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B. G. Thee initials (G. B.) are given by Webbe. They are ign'd to the dedication of a book intitle'd “ Beware the Cat,” 1561 : at the cloe of which book is a “ hymne.” |
BALDWIN WILLIAM, at firt a printer, and at lat a paron, publih'd “ A myrrovre for magistrates, wherein may be een by example of others, with howe greuous plages vices are punihed, and howe frayl and vntable worldly properitie is founded, euen of thoe whom Fortvne eemeth mot highly to fauour.—Anno 1559 :” printed by Tho. Marhe, 4to, b. 1. to a new edition whereof, in 1563, was aded a econd part. In this work the legends of Henry Percey earle of Northumberland, Richard earle of Cambridge, Thomas Montagu the earle of Salisbury, Kyng James the firt, William Delapole duke of Suffolke, Jacke Cade, Richard Plantagenet duke of Yorke, Lorde Clifforde, John Tiptoft earle of Worcester, Richard Nevel earle of Warwyke, Kyng Henry the ixt, and George duke of Clarence, in the firt, and thoe of Sir Anthony Wudvill, and Collingborne, in the econd part, appear to be of his own compoition. He had no concern |
whatever in the ubequent editions.* When “ ervaunt with Edward Whitchurche,” he wrote and printed “ The canticles or balades of Salomon, phrae lyke declared in Englyh metres,” 1549, 4to. He alo wrote “ The funeralles of king Edward the ixt. Wherin are declared the cauers and caues of his death :” printed by Tho. Marhe, 1560, 4to. |
--------------------------- * “ At the latter end of the reign of queen Eliabeth,” ays Warton, “as i am informed from ome curious manucript authorities, a thin quarto in the black letter was publihed, with this title, The mirrovr of mirrovrs, or all the tragedys of the mirrovr for magitrates abbreuiated in breefe histories in proe. Very necesary for thoe that have not the cronicle. London, Imprinted for James Roberts in Barbican, 1598.” This information he profeses to have “from manucripts of Mr. Coxeter;” who appears to have been an impostor of the ame tamp as William Chetwood, in furnihing books and editions that never exited, as, in fact, Warton himelf appears to have done, in more than one intance. --------------------------- |
“ The mirrour of magistrates,” and, particularly, Sackvilles induction, are extol'd by Bolton as “ the bet of thoe times.” Bihop Hall, however, eems of a different opinion, thus characterieing the authour : |