond Deluder of our senses) finde
Some other Objects Henceforth, to make blinde
With that thy glittering folly; for no more
I will be dazled with thy falser Ore;
Nor shall thy Syren-songs enchant, to tast
Or smell, or touch those Sorceries thou hast:
But I will strive first in my self to be
So much mine own, as not to flatter thee;
And then my Countreys, for whose welfare still
My native thoughts prompt to impress my will,
And that draws Action forth, whereby to show
To whom, and what, and when, and where I owe:
Not as this nod, or beck, or wink, or glance
Would dictate and imply, to follow chance,
Fortune, or Favours ever-turning wheel;
But to be firm and Constant, back'd with steel
And resolution for to give the True
God what is his, and Cæsar Tribute due,
And that in season too for time and place,
As th'one requires, and th'other affords grace:
Not such as onely from vain Titles springs,
And turns to bubble, to court Prince or Kings
With feign'd applauses of whate're they speak
Or doe, be't ne're so frothy, fond, or weak;
But what is clad in truth, and dares not lie,
Though all the world should turn its Enemie,
Brand it for want of breeding, and conclude
Because it not dissembles, therefore t's rude.
Those dancing dayes are done, nor longer sute
My disposition to the Harp or Lute,

p.161 /

Horn-pipe, or other Instruments have been
The Common-wealths disease, ore-swoln its spleen.
    Jockie and Jinnie footing may appear
    Most trim at the next Wake in Darby-shire ;
    Gotyer sail from the Clouds to catch our ears,
    And represent the harmony o'th' Spheres;
    Will. Lause excell the dying swan: Laneer
    Nick it with Ravishments from touch of Lyre,
    Yet uncontroul'd by These, I safely may
    Survive; sithence not stung by th' Tarantula,
(That tickling beast, Ambition, that makes sport
In our hot Climate, call'd the verge of Court)
And so resolve, dressing my mindes content,
Henceforward to be calm, and represent
Nothing but what my Birth and Calling draw
My life out for, my God, my King, my Law.
         And when for these my wearied breath is spent,
         Let with my last bloods drop one sigh be sent.

How to ride out a Storm.

E onely happy is, and wife,
Can Cun his Barque when Tempests rise,
Know how to lay the Helm and steer,
Lie on a Tack Port and Laveer,
Sometimes to weather, then to Lee,
As waves give way, and winds agree;
Nor Boom at all in such a stress,
But by degrees Loom Les and Les;
Ride out a Storm with no more loss
Than the endurance of a Toss:
For though he cannot well bear saile
In such a fresh and powerfull Gale,

p.162 /

Yet when there is no other shift,
Thinks't not amiss to ride a drift;
To shut down Ports, and Tyers to Hale in,
To Seal the hatch up with Tarpalin;
To Ply the Pump, and no means slack,
May clear Her Bilge, and keep from wrack;
To take in Cloth, and in a word,
Unlade, and cut the Mast by bord:
So Spoon before the Wind and Seas,
Where though she'll Roule, she'll goe at ease;
And not so strain'd, as if laid under
The wave that Threatens sudden founder;
And whilst the fury and the rage,
Leaves little hopes for Anchorage;
Yet if She can but make a Coast
In any time, She'll not be lost,
But in affections Bay will finde
A Harbour suited to her minde :
    Where Casting out at first the Kedg,
    Which gives Her ground, and priviledg
    Of stop, she secondly lets fall
    That Anchor from the Stream men call;
    The Others all a Cock-bell set,
    One after other down are let
    Into the Sea; till at the last
    She's come to Moorage, and there fast,
    In hopes to be new Shethd 's inclin'd
    To lie aside untill Carin'd;
    That when she shall be paid again,
    So Grav'd, She may endure the Main.
    Thus when his Vessell hath out-gon
    This and that rugged motion,

p.163 / (enlargement of page 163)

His Pole-starr's fix'd, and guides him there
Where C H A R L E S   is not in wain but sphere;
Then He'll another Voyage try,
Laden with Faith and Loyalty,
Which He no sooner parts with, than
Dry ground becomes an Ocean.

In Incursionem Gustavicam, vel introitum
in Germaniam.

Vem 1 Domus Austriaca ab Patriis secluserat Oris,
2 Gustave suum ad jam remeare facis:
Nempè Palatinum Cœlesti numine tutum
Fecit, & est Populi Dux Deus Ipse sui
Vidit, & attonitas aperit Franconia
3 portas,
4Hispanos refugos, 5 Cæsareósque ferunt.
6 Dura per immites salierunt mœnia flammas,
Sævitiam pingens Militis
7 Arva jacet.
8 Albis clara suis lymphis mutata, colore
Et quasi Rubescens sanguinolenta fluit.
Unde fit? aut quorsum mutatio tanta ? requiris
9 Cur fugis à Portis Walstane dire tuis ?
10 fugiendi animum Fernande occasio reddit,
Quis Tibi dat vulnus ? quis metus ora tenet ?
11 Quid latitas Claustris tantis fœliciter annis
Castra regens? vivens cur Monumenta petis ?
Ultor adest Dominus, Gentem victámque reponit
Victricem; Populum restituítque suum,
12 Saxoniásque vires tandem laxavit in usum,
Et Suecus
13 largo 14 flumine cuncta tulit.
    1 Bohemiæ rex
feu Palatinus.
2 Rex Suetiæ
3 Pro omni in
Palatinatus Ci-
4 Ex Opnam.
5 Wirtsburg.
6 Magdeburg.
7 Gods acre
prælium Lipsic.
8 The Elve flum.
9 Palatinum in
10 Imperator in
fugam aratus ut
11 Tillius in Mo-
nasterium subre-
ptus ut fama sed
12 Saxoniæ dux
qui se neutralem
huc usque refer-
13 Hoc ita di-
ctum à multitu-
dine militum.
14 Hoc vero à
puritate causæ
ad suscipiendum
hoc Bellum
maxime moven-
tis, viZ. ut Aquilæ
juga à Principi-
bus Populoque Germanico tollatur & ut eis pristinæ restaur entur Libertates: Almania quasi Tota & quæ
Hyrcinia sylva cincta Sibi subdita.

p.164 /

Roses & Lys unys.

Uid Ganymedæas formas canis & Iovis Ignes,
       Reddit enim Cæcos Ipse Cupido Deos:
Quídve Helenam numeras ? nempe est perfectio Formæ
            Unica, cum fuerint Lilia nupta Rosis.

Mart. l. 7.
Upon Celius.

Hilst Celius can no longer hear
The Newes-transporting Babbler;
Nor yet endure a Morning spent
In entertaining Complement
From This or That Great person : He
Feigneth a Gouty Infirmitie;
And better falshood to disguise,
His sounder feet with swathes he ties,
And seems to goe in pain as far,
As art can prove a Crippeler:
Till She to Nature turns at last,
And so in earnest Celius's fast.

Mart. l.10.
Ep. 47.
A happy Life.

Hat which Creates a happy life,
Is substance left, not gain'd by strife,
A fertile and a Thankfull mold,
A Chimney alwayes free from Cold;
Never to be the Client, nor
But seldome times the Counsellor.

p.165 /

A Minde content with what is fit,
Whose strength doth most consist in Wit;
A Body nothing prone to be
Sick, a Prudent Simplicitie;
Such Friends as of ones own rank are;
Homely fare, not sought from farre;
The table without Arts help spread;
A night in Wine not buried,
Yet drowning Cares; a Bed that's blest
With true Joy, Chastity, and rest;
Such short sweet Slumber as may give
Less time to die in't, more to live:
    Thine own Estate whate're commend,
    And wish not for, nor fear thine end.


In Magis. Vilet.

Nni Hæc prima Dies Veris sic prima videtur,
       Quâ simul & Violam vidimus & Glaciem.


To Quintianus.

Hat in December when gifts fly
From this to that Friend mutually,
I nought but Books send, thou'lt Judg thus,
Perhaps I'm Avaricious;
No, know I hate those fond deceits,
And Crafts in gifts are like to baits
On hooks, whereon a Fly doth cheat
The greedier Fish when it would eat.
    And whilst a Poor man sendeth not at all
    Unto's rich friends, He seems more Liberall.
    Mart. l. 5.
Ep. 18.

p.166 /

In quendam Militem panem in
dorsum portantem.

Entrem ut Hic oneret, non tergam onerare recusat,
        Ventrem Onerat tergam quæ exonerare suam.

Ad Scoto-Britannum cui Carolus
noster se subtraxit.

Uod fugit ad Scotos Rex, quid mirabile Scotus,
   Mutuo nempè Anglis dum datur ille suis
Redditus est igitur: sic cum modo debita solvant
        Cuncti iterum, Regem fac revenire Tuum.


What wonder is't, the King to'th Scots is fled,
When by the English He was Borrowed,
So now's restor'd: that all their debts pay thus,
I'd wish our Brethren send Him back to us.

Naturæ defectus.

Pastor Fido.
I Peccare grave est placidum simul, integra non est
    Natura, exitium quæ cupit Ipsa suum:
Lex vel dura nimis, quâ cum natura videtur
         Offensa, & Vinctis se opposuisse suis.

p.167 /

In Mortem sui Thesei, J. B. sororem
ducturi, Anno 1623.

Omine si hoc unquam mores (Invidiosa) meretur,
   Tempora sint Lachrymis digna vel ulla meis,
Ecce adsunt: Hymen ipse Tedas cum accendere juβit,
        Accenditque suam Mors gemibunda facem.
Inque Elegos vertit Nuptialia Carmina, risus
        In Gemitus; vestes nunc Color unus habet:
Amaracíque fugat flores invisa Cupressus,
        Atque suis Ramis Tempora Cincta tenet.
Dúmque Meæ jam partem animæ rapit, altera resto
        Mancus, & ingrata est quæ mihi vita manet.

In Obitum Nobilissimi Principis Mauritii
Hassiæ Landgravii, Anno 1633

Ustavum doleant Alii, doleántve secessum
    Heu Frederice tuum; nec Careant Lachrymis,
Fontibus ex binis gemini manâre dolores,
         Nam duplex Cordi Causa gementis erat:
Nunc ni Triformi huic maneat pars altera telis,
         Impercussa suis Mors inopina redit:
Tertius & Princeps semper deflendus ab omni,
         Parte perit Patriæ Lausque decusque suæ
Virtutes Alii quibus est facundia narrent,
         Suppressa Hæc tanto pondere Musa silet.

p.168 /
An Epitaph on E. W.

Ature lent time, so He grew old
And prodigall at once in this,
Setting it all at stake 'gainst gold,
Whereof He made his greatest bliss:
But when She saw He took of All
Men interest, yet paid Her none,
She Calls for in the Principall,
And layes it up under this Stone,

Defessus est ambulando.

On a Player.

Hou that so oft in jest was wont to die,
Art now tane at thy word, and here dost lie:
Thine Acts had many Scenes, Death's had but one,
His Entry was thine Exit, bad be gone;
Thou act'st a King no more, no that's laid by,
Nor any's Parasite in flattery;
Thou hast put off the Clowns slops now, nor art
Wrapt with the fury of a Lovers part;
But suit'st thy self in one, wherein all must
Thy fellow Actors be, to sleep in Dust.

p.169 /

In Obtium Ben. Johns. Poetæ eximii.

E who began from Brick and Lime
    The Muses Hill to climbe;
And whilom busied in laying Ston,
           Thirsted to drink of Helicon ;
           Changing His Trowell for a Pen,
Wrote straight the Temper not of Dirt but Men,

Now sithence that He is turn'd to Clay, and gon,
   Let Those remain of th'occupation
He honor'd once, square Him a Tomb may say
His Craft exceeded farr a Dawbers way.
    Then write upon't, He could no longer tarry,
    But was return'd again unto the Quarry.

Of an Old Man.

Appy is He who on his own fields stage,
And no where else, hath acted ore his Age;
He, whom his own house, (had it eyes and tongue)
Might say it sees Him old, and saw him young,
Now trusting to a staff, he treads those sands
He formerly had crept on with his hands :
So reckons up the long descent and (dotage
Through decays) of that his homely Cottage,
    He ne'r was drawn with fortunes Train to haste,
    Nor did He flatter Forain springs with taste;
    He was no Merchant-man might fear the Straits,
    Nor Souldier fancying Military baits ;

p.170 /

    He never Pleaded, neither strife nor force,
    Of brabling Law-suits ever made him hoarse:
But (as uncapable of business) free,
Cannot resolve what the next town should be,
Yet doth enjoy a prospect (may controule
All others) of the free Aire, and Pole.
    Nor casts He up the year by Consuls now,
    But as the Fruit-trees to their seasons bow;
    By Apples Autumn, Spring by Flowers befalls him,
    One field hides Phœbus-face, the same recalls him:
    And thus This Countrey-swains observing way
    Measures within his Orb the Course of Day.
He did remember yon great Oak, when 't stood
But for a sapling, so's grown old with's wood:
And judging that same Ile (with less wits blest
More Barbarism) to be th'Indies East:
He doth conclude the Red-sea to be neer,
Beholding Stanground, Farcet, and the Meer:
And yet through strength unconquer'd he may gather
Comfort, the third Age sees him Grandfather.
        Let others wander to the farth'st of Spain,
        The way is onely Theirs, but life His gain.

De Tristibus.

To a Cat bore me company in Confinement.

Ssociate to my Tears, whose nature tride
Makes thee a fit Companion for my side,
Who Captive sit under Confinements wing
For Being too active to act suffering,

p.171 /

So become Passive too: Scratch but thine ear,
Then boldly tell what weather's drawing near.
For I'l conclude, no storm of Fortune can
Prevail ore Cæsar's barque, an honest Man.

Sola Bella che piace.

Is but a folly to be nice,
Since liking sets on Beauty price,
And what we doe affect alone,
Becomes to Each His Paragon:
   All Colour, Shape, or Form, we know
   Improve to best to those think so;
   For where Esteem its Anchor wets,
   There grows true Pearl, no Counterfets.
        Were She as Crooked as a Pin,
        And yet could Love, it were no sin
        To love again; for Writers tell,
        That love hath in't the Loadstons spell:
        Were She proportion'd like the Sphere,
        No Limb or Joint Irregular;
        Yet to my fancy if she Jarr,
        I shall not fail by such a Starr:
        Did She out-vie the new-born Day,
        Or th'richest Treasuries of May
        So that what Skies or Flowers put on,
        Give place to her Complexion
        I'l sooner deem a black Wench white,
        Thats suiting to my Appetite.
              Well, in conclusion, hath She Fair,
              Or Brown, or Black, or Golden hair
              Where one is Cupid struck, Venus is there.

Magnes amo-
ris amor.

p.172 /

To Retiredness

Ext unto G O D, to whom I owe
What e're I here enjoy below,
I must indebted stand to Thee,
Great Patron of my Libertie;
For in the Cluster of affaires,
Whence there are dealing severall shares:
As in a Trick Thou hast conveigh'd
Into my hand what can be said;
Whilst He who doth himself possess,
Makes all things pass him seem farr less.

Riches and Honors that appear
Rewards to the Adventurer,
On Either tide of Court or Seas,
Are not attain'd nor held with ease;
But as unconstancy bears sway,
Quickly will fleet and Ebb away:
And oft when Fortune those Confers,
She gives them but for Torturers :
When with a Minde Ambition-free,
These, and much more come home to Me.

Here I can sit, and sitting under
Some portions of His works of wonder,
Whose all are such, observe by reason,
Why every Plant obeys its season;
How the Sap rises, and the Fall,
Wherein They shake off Leafs and all;
Then how again They bud and spring,
Are laden for an Offering:
Which whilst my Contemplation sees,
I am taught Thankfulness from trees.

p.173 /

Then turning over Natures leaf,
I mark the Glory of the Sheaf,
For every Field's a severall page,
Disciphering the Golden Age:
So that without a Miners pains,
Or Indie's reach, here plenty raigns;
Which watred from above, implies,
That our acknowledgements should rise
To Him, that thus creates a birth
Of Mercies for us out of Earth :

Here, is no other Case in Law,
But what the Sun-burnt Hat of Straw,
With crooked Sickle reaps and bindes-
Up into Sheaves to help the hindes;
Whose arguing alon's in this,
Which Cop lies well, and which amiss,
How the Hock-Cart with all its gear
Should be trick'd up, and what good chear,
Bacon with Cook's reports express,
And how to make the Tenth goe less.

There, are no other Warrs, or Strife's - -
Encouragers, shrill Trumpets, Fyfes,
Or horrid Drumms; but what Excels
All Musick, Nature's Minstrels
Piping and Chirping, as they sit
Embowr'd in branche, dance to it:
And if at all Those doe contest,
It is in this, but, which sings best:
And when they have contended long,
I [though unseen] must judg the Song.

p.174 /

Thus out of fears, nor noise of Warr,
Crowds, and the clamourings at Barr;
The Merchant's dread, th'unconstant tides,
With all Vexation besides;
I hugg my Quiet, and alone
Take thee for my Companion,
And deem in doing so, I've all
I can True Conversation call:
For so my Thoughts by this retreat
Grow stronger, like contracted heat.

Whether on Natures Book I muse,
Or else some other writes on't, use
To spend the time in, every line,
Is not excentrick but Divine:
And though all others downward tend,
These look to heaven, and ascend
From whence they came; where pointed hie,
They ravish into Mysterie,
To see the footsteps here are trod
Of mercy by a Gracious God.

To my Book.

Oe, and my Blessing with Thee; then remain
Secure, with such as kindly entertain:
If sent to any Others, tell them this,
The Author so takes but his Mark amiss:
Who's fearless of reproach from Criticks skill,
Seing, t'look a given horse ith' mouth sounds ill:
And what alone to Friends he would impart,
Hath not at all to doe with Fair or Mart.
    Wherefore whoever shall peruse these Rimes,
    Must know, they were beguilers of spare times.

T E L O S.

p.176 ]

Poem written in handwriting at end of the book

[In handwriting, writer unidentified:]

The words of a ritous man I love to hear
& a good mans company I love dear
& in a good book I love to look
to see what Is ritten their.

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