The following are zip files (legacy mode) for true type fonts for Garamond and Monk, as used in the formatting of the 16th & 19th century versions of Beware the Cat by William Baldwin. Use of these will help to visualise the original use of blackletter font in the headings, and the spacing as well as relative sizes for the text. (It is not adviseable to install the below if the font(s) is/are already on your computer.)
Zip file for Baldwin fonts.
Self-extracting zip file for Baldwin fonts.
Note on published typography:
This has been saved in legacy mode and any version of WinZip upwards of v.2 should open it. Other modern operating systems' compressed file programs should also be able to open it. It comprises 4 files: gara.ttf, garabd.ttf, garait.ttf, ttmonk.ttf.
These are the same fonts (gara.ttf, garabd.ttf, garait.ttf, ttmonk.ttf.), but do not need a compression program to open them. Treat as a normal application, but save to a folder of your own choice.
The original 16th century text and subsequent 19th century transcriptions used the various versions of our modern day 's', as well as short forms for 'en' 'an' and so on. The 's' resembled an 'f', sometimes with a rear bar, sometimes without one (as in or
). Letters with a bar across the top usually meant they had an 'n' following (as in
= 'en'), although an occasional common word ending in 'm' might use the same. A tilde across the top usually meant the letter was doubled (as in
= 'mm'). These are rendered throughout the texts by small gifs as no commonly accessed present day computer font has these. Letter shapes more individual to the publisher's choice of typography (as, for example,
) or the 'Blackletter' type have not been used (eg, '?' has been used and not the smaller blackletter
and '&' has been used and not the smaller
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