[ The story so far: "So many theories regarding the early life of Shakespeare have been founded on the alleged circumstances of his father, that the pains here taken to remove some of the doubts relating to the history of the latter, and to distinguish between him and his namesake, with more accuracy than has yet been accomplished, will be found of essential service in forming the most probable theory on the manner in which the poet's youth was passed." ]
We are, unfortunately, without the means of attaining beyond a probability in this matter ; for more than a century elapsed before any one committed to paper any intelligence on the subject, Shakespeare's contemporaries and immediate successors, who alone could have told much, passing away without suspecting how earnest would be the curiosity of posterity. About the year 1680, an inveterate gossip, who recorded every statement and anecdote that came in his way, and has, as / p.85 / might be expected, left us a legacy of biographical history where the glimmerings of truth are scarcely visible from amidst the corrupted ground that overwhelms them, favoured Shakespeare by becoming his first biographer. In Aubrey's MSS. at the Ashmolean Museum, are contained the following curious memoranda, and however little they are deserving of credit, it is necessary the reader should be put in full possession of their contents. In this, as in every similar instance, instead of quoting a document by fragments, I shall insert it entire, and refer to it where necessary. A small part of Aubrey's narrative relates to Shakespeare's early life, but the reader will be enabled to judge much better of the value of the evidence by having it before him at once, than if I were merely to quote it as occasion served :—
Mr. William Shakespear was borne at Stratford upon Avon in the county of Warwick ; his father was a butcher, and I have been told heretofore by some of the neighbours that when he was a boy he exercised his father's trade, but when he kill'd a calfe he would doe it in a high style, and make a speech. There was at that time another butcher's son in this towne, that was held not at all inferior to him for a naturall witt, his acquaintance and coetanean, but dyed young. This Wm., being inclined naturally to poetry and acting, came to London I guesse about 18, and was an actor at one of the play-houses, and did act exceedingly well. Now B. Johnson was never a good actor, but an excellent instructor. He began early to make essayes at dramatique poetry, which at that time was very lowe, and his playes tooke well. He was a handsome well shap't man, very good company, and of a very readie and pleasant smooth witt. The humour of . . . . . the cunstable, in Midsomer Night's Dreame, he happened to take at Grendon in Bucks, which is the roade from London to Stratford, and there was living that constable about 1642, when I first came to Oxon. I thinke it was Midsomer night that he happened to lye there. Mr. Jos. Howe is of that parish, and knew him. Ben: Johnson and he did gather humours of men dayly whereever they came. One time, as he was at the tavern at Stratford super Avon, one Combes, an old rich usurer, was to be buryed, he makes there this extemporary epitaph,
He was wont to goe to his native countrey once a yeare. I thinke I have been told that he left 2 or 300 lib. per annum there and thereabout to a sister. I have heard Sir Wm. Davenant and Mr. Thomas Shadwell (who is counted the best comœdian we have now) say that he had a most prodigious witt (v. his Epitaph in Dugdale's Warw.), and did admire his naturall parts beyond all other dramaticall writers. He (Ben Johnsons Underwoods) was wont to say that he never blotted out a line in his life ; sayd Ben Johnson, "I wish he had bloted out a thousand." His comœdies will remaine witt as long as the English tongue is understood, for that he handles mores hominum : now our present writers reflect so much upon particular persons and coxcombeities, that twenty yeares hence they will not be understood. Though, as Ben Johnson sayes of him that he had but little Latine and lesse Greek, he understode Latine pretty well, for he had been in his younger yeares a schoolmaster in the countrey. From Mr. . . . . . Beeston. |
--------------------------- * This might be abundantly illustrated from Aubrey's works, e. g. " Anno 1670, not far from Cyrencester, was an apparition. Being demanded whether a good spirit or a bad, returned no answer, but disappeared with a curious perfume and most melodious twang."—Miscellanies, ed. 1696, p. 67. --------------------------- |
--------------------------- * Malone discovered a notice of Thomas Shakespeare, a butcher, living at Warwick in 1610, and it is barely possible the tradition may have originated from the trade of that person. † The original manuscript is in my possession, and an account of it may be seen in Thorpe's Catalogue of MSS. for 1836, p. 395. It is of great curiosity as one of the earliest independent authorities for the life of Shakespeare. It was published in 8vo. 1838, under the title of ' Traditionary Anecdotes of / p.88 / Shakespeare ;' but as the orthography was modernized, and several lines omitted, besides many inaccuracies, I am well pleased to have the opportunity of giving a faithful copy of that portion of it which relates to our poet. --------------------------- |
The first remarkable place in this County that I visitted was Stratford super Avon, where I saw the effigies of our English tragedian Mr. Shakspeare ; parte of his epitaph I sent Mr. Lowther, and desired he would impart it to you, which I finde by his last letter he has done : but here I send you the whole inscription.
Neare the wall where his monument is erected lyeth a plaine free stone, underneath which his bodie is buried with this epitaph, made by himselfe a little before his death.
--------------------------- * "We by virtue of these presents, create, erect, found, ordain, make, and establish a certain free grammar school, in the said town of Stratford upon Avon, to consist of one master or teacher hereafter for ever to endure, and so we will and command by these presents to be established and inviolably to be observed for ever—and that the said school, so by us founded, created, erected and established, shall for ever be commonly called, named and styled, The King's New School of Stratford upon Avon ; and that in the same school there shall be a master or pedagogue to be named and appointed from time to time by the aforesaid Duke of Northumberland, his heirs and assigns, Lords of the Borough of Stratford upon Avon for the time being, which master or pedagogue so named or appointed shall be called, named, and styled by the name of Master or Pedagogue of the Free School of Stratford upon Avon."—Charter, 28 Jun. 7 Edw. VI. --------------------------- |
I, being thus supported by my prompter, it fell out one day that one of the eldest schollers and one of the highest forme fell out with mee upon occasion of some boyes-play abroad ; and in his anger, to doe mee the greatest hurt hee could (which then he thought to be to fall under the rod) he dealt with all the prompters, that none of them should helpe me, and so (as he thought) I must necessarily be beaten. When I found myselfe at this strait, I gathered all my wits together (as we say), and listned the more carefully to my fellowes that construed before me, and having also some easie word to my lot for parsing, I made hard shift to escape for that time. And when I observed my adversaries displeasure to continue against me, so as I could have no helpe from my prompters, I doubled my diligence and attention to our masters construing our next lesson to us ; and observing carefully how in construction one word followed and depended upon another, which with heedfull observing two or three lessons more, opened the way to shew me how one word was governed of another in the parsing ; so as I needed no prompter, but became able to bee a prompter myselfe ; and so the evill intended to mee by my fellow-scholler, turned to my great good. Let all those who have found the like gracious worke towards themselves (as many have in matters of more moment, if they observe it), come joyne with me in praising the Lord for the same, whose Providence governeth all things, and Who doth powerfully declare Himselfe to bee the onely true God, by such over-ruling the powers of darknesse, and the malicious and evill inten- / p.91 / tions of men, bringing light out of darknesse, good out of evill, life out of death, and making all things worke together for the good and comfort of them that feare him. |
--------------------------- * MSS. Ashmole 208, written about 1600. --------------------------- |
Thy skill in wit was not so poorely meek As theirs, whose little Latin and no Greek Confin'd their whole discourse to a street-phrase, Such dialect as their next neighbour's was ; Their birthplace brought o' th' stage, the clown and quean Were full as dear to them as Persian scean. Thou (to whom ware, thus offer'd, smelt as strong As the clown's foot) hadst led thy muse along Through all learn'd times and authors ; thy rich pen Travers'd more languages than they read men ; They but to Spain or Italy advance The leg, or shrugg, or to our neighbour France ; Thy universall genius did know The whole world's posture, and mixt idioms too : |
But these, as modern faculties, thy soul Rear'd higher up, learnt only to controul ; In abler works and tongues yet more refin'd, Thou wedgd'st thyself, till they grew to thy mind ; They were so wrapt about thee, none could tell A difference, but that Cartwright did excell ! |
--------------------------- * The schoolmaster had a salary of £20 a year. "Memorandum, there is a vicare and a scolemaster that have a stipend of xx.li. by the yere graunted by the Kinge to eyther of them, and the bailief and burgesses of Stratford are to pay the same yerelie stipendes out of the landes that were geven them by the Kinge, and the Earle had the nominatinge and appoyntinge of them bothe, and nowe her Majestie."—MS. at Carlton Ride. In 1585, Sur Wylliam Gylbarte was assistant master at a salary of £10 per annum. --------------------------- |
kytchyn - - - - - - - - - iij.li. x.s. | |||
Inprimis, payd to Hugh Aunge for repayryng of the scole Item, for dressyng and swepyng the scole house - - Item, payd to Mr. Lewes for the Quenes carryage - - Item, payd to John Tyler for groundesellynge in the olde scole Item, for wyne at the Bere - - - - - Item, for takyng downe the soller over the scole - - Item, payd to Mr. Tyler towardes the reparacion of the pyllorye |
- - - - - |
- x.s. - viij.d. - xvj.s. - ij.s. - ij.s. - xij.d. xviij.s. viij.d. |
--------------------------- * The locality of the schoolmaster's house in 1590 is seen from the following curious indenture:— This indenture made the xxv.th daye of Merche, in the xxxij.th yere of the raigne of oure soveraigne Ladye Elizabeth, by the grace of God of England, France and Ireland Queene, defendor of the faithe, &c. Betwene the bailiff and burgesses of the boroughe of Stratford upon Avon in the com. of Warr. of thone partie, and Alexander Aspinall of the same towne and countye scholemaster of the other partie, Witnesseth that the seyd bailyffe and burgesses for divers good and reasonable consideracions them speciallye movinge, have demised and to ferme letten, and by these presentes doe demise and to ferme lett, unto the seyd Alexander Aspinall, all that theire tenemente and romes of howsinge scituate and beinge within the chapell yarde of Stratford afforeseyd, withe the cole howsse and garden theireunto adjoyned, which late were in the tenure or occupacion of Edwarde Tyler and Ales Burford wydo, To have and to hold the seyd tenemente, romes of howsinge, withe the cole-howse and garden afforeseyd, to the seyd Alexander Aspinall, his executors and assignes, frome the daye of the date hereof unto the full ende and terme of twentye and one yeares from thence next insuinge fully to be complete and ended, yeldinge and payinge therefore yerely duringe the seyd terme unto the seyd bailiffe and burgesses and their successors ffourtie shillinges of currante English money at the feastes of the Nativitie of St. John Baptist, St. Michell the archangell, the Nativitie of our Lord God, and the Annunciacion of the blessed Virgen Marye, by even porcions ; Provided alweys that yf yt shall fortune the seyd yearely rente of ffourtie shillinges to be behinde and unpayd in parte or in all after any of the seyd feast dayes of payment in whiche yt ought to be payd by the space of tenne dayes (and lawfully demaunded) that then and frome thenceforth yt shall and maye be lawfull to and for the seyd bailiffe and burgesses and theire successors into the seyd demised premisses wholly to reenter and the same to have againe repossed and enjoye, as in their former estate, and the seyd Alexander Aspinall, his executors administrators and assignes, frome the same clerely to expell put out and remove, this present indenture of demise or any thinge herein conteyned to the contrarye thereof in any wise notwithstandinge. Provided alsoe that yf the seyd Alexander Aspinall his executors or administrators doe at any tyme hereafter bargaine sell asigne over or departe with his or their estate right title or interest in or to the demised premisses to any person or persons whatsoever, witheout the especiall license and consent of the seyd bailiffe and burgesses and their successors, or the more parte of them for the tyme beinge, first had and obteyned in writtinge (unlesse yt be the seyd bailiffe and burgesses and their successors) that then this presente indenture and everye clause sentence article and agrement herein conteyned, shall cease determine and become utterly voyd to all ententes and purposes whatsoever, any thinge herin conteyned or mencioned to the contrarye thereof in any wise notwithstandinge ; and the seyd Alexander Aspinall covvenanteth and granteth, for himselfe his executors administrators and assignes, to and with the seyd bailiffe and burgesses and their successors by these presentes the seyd demised premisses with the appurtenaunces at his and their proper costes and charges shall well and sufficiently repayre mainteyne and kepe in all maner of reparacions, when and often as nead shall requier duringe the seyd terme, and the same soe well and sufficiently repayred maynteyned and kepte in the ende of the seyd terme shall leave and yeld up unto the seyd bailiffe and bur- / p.95 / gesses and theire successors. In wittnes whereof to the one parte of this indenture remayninge withe the seyd Alexander Aspinall the seyd bailiffe and burgesses have put their comon seale, and to the other parte of the same indenture remayninge with the seyd bailiffe and burgesses the seyd Alexander Aspinall hath put his seale the daye and yere first above-written. --------------------------- |
Interior of the Chapel of the Guild.
Henry VII. The chancel is of greater antiquity, and was apparently the only portion of the more ancient building suffered to remain when Sir Hugh Clopton rebuilt the chapel. In this building it has been supposed that Shakespeare received his education, and, however much that may be doubted, still is it connected with his history, for here has been from time immemorial a pew appropriated to the owner of New Place, and in that chapel Shakespeare after 1597 would listen to the ministers of the reformed religion.
When Shakespeare was a boy, the bailiff and aldermen of Stratford encouraged the exhibition of dramatic performances in their ancient town. The accounts of the chamberlains contain several notices of such performances, but there were no doubt many others not mentioned in those documents. Willis,* who was Shakespeare's contemporary, and born in
--------------------------- * Mount Tabor, 12mo. Lond. 1639, p. 110. --------------------------- |
the same year as the poet, informs us that "when players of enterludes come to towne, they first attend the mayor, to enforme him what noble-mans servants they are, and so to get licence for their publique playing ; and if the mayor like the actors, or would shew respect to their lord and master, he appoints them to play their first play before himselfe and the aldermen and common counsell of the city ; and that is called the mayors play, where every one that will comes in without money, the mayor giving the players a reward as hee thinks fit, to shew respect unto them." We cannot infer from this curious notice that every company who obtained permission to play were so honoured by the mayor or bailiff, and there can be little danger in believing that no year passed in Stratford, during the youth of Shakespeare, without theatrical amusements. No one then can be at a loss to discover facilities in the way of the poet's imbibing a taste for the science in which he became so great a master ; but there is a probability to be founded on entries in the accounts above mentioned, tending to exhibit Shakespeare's father as an especial patron of the stage.*
--------------------------- * There can be no doubt that much depended in these matters on the personal taste of the bailiff. In 1617, notwithstanding the strict orders the corporation had issued against the performance of plays, the bailiff of the year gave his sanction to companies of players and showmen. --------------------------- |
1543. |
[Accounts of Richard Coton and Thomas Gilbard, 22 Mar. 34 Hen. VIII.] Item, payd Whytley for kepyng the alter - |
iij.s. iij.d. |
1545. | Item, payd to Thomas Whytley for kepyng Sent Georg alter, | viij.d. |
Item, payd for scowryng Sent Georg harnes - - - | ij.s. x.d. | |
1547 | Payd for scowryng Sent George harnes - - - - | ij.s. viij.d. |
Item, to Walter for rydyng Sent George - - - - | vj.d. | |
Item, to hym that bare the dragon - - - - - | iiij.d. |
1550 | Payd for a book of the actes* - - - - - - | xv.d. |
1555. | Money payed upon receyt. | |
Imprimis, payed for the scouringe of the harnes and settinge hit on the mans backe - - - - - - - |
ij.s. x.d. | |
It. for letheringes for the harnes - - - - | viij.d. | |
It. for bearinge the dragon and wearinge seynt Gorges harnes, | ij.s. | |
It. a dosyn of poyntes for the harnes - - - - | ij.d. | |
Item, payd for dressynge the dragon, and for bering the dragon, and weryng Seint George harnes on Holy Thursday - |
ij.s. viij.d. | |
Payd for gune powder - - - - - - | iiij.d. | |
Payd for scowrynge Seint George harnes - - - - | ij.s. | |
1556 | Payd to iij. men for berynge the dragon and Sent George harnes, | ij.s. |
1569 | Item, to Mr. Balyf that nowe ys † - - - - | xiiij.s. |
Item, payd to the Quenes pleyers - - - - | ix.li. | |
Item, for the Quenes provysyon - - - - | iij.s, iiij.d. | |
Item, to the Erle of Worcesters pleers - - - - | xij.d. | |
Item, to Peter Starkye for undersettyng Mother Gylles howse, - | xij.d. | |
1570 |
Item, we praye allowaunce of money delivered to Mr. Shaxpere at sundrie times - - - - - - - |
vj.li. |
Item, paied to Humfrey Getley for mendinge of the stoxe - | xij.d. | |
Item, paied for the timber of the same stoxe - - - | xij.d. | |
Item, paied to the smithe for iron work of the same stoxe - | ij.s. iiij.d. | |
Item, paid Viland for diginge of the plume trees - - | ij.d. | |
1572 | To the Quenes provision - - - - | vj.s. viij.d. |
1573 |
Paid the cutler for britchinge of a gune and makinge pynnes to the same - - - - - - |
ij.s. vj.d. |
Paid to Mr. Bayly for the Earle of Lecesters players - - | v.s. viij.d. | |
1576 |
Paid Mr. Hill for the agrement with the informer havinge the benefitt of the statute for wearinge of cappes - - - |
x.s. viij.d. |
Paid, for mendinge the docke stoole two elles - - | xij.d. | |
Paid, for the stoll and thinges to mende it withall - - | vj.d. | |
Paid, for a cocke for to sett on the stoole - - - | viij.d. | |
Geven my lord of Warwicke players - - - - | xvij.s. | |
Paid the Earle of Worceter players - - - - | v.s. viij.d. | |
1577 | Paid when the mouster was here for a gaune and halfe of sacke | iiij.s. |
Paide to Simon Bidile for dressinge the bowes at the mouster | viij.d. | |
Paid to my lord of Leyster players - - - - | xv.s. | |
Paid to my lord of Wosters players - - - - | iij.s. iiij.d. | |
1578 |
Item, to John Smith for a pottell of wine and a quarterne of sugar for Sir Thomas Lucy - - - - - |
xvj.d. |
--------------------------- * A copy of the Statutes, fol. Lond. 1543, is still preserved in the Council Chamber, and may be the book here alluded to. † This entry relates to John Shakespeare, who was bailiff at the time. --------------------------- |
1579. | Paid to William Evans for scowringe of the George Armour - - | iiij.d. |
Item, paid to my Lord Straunge men the xj.th day of February at the commaundement of Mr. Bayliffe - - |
v.s. | |
Paid at the commaundement of Mr.Baliffe to the Countys of Essex plears - - |
xiiij.s. vj.d. | |
1580. |
Paid for a drinking that was bestowed on them that bare the armor before the justices - - |
xx.d. |
Paid to the Earle of Darbyes players at the commaundement of Mr. Baliffe - - |
viij.s. iiij.d. | |
1581. | Paid to the Earle of Worcester his players - - | iij.s. iiij.d. |
Paid to the L. Bartlett his players - - | iij.s. ij.d. | |
1582. | Payed to Henry Russell for the Earle of Worcesters players - - | v.s. |
1583. |
Yt ys agreed that the chamberleins shall pay Davy Jones towardes his expenses at Whytsontyde last. |
xiijs. iiij.d. |
Payd to Mr. Alderman that he layd downe to the Lord Bartlite his players, and to a preacher - - |
vs. | |
Payd to the Lord Shandowes players - - | iijs. iiij.d. | |
1584. | For mendinge the bauldricke of the great bell - - | iiij.d. |
Paid for a quart of secke, a pottell of claret wyne, a quarterne of sugar, for Sir Thomas Lucy knight, the xij.th of Januarie, 1583 - - |
ij.s. j.d. | |
20 May. A churche ayle graunted to be kept by the churchwarden. | ||
Geven to my lord of Oxfordes pleers - - | iij.s. iiij.d. | |
Geven to the Earle of Worceter pleers - - | iij.s. iiij.d. | |
Geven to the Earle of Essex pleers - - | iij.s. viij.d. | |
1586. |
Paid for wine and sugar when Sir Thomas Lucie satt in comission for tipplers - - |
xx.d. |
Paide to Mr. Tiler for the pleyers - - | v.s. | |
1587. |
Item, paid for mendinge of a forme that was broken by the Quenes players - - |
xvj.d. |
Item, gyven to the Quenes players - - | xx.s. | |
Item, gyven to my Lo. of Essex players - - | v.s. | |
Item, gyven to therle of Leycester his players - - | x.s. | |
Item, gyven to another companye - - | iij.s. iiij.d. | |
Item, gyven to my Lo. of Staffordes men - - | iij.s. iiij.d. | |
1591. | Paid for wyne, suger, and cakes, to make syr Fowcke Grevell drynke, | xviij.d. |
1592. | Payd to the Queenes players - - | xx.s. |
1593. | Paid more for kidding* woode in the chappell orcharde - - | x.d. |
Paide unto Roger Welshe for carrying three loades of turfes to make the buttes - - |
ij.s. | |
Paid unto the Queenes players - - | xx.s. | |
1594. |
It. receved of Mr. John Gybbes for elmes in his orchard in Henley Lane - - |
xl.s. |
--------------------------- * Tying into faggots. --------------------------- |
/ p.101 /
Itm. at the eatinge of Mr. Grevilles bucke the kepers fee and horse hire - - |
xxx.s. vj.d. | |
It. a bankett at the Beare for Mr. Grevill - - | xxxiij.s. ij.d. | |
It. for peares and walnuttes at Mr. Grevill returne from Scottlande, |
ij.s. | |
1595. | Item, for a barne in Elye Streete decayed* with fire - - | iiij.s. |
It. of Robert Willsonne for the Crowne wasted with fire, | xxxiij.s. iiij.d. | |
It. for sacke and clarett wine for Sir Thomas Lucie and my ladie and Mr. Sherife at the Swanne - - |
iij.s. | |
It. paid att the Swanne for a quart of sacke and a quartern of sugar† burned for Sr Thomas Lucie - - |
xvj.d. | |
He prayeth allowance of liij.s. iiij.d. for the rent of the tuythe of Litle Wilmecote, for that he coulde not receave yt of Mr. William Underhill. |
1596. |
Item, receaved of Mr. Thomas Combs and Mr. Richard Quyney, farmers to Raphe Hubande esquier - - |
xxxiiij.li. |
Julii 16 and 17, paid the Queens plairs‡ - - | 10.s. | |
1597. |
Item pd. the 20. of January aº. 1596 for wine and sugar that Mr. Rogers bestowed on Sir Thomas Lucye and other gent. |
vj.s. vj.d. |
Payd to Gibbart Charnok the 20th of January 1596, for a quart of sake and a quartern of suger bestowed on Sur Edward Grivill at Mr. Quinyes - - |
xvj.d. | |
And a quart of clarret wine bestowd more the same tyme - - | x.d. | |
Payd for a sugerlofe to send to Sur Foke Grivill the 20. of January 11 li. 9 ounces at xvj.d. a pound - - |
xv.s. v.d. | |
Payd to a man at Mr. Lewes by the appoyntment of Mr. Bayly Sturly for the shew of the sytty of Norwiche - - |
iij.s. iiij.d. | |
Payd to Edward Ayng the 29th of May, 1597, in mony, to pay for wine and suger bestowed of Sur Edward Grivill at the Swann, |
vj.s. x.d. | |
Payd to Mr. Jefferis the 5th of August, 1597, for mony layd out on Mr. Underhill shut the som of - - |
lvj.s. iij.d. | |
Payd to Mr. Bayly Sturly which he layd out to Mr. Ambrose Couper for the chamber shut agaynst Mr. Underhill at Hillary terme, |
xxix.s. viij.d. | |
More to him for iij. dayes jurny for Thomas Vigers to serve Mr. Underhill at Banbury, at Coventry, and at his oune house by Coventry - - |
iiij.s. | |
Payd to him for vj. dayes jurny to London to make othe agaynst Mr. Underhill and his man - - |
xij.s. | |
Payd for foure companyes of players - - | xix.s. iiij.d. | |
Payd to Edward Aynge for a quart of sake and a quartern of suger bestowed on Sur Thomas Lusy and Mr. Burgon at the Swann, - - |
xxj.d. |
--------------------------- * In the old sense of ruined or destroyed. " Comes to decay a day's work," Cymbeline, i. 6. † See 1 Henry IV. act i. sc. 2. ‡ It would appear from a very brief note in the paper from which this is taken, that the players of the Earl of Derby and Lord Ogle also visited Stratford the same year. --------------------------- |
/ p.102 /
It. pd. to Mr. Rymesley, a straunger taken by the Turke, at Mr. Baliffes appointment - - |
v.s. | |
It. paide to Ravons for sweepinge thee bridge - - | iiij.s. |
Reseved by me William Wyatt for the usse of the camber this yeare, 1598. | ||
Imprimis Hamlet Sadlar - - | xxvj.s. viij.d. | |
Mr. Quine - - | xxvj.s. iiij.d. | |
July Shawe - - | xij.s. | |
Mr. Jhon Sadlar - - | xvj.s. | |
Of Mr. Combes and Mr. Quine - - | xxxiiij.li. | |
Pd. to Watton the smith for mending the flitte of the clocke - | iiij.d. | |
To Jhon Whittcoott iiij. dayes worcke at 9d. daye - - | iij.s. | |
Bowght of Hemmings iij. qrs. and halfe of lime - - | xiiij.s. | |
Bald Hughes for xj. dayes at 9d. - - | viij.s. iij.d. |
| ||
Pd. to Mr. Smith for wyne and suger when my Lady Grevell cam to see our sport - - |
ij.s. ij.d. | |
And for iij. cakes the same time - - | vj.d. | |
Pd. to Littel Smith for mending the beme of the clocke - - | iij.d. | |
Pd. to Sore Fowle Grevell for nothing - - | xl.s. | |
Pd. to Towell for iij. dayes worke of him and his sone - - | v.s. | |
Pd. to Thomas Hornebe for ij. pines of iveri - - | ij.s. j.d. | |
Pd. to Mr. Willson for stapols lock and hinges - - | vij.d. | |
To Grimshawes man for a plank to make whelles - - | ij.s. iiij.d. | |
Pd. to Cowell for a planke to make stoll - - | ij.d. |
| ||
| ||
Hamlet* Sadler - - | xxvj.s. viij.d. | |
Mr. Richard Quine - - | xxvj.s. iiij.d. | |
Wydowe Bathawaye - - | iiij.s. | |
| ||
Of Mr. Quine - - | xij.d. |
1600. |
Item, for a pottell of sack and a pottell of claret and suger and symneles and cakes for the justices - - |
iij.s. xj.d. |
It. beestowed in wine and suger at Mr. Sadler his howse | x.s. |
--------------------------- * Spelt Amblett in the accounts for 1602. --------------------------- |
/ p.103 /
1601. |
Rd. back againe of Mr. Richard Qwyne the 9th of Januarii aº. 1600 of the xx.s. which hee had of mee - - |
iiij.d. |
Mydsomer tearme. Payd to Mr. Henrye Wylson, which was sent up to Mr. Queneye by on of Mr. Cloptones mene to London - |
ij.li. | |
1602. | It. pd. then for a pinte of sacke and suger at Mr. Bayleefes - | viij.d. |
Item, dd.* unto Mr. Greene at London the 8. day of June - | x.s. | |
Item, paid for two quarts of sacke and two quarts of Rinnishe† wyne of that Mr. Bayleefe did give unto Mr. Varney and to Mr. Wm. Combes, when the roggs weare taken at Clifford barne |
iiij.s. | |
Item, paid ffor a galland and a pinte of sacke and a galland of clarrett wynne, beeinge geeven to Sr Edward Greevyll and Mr. Wm. Combes, Mr. Varney, the second of September, 1602 - |
vij.s. ij.d. | |
It. for a statute book to Mrs. Queeny - | ij.s. vj.d. | |
Paid for two kegges of sturgen and their cariage from London, | xliij.s. iiij.d. |
Item, we do present the greatest part of the inhabytants of this towne for wearing theyr repariell contrary to the stattut. |
1604. |
Paid to iiij. men that did keep out of the towne Coventrie men for iij. dayes at the great fair - - |
xj.s. iiij.d. |
Paid to Mr. Baliefe for iij. proclamations concerning the altering of the name England to Britaine and the seale, xxxjº. of Octob. - - |
iij.s. iiij.d. | |
Paid to Mr. Baliefe for fishe that the maisters had when they went to welcome Sir Tho. Lucie into the countrie. Novemb. xvj. |
vj.s. viij.d. | |
1606. |
Shotery. Mr. Thomas Combe and Mr. Anthony Nashe for the tithe corne and privy tithes - |
xxxiiij.li. |
Item to Spenser for amendinge the chappell clocke, and to Watton for the ironwoorke aboute the same clocke - - |
xvj.d. | |
Item to Greene for makinge the bowlinge aley - - | xx.s. | |
Item, for four loades of turves for the bowlinge alley - - | iiij.s. | |
Item, to Spenser for joistes for the scolehouse and for worke about the same - |
iiij.s. ix.d. | |
Item, for wine that was geven to Mr. William Combes and the Ladi Puckeringe when the were at the colleige - - |
iij.s. iiij.d. | |
Item, to Richard Greene and Harrington for watchinge the night after the bell was caste - - |
xij.d. | |
Item, to Spenser for timber for the bell frame and for plankes for the steple floore and his woorke and the bell stocke - |
iij.li. xvj.s. vj.d. | |
1608. | Paied Richard Stanell for tilling the fre skole - - | xxv.s. |
Paied Mistres Qwenye for wine to the chamber in making Mr. Baker and Mr. Smith frindes - - |
iiij.s. |
--------------------------- * That is, delivered. † Rhenish. Cf. Merch. Ven. i. 2 ; Hamlet, i. 4. --------------------------- |
/ p.104 /
Payd for a pottell of sack and claret wyne that was sent downe to the Bear to Sir Edward Grevill - - |
iij.s. iiij.d. | |
Paid at Mrs. Queenes when Mr. Rodgers and Mr. Wright were maid frendes - - |
v.s. ij.d. | |
Paid for three crab-tree seates set in the chappels orchard - | xij.d. | |
The second of Januarie spent in wyne at the eating of the doe at Mr. Balyfes, in muscadyne a pottel, in sack iij. quarts, and in claret wyne ij. gawnes, the summe of all - - |
xj.s. viij.d. | |
1610. |
Paid to Mr. Wilson balyfe which he gave to them that killed two buckes for their fees - - |
xij.s. |
Paid at the eating of the buck at Mrs. Queenys - - | xlviij.s. xj.d. | |
1611. | Bestowed in sack and sugar upon Mr. Sherife - - | xiiij.d. |
Paid to goodman Greene for worke done about the bowleing allye - - |
iiij.s. vj.d. | |
Paid for wyne, sugar, pippyns, and bear, bestowed upon the justices when they surveyed the hie way in the bridgtowne - |
v.s. | |
Paid for beesomes for the Guyld hall and councell house - | j.d. | |
Paid to the roper beyond the bridge for a new rope to wynd up the great poyze of the clocke and two roppe for the great bell |
iij.s. j.d. | |
Paid for a pottell of claret wyne sent to Mr. Greens to a gentilman of London their - - |
xvj.d. | |
Paid for making cleane the magistrates swerd - - | xij.d. | |
Paid for iij. rafters used about the house that must be for the scholemaister - - |
xviij.d. | |
Paid to Mr. Combes for x. thrave of straw - - | x.s. | |
Paid Julyne Shaw for xj. hundred and xx. of tyles, and one dosen of crestes - - |
xxx.s. vj.d. | |
To Julyne Shaw for ij. peeces of elme that made iiij. mantle-trees, | x.s. | |
1612. | Payd for a lock for the stockes - - | o. j.s. j.d. |
Payd for sack and clarryt wyne which was sent to Mr. William Combes - - |
o. v.s. j.d. | |
1613. | Out of Tho. Andrews house. | |
Mr. Adrian Quieny is to pay to the almespeople iij.s. iiij.d. a quarter in the year - - |
xiij.s. iiij.d. | |
Mrs. Queeny payeth and saith that hir sonne shall pay out of a close at the ffarme steele everie year to the almesfolkes - |
ij.s. | |
Of Adrian Queeny out of two tenementes in the old towne - | ij.d. | |
Paid Aprill the first at the signe of the Bear, when the justices surveied the armour, for a pottell of sacke and one of claret wyne, and halfe a pound of sugar - - |
iiij.s. ij.d. | |
Paid to Watton for setting up the hour glasse - - | iiij.d. | |
Paid to Henrie Bloome for a flaske, a twichboxe, and a string - | iij.s. | |
Paid to him for keeping the armour for six monthes - - | v.s. | |
Paid to him for looking to the armour the day that the trayned souldyers did shew - - |
xij.d. | |
Paid to Arthur Duckes for mending the stone bridge - - | vj.d. |
1614. | Mis. Elyzabeth Quiney j. tenement - - | x.s. |
Mr. Combs and Mr. Antony Nash to pay for theyr tythe - - | xxxiiij.li. | |
It. rec. of Kempe of Warwick - - | xxx.s. | |
Item, payed for pottell of sack and on pottell of clarrett wine gevene to the Fosteres at the shewe of the trayned men - - |
iij.s. iiij.d. | |
Item, to Mr. John Green for hetting a copy of Mr. Will. Combs his will - - |
xviij.d. | |
And for Mr. Watts assistant schoolemayster his rent pardoned him - - | vj.s. viij.d. | |
1615. |
Paide for ij. hookes of wood and nailes to set them on the wall at the Yelde Hall dore to lay the fier-hooke uppon to be in areadinesse, - - |
ij.d. |
Paied for heare to make parget for the walles - - | ij.d. | |
1616. | Mris. Elyzabeth Quinie j. tenement - - | vj.s. viij.d. |
Of Mris. Quinie her fine - - | v.li. | |
Payed to Thomas Quinie for wine and shuger - - | ij.s. viij.d. | |
Payed to Mris. Naish for a banket - - | iiij.s. | |
1617. | Receaved for the grat bell. | |
Receaved at the death of Mistris Comes - - | iiij.d. | |
Receaved at the death of Thomas Quyniis child - - | iiij.d. | |
Receaved at the death of Mr. Lane - - | iiij.d. | |
Receaved at the death of Mr. Collins - - | iiij.d. | |
Receaved at the death of Mr. Adrane Quynie - - | iiij.d. | |
Allowed Mr. Bayliffe which was given to a company that came with a shew to the towne - - |
iij.s. iiij.d. | |
Paid for making clane the bowling ally and laing up the rodes, | ij.s. iiij.d. | |
Paid for mending Mr. Combes gabell - - | ij.s. vj.d. | |
Item, per Mr. Bayliff's apoyntment, to a company of players - | v.s. | |
For a quart of sack sent Mr. Byfeld - - | j.s. | |
For ij. trees for the cookstoole - - | xj.s. | |
For a quart of sack sent to Mr. Cooper, a preacher - - | o. o. j.s. | |
Payde for a coppie of Mr. John Comes will - - | ix.s. iiij.d. | |
Payde for to dosen of silke poyntes to give to the boyes at the takyng of possession of Mr. Greens howse - - |
xij.d. | |
Payd to John Sonnes mayde for making haye - - | iiij.d. | |
Payde for three pintes of sack which was beestowed of Mr. Langsonne the first nyght hee came - - |
xviij.d. | |
Payde on the morrowe at the halle when hee toke his oath, to welcome hym, for foure quartes of muskadine - - |
iiij.s. viij.d. | |
Payde for a quarte of sacke and a quart of clarett wyne beestowed of Mr. Harris for his sermon made heire - - |
xx.d. | |
1622. |
Payd for two quartes of sacke that was sent to a preacher to the Lieon that preache heare - - |
ij.s. |
Payd to the kinges players for not playinge in the hall - | vj.s. | |
Payd Mr. Quyny that was given hime by the compinie - | xxxv.s. | |
1624. | Of Mr. Hall at Ladi day - - | 8 10 6 |
To Watton for a chaine for the booke which Mr. Aspinall gave to the scoole - - |
iiij.d. | |
For rushes for the chamber* - - | vj.d. | |
Given Mr. Hall in ernest for the tyth - - | x.s. | |
1625. |
A quart of sacke sent to Mr. Smythes at the Crose† for Mr. Warde the precher - - |
j.s. |
Old Market Cross, now removed.
1628. | It. to Thomas Hathaway for bred for aight communyanes - | 0 4 0 |
It. to Richard Chastell for a sugar lofe gyfen to Sr. Thomas Lusy, | 0 19 0 | |
A note of what mony hath bine receved since the 21. of September, 1630, by my father for the poore, for swearing, and other defaults. | ||
It. of one Stubes, a poore man, for swearing - - | 0 6 | |
It. of a shumaker for tipling - - | 1 0 | |
It. John Wodward for swearing and abusing the constables - | 2 0 | |
It. of Mr. Quiny for swearing - - - - - | 1 0 | |
| ||
It. paid for mending the houses that they brauke when they tooke Newell and Gypsy - - |
1 4 | |
1695. | April 16. Pd. for ale at the White Lyon thankgiveing day - | 1 02 0 |
Payd Shakespear Hart a bill for glaseing the chappell, Mr. Crofts house, Mr. Wills house, the alms houses, and Market House |
2 11 11 | |
1717. | May 29th. Gave the morris dansers per Mr. Mayors order - | 5s. |
--------------------------- * "Is supper ready, the house trimmed, rushes strewed, cobwebs swept ?" Taming of the Shrew, iv. 1. † The accompanying woodcut represents the remains of the ancient market cross, used partly as a support for a small structure, as they appeared some years ago. The base of the original stone cross is now preserved in the garden of Mr. Heritage, a builder at Stratford. --------------------------- |
The present appearance of Stratford is essentially different to what it was when these accounts were indited. The ugly and tasteless brick cottages of modern days have taken the place of the picturesque structures of Shakespeare's age ; yet a few years since were there buildings remaining in Henley street, such as the poet himself might have been
/ p.107 /
Ancient Houses in Henley Street, 1820.
familiar with. Those represented in the accompanying woodcut were taken down when the new market-house was erected in 1821 ; and others are exhibited on the first page of this book. It is deeply to be regretted that characteristic memorials of this kind should have been suffered to be destroyed. Their place is seldom occupied in a way to make us forget the change, independently of the associations that are thus for ever lost.
More than a century elapsed after Henley street had been the scene of Shakespeare's youth, before any one recorded the trade that he was originally destined to follow. If we were asked for the best evidence on this subject, the opinion of the parish clerk in 1693 is undoubtedly entitled to the / p.108 / preference (supported by Aubrey's random history), "that this Shakespear was formerly in this towne bound apprentice to a butcher." Rowe's assertion that he followed his father's occupation, and dealt in wool, is by no means at variance with this presumed fact. I am not prepared to assent to its truth, but shall be glad if any one will produce better authorities for a contrary opinion. There seems at least to be no reason against it on the ground of disparity of social position, for one of the bailiffs of the town was a butcher, and Shakespeare's sister married a hatter.* Mr. Collier follows Malone in considering there is sufficient internal evidence in Shakespeare's plays to warrant the belief that he was employed in the office of an attorney after he had quitted the free-school. He says, "proofs of something like a legal education are to be found in many of his plays, and it may be safely asserted that they do not occur anything like so frequently in the dramatic productions of his contemporaries." Mr. Collier's opinion is entitled to great consideration ; but surely the frequent and correct use Shakespeare made of such terms may have been readily taught by the numerous legal transactions in which his parents were implicated.†
--------------------------- * Richard Quiny, father of Thomas Quiny, Shakespeare's son-in-law, was a mercer. This appears from a deed dated 16 June, 38 Eliz. 1596, preserved in the Council Chamber. † The supposed allusion to Shakespeare in Nash's epistle to Menaphon, 1587, is obviously founded on an incorrect interpretation of the passage, and is certainly no evidence whatever in favour of Malone's opinion. --------------------------- |
If biographers of our poet are to accept what is termed the internal evidences of his history to be found in his sonnets and dramas, any given problem might be solved, or any desired result might be obtained. There is not a technical term in Shakespeare's plays the use of which may not be accounted for in some such manner. But another conjecture of Mr. Collier's is more probable. "He had been in his younger yeares," says Aubrey, "a / p.109 / schoolmaster in the countrey ;" and this is explained on the supposition that he had been employed by the master of the free-school to aid him in the instruction of the younger boys. We know from several writers that such a course was not unusual, and Dr. Forman tells us of something similar respecting himself.*
" Howe Simon became a scolmaster before he was eighteen yers old. Simon, percevinge his mother wold doe nothinge for him, was dryven to great extremity and hunger, gave of to be a scoller any longer for lacke of maintenance, and at the priorie of St. Jilles, wher he himself was firste a scoller, ther became he a scolmaster, and taught som thirty boies, and their parentes among them gave him moste parte of his diet. And the money he gote he kept, to the some of som 40s., and after folowinge when he had bin scolmaster som halfe yere and had 40s. in his purse, he wente to Oxford for to get more lerninge, and soe left of from being scolmaster."—MS. Ashmole 208.
Be this as it may, and were Shakespeare really an able scholar, it is probable education was not considered so essential by his father, for Judith Shakespeare was unable to write her own name. The fac-simile here given is copied from a deed executed in December, 1611, in the possession of Mr. Wheler.
We have thus traced Shakespeare, as well as our sources of information will permit, through the first two stages of life, in his nurse's arms, and then the "whining schoolboy, with his satchel and shining morning face." At eighteen years of age he entered on the next,—
————And then the lover, Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad Made to his mistress' eyebrow, |
If thy soul check thee that I come so near, Swear to thy blind soul that I was thy Will, And will, thy soul knows, is admitted there ; Thus far for love, my love-suit, sweet, fulfil. |
A contract of eternal bond of love Confirm'd by mutual joinder of your hands, Attested by the holy close of lips, Strengthened by interchangement of your rings ; And all the ceremony of this compact Seal'd in my function by my testimony. |
--------------------------- * See Brand's Popular Antiquities, ed. 1841, ii. 57. Compare Claudio's speech in Measure for Measure, act i. sc. 3. † Jacob's New Law Dictionary, fol. Lond. 1762, sig. 5 P. --------------------------- |
--------------------------- * Susanna Shakespeare, his eldest daughter, was born in May, 1583. The truth of what I have advanced in the text will appear from the following entries in the Stratford register, the same year in which Shakespeare was married : 1582, June 14, Robert Hawle and Jone Atford ; bapt. Nov. 5, 1582, Elizabeth, daughter to Robert Hawle. Marr. 1582, Oct. 14, John Smith and Mary Masonne ; bapt. Jan. 22, 1582-3, John sonne to John Smith. Mr. Knight's opinion on the subject is fully confirmed by the evidence here adduced. It may be added, that illegitimacy is always carefully noted in the register by the addition of bastard or notha. --------------------------- |
--------------------------- * The earliest notice of the name I have met with occurs in a MS. of the seventeenth century, in the collection of the late Captain Saunders,—Fuit carta per Willelmum Hathewy facta Willelmo Archer clerico de terris in Overton quæ jacent inter terram Willelmi Gill ex una parte, et terram Willelmi le Archer ex altera parte, quam emit de Rogero Coyle, data anno Domini 1301, et anno Ed. primi xxixº. --------------------------- |
--------------------------- * In a Subsidy Roll, 16 April, 19 Jac. I. 1621, occur the following assessments,—
--------------------------- |
--------------------------- * A vast number of similar notices might be collected, but it will be found they tend to the conclusion here arrived at. In the registry of the Court of Record, under the date of 21 Dec. 29 Eliz., occurs this entry, " contin. actio inter Johannem Hathawey quer. et Tho. Hathawey def. in placito debiti," one Hathaway proceeding against another for the recovery of a debt. In a list of "the bakers that breake the sisse in bread," Sept. 1615, is Richard Hatheway, / p.116 / fined xij.d.; he is also mentioned in a tole-book dated 1646, and a person of the same name is found in a court-roll of the manor of Stratford, 1685. The receipts of the chamberlains of Stratford for 1644, include, "Bridgstreet Ward, Mrs. Hathaway for the Crowne, 00. 08. 04." A family of the name of Hathaway resided at Warwick, as may be gathered from the following entry in the parish register of St. Nicholas,—" 1583, Julii ; undecimo die hujus mensis solemnizatum fuet matrimonium inter Johannem Large et Magdalenam Hathaway hujus parothia." The register of Aston Cantlowe mentions the marriage of John Hathaway in 1609-10, "the vj. day of ffebruary was maried John Hathaway and Anne Wheyham." Mr. Wheler possesses a MS. entitled, " The order the fyldes and medows belungynge to Shotterey, and how many acres the farmer showd have lyeng and fletyng," 1636, in which the name of John Hathaway occurs as having been present when the order was made. George Hathewey, of Billesley, is mentioned in the muster for 1569, in the State Paper Office. --------------------------- |
Anne Hathaway's Cottage, from an Etching by Rider, 1825.
/ p.116 /
the residence of the fair object of his early affection, is still pointed out at Shottery, and was undoubtedly the abode of the Hathaways in Shakespeare's time, then a large and well-appointed yeoman's house, now divided into three cottages. It continued in the possession of the Taylors, lineal descendants of the Hathaways, till within the last few years, and the wife of the present occupier of the middle cottage is a grand-daughter of John Hathaway Taylor.
The late Captain Saunders discovered two precepts in the papers of the Court of Record at Stratford, dated in 1566, which appear to exhibit Richard Hathaway and John Shakespeare on friendly terms. These precepts were issued on the same day on which the brief abstracts are dated in the registry of the court, and while the plaintiffs are respectively the same in the abstracts and precepts, the name of John Shakespeare is substituted in each instance in the latter for that of Richard Hathaway. Although I have not met with any similar instances, yet the only method of explanation is to conclude that Shakespeare became security for Hathaway. It appears that the distringas in each case was afterwards withdrawn.
11 Sept. 8 Eliz. Johannes Page queritur versus Ricardum Hatheway de placito detencionis &c. ad valenc. octo librarum.—Johanna Byddoll queritur versus Ricardum Hatheway de placito detencionis &c. ad valenc. xj.li. |
Burgus. |
} | Preceptum est servientibus ad clavem quod distr. seu unus vestrum distr. Johannem Shakespere per omnia bona et catalla |
sua, ita quod sit apud proximam curiam de recordo tent. ibidem ad respondend. Johanni Pagge de placito debiti &c. Datum sub sigillo meo xj.mo die Septembris, anno regni Dominæ Elizabethæ, Dei gracia Angl. Franc. et Hibern. reginæ, fidei defenc. &c. octavo.
| ||
Burgus. |
} | Preceptum est servientibus ad clavem quod distr. seu unus vestrum distr. Johannem Shakespere per omnia bona et catalla |
sua, ita quod sit apud proximam curiam de recordo tent. ibidem ad respondendum Johanni Byddele de placito debiti, &c. Datum sub sigillo meo xj.mo die Septembris, anno regni Dominæ Elizabethæ, Dei grac. Angl. Franc. et Hibern. reginæ, fidei defenc. &c. octavo. |
--------------------------- * Richardson was perhaps related to " William Rychardson of Shotterey," one of the bridge-wardens of Stratford in 29 Hen. VIII. The Stratford registers exhibit several notices of the Richardsons and Sandels, e. g. bapt. May 20, 1574, Rose daughter to John Richardson of Shattery [lit.] ; Nov. 30, 1575, Jone / p.118 / daughter to John Richardson ; July 17, 1578, John sonne to John Richardson of Shottrey ; Aprill 24, 1581, William sonne to John Richardson ; March 23, 1583, Mary daughter to ffoulke Sandulls ; Dec. 22, 1583, Mary daughter to John Richardson ; March 17, 1584-5, John sonne to ffowlke Sanduls ; Nov. 27, 1586, ffoulke sonne to John Richardsonne ; May 1, 1587, Thomas sonne to ffowlke Sanduls ; Aug. 17, 1589, Edward sonne to ffowlke Sanduls ; Sept. 7, 1589, John sonne to John Richardsonne ; Sept. 24, 1592, Margareta filia Johanni Richardsonnes ; Oct. 8, 1592, Ralph filius ffowlke Sanduls, &c. A John Richardson, of Norton Lindsey, is mentioned in the King's Bench Rolls for Hilary Term, 29 Eliz. --------------------------- |
--------------------------- * John Shakespeare could not write, although he was employed to audit the accounts of the corporation, and John Taylor, one of the chamberlains, signs with a mark. †He seems to have been often engaged in such matters. There is preserved at Stratford, "The true inventory of Roger Burmans goodes, late of Shottre, in the perish [lit.] of Stratford upon Avon, in the county of Warwycke, husbandman, taken the fyrst day of March in the xxxiij.th yeare of the raygne of our soverayngne lady Elizabeth, by the grace of God Queene of England, ffraunce, and Ierland, Defender of the ffayth, etc. by the discretyon of Steven Burman, ffowcke Sandalls, and John Barber, with others." --------------------------- |
The tru inventory of the goodes and chattells of John Richardsons, late of Shottre in the perish of Stratford upon Avon, in the countye of Warwycke, decessed, taken the iiij.th day of November, 1594, and in the xxxvj.th yeare of |
the rayngne of our Soverayne Lady Elizabeth, by the grace of God Queene of England, Fraunce and Ierland, defender of the ffayth, and by the dyscretyon of Mr. John Gibbs, Mr. John Burman, ffowcke Sandells, John . . . . . . and John Barber. |
Inprimis, his apperrell praysed at - - | x.s. |
Item, in the hall a table bord, iij. benches, and two cheyres, praysed at | vj.s. viij.d. |
| |
Inprimis, one ffether bed, ij. flocke bedds, ij. boulsters, iij. pillows, ij. hillyngs, fowr blankets and fowr twellis, at - - |
l.s. |
Item, thre pere of bedsteds, iij. coffers, and ij. cobbords, praysed at | x.s. | Item, paynted clothes in the chamber - - | ij.s. |
Item, iiij. pere of fflaxen shetes, iiij. pere of hemp shetes, thre bord clothes, ij. towells, one table napken, and one pillowebure, at - - |
xxx.s. |
Item, one cheese bord, xl. smale cheses, and a fewe locks of woll, at | xiij.s. iiij.d. |
Inprimis, v. brasse potts, ij. pans, ij. caldrens, one posnet, a skymer, a drypyng pan, one pere of pot hookes, a brach, a pere of wafer yrons, a grydyron, pot hanglysh, a fod stone, and a chafferne, at - - |
xxvj.s. viij.d. |
Item, xij. platters, a sawcer, one salt, iij. candlestyckes, a yewre, a chaffyng dysh, and ij. pewter potts - - |
x.s. |
Item, one bruyng lead and a malt myll - - | x.s. |
Item, iij. lomes, one kyver, iij. barells, a boultyng which, a mouldyng bord, ij. syves, a strycke, a scuttle, v. disshes, a dosen of trenchers, v. spones, and an old cobbord, at - - |
ix.s. |
Item, the wheat, barley, pease, wotes, and hey, in the barns, at - | xl.li. |
Item, the wheat sowed in the fyld at - - | v.li. |
Item, the tylledge for wheat and barley at - - | iiij.li. |
Item, fyve kyne, three heyffers, and a bullocke - - | x.li. |
Item, fowr horses and mares - - | xl.s. |
Item, vj. swyne praysed at - - | xxx.s. |
Item, vj. score sheepe and x. shepe at - - | xij.li. |
Item, thre gese and a gander, xj. hennes, a cocke, two capons, and iiij. checkyns, at - - |
vj.s. |
Item, one long cart, and a wayne, ij. tumbrell beds, an oxe plow and an horse plowe, a pere of harrowes, and one great harrowe, one pere of draghts, one yolke, and a tawe, with wod and shepe racks at - - |
l.s. |
Summa totalis, lxxxvij.li. iij.s. viij.d. |
The epithet husbandman did not denote that inferior condition, which those who have reasoned on the bond have generally imputed to it. When Robert Myddylton, "pryste and chaunter in the College of Stratford," made his will in 1538, still preserved at Worcester, he named for his executors "William Wyllshay, pryste and vycare of the College of Warwycke, and Thomas Cole, husbandman in Shoterey." The husbandman of Shottery was, then, not necessarily a "heavy ploughman." His position in society did no discredit to the part taken by him in Shakespeare's nuptials. If one husbandman could with propriety be a priest's executor, surely another might sign a bond, without the circumstance creating mysterious arguments.
Anne Hathaway,* as appears from her monumental inscription in Stratford church, was born in the year 1556, and was therefore eight years older than her husband.
--------------------------- * If Richard Hathaway, who was a dramatist contemporary with Shakespeare, and is frequently mentioned in Henslowe's Diary, was the son of the Richard Hathaway of Shottery, mentioned as born in 1561-2, and the conjecture is not improbable, he would have been brother-in-law to the poet, and perhaps they attached themselves to the stage at the same time. They were, however, engaged by different companies. The original signature from which the following fac-simile was taken is in a MS. at Dulwich College.
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Ubera tu, mater, tu lac vitamque dedisti : Væ mihi ! pro tanto munere saxa dabo. |
Gentlemanlike ! he nere kept horse Nor hounds ; you might as soon have got him to The gallows, as to th’ stealing of a deer : Since hee has made a journey to London, Shall have him in the twelvepenny seat at Playhowses, nere sit in the stage pitt. |
William Shakespeare was born at Stratford upon Avon in Warwickshire, about 1563-4. Much given to all unluckinesse in stealing venison and rabbits, particularly from Sr . . . . Lucy, who had him oft whipt and sometimes imprisoned, and at last made him fly his native country to his great advancemt. but his reveng was so great, that he is his Justice Clodpate, and calls him a great man, and that in allusion to his name bore three louses rampant for his arms. From an actor of playes he became a composer. He dyed Apr. 23, 1616, ætat. 53, probably at Stratford, for there he is buryed, and hath a monument (Dugd. p. 520), on which he lays a heavy curse upon any one who shal remoove his bones. He dyed a papist. |
At all events, here we have the earliest explanation of the remarkable satirical allusions to the Lucy family at the commencement of the Merry Wives of Windsor. "I will make a Star-chamber matter of it," says Justice Shallow ; and we have just seen that the offence of deer-stealing was referred to that arbitrary court.* "You have beaten my men, killed my deer, and broke open my lodge." Davies tells us moreover, what we should have believed independently of his authority, that Sir Thomas Lucy was ridiculed under one of his characters. That character is Justice Shallow, and the satire is by no means confined to one play.
--------------------------- * Among the unpublished papers in the Talbot collection is a letter from the Earl of Derby, dated 1589-90, relating to a deer-stealer in Staffordshire, whom he binds over to appear before Lord Shrewsbury, "and at the nexte terme (God willinge) I will call hym into the Starre Chamber to answeere his misdemenors." In the same MSS. is a letter from the Archbishop of York, 1556-7, relating to "divers evill disposed personnes who entred into the same parke by night season with grehoundes and bowes entending to destroy our deare." --------------------------- |
/ p.126 /
It is well known that Shakespeare, throughout his life, retained a strong affection for his native town, but I do not think it has ever been observed how often he adopted the names of his characters from his neighbours in Warwickshire. In the play we have just been noticing, there are several remarkable instances of this. Bardolf and Fluellen were names well known at Stratford. At a meeting of the town council, 9 March, 1604, it was "ordered that Isabell Bardolf, widow, shall have and enjoy one tenement in the almeshouse with widdow Bishopp." In the registry of the Court of Record, August 19th, 1584, William Parsons brought an action of debt against William Fluellen, "Willielmus Parsons quer. versus Willielmum fflewellyn def. de placito debiti ;" and Anne Fluellen is mentioned in the Chamberlains' accounts for 1604, "the summe of monye receyved in the consell house, and of Isabell Hudson, Anne Fluellyn, and widow Cowle, elected almesweomen, and from the ringers of the chappels great bell, is, 11li. 13s. 6d." William Fluellen and George Bardolf are found in the list of recusants, printed at p. 72. The name of Shallow's servant Davy may have been taken from Davy Jones, an inhabitant of Stratford, who is mentioned in the extracts I have given from the Chamberlains' accounts as exhibiting a "pastyme" at Whitsuntide. Two persons of the names of Perkes, inhabitants of Snitterfield, have already been mentioned (p. 8), and Peto* was a Warwickshire magistrate contemporary with Sir Thomas Lucy.
In the corporation archives at Warwick is preserved "The note of such typlers and alehouse-kepers as the justices of peax have returned to me this Michilmas sessions. Thies underwriten were returnyd by Sir Thomas Lucy and Humfrey Peyto, esquire." Mich. 15 Eliz.
In the rolls of King's Bench, 28 Eliz. John Richardson is mentioned as bringing an action against Thomas Partlett. This entry may be referred to an antiquary of the old / p.127 / school. What follows is more to the purpose. The names of Sly, Herne, Horne, Brome, Page, and Ford, will be found in the following extracts from the MSS. in the Council Chamber at Stratford. It may be necessary to add that Herne the hunter is called Horne in the first sketch of the Merry Wives, and that Brome will be found to be Ford's assumed name in the first folio.
1570. |
Inprimis for a howse and a barne in Henley Stret in the tenure of John Page and John Carpenter als. |
ix.s. iiij.d. |
Item, we praie allowaunce for the muckhill in the Rather Stret in the tenure and occupacion of John Page - - |
viij.d. | |
1585. |
Paid to John Page for mendynge the grete bell, when the clypps of iron were loste - - |
ij.s. |
Paid to Herne for iij. dayes worke - - | ij.s. vj.d. | |
1597. | R. of Mr. Parsons for the house where John Page dwelled - - | iiij.d. |
R. of Thomas Fordes wiffe - - | vj.s. viij.d. | |
1606. |
Reginalde Brome, of Woodlowe in the countye of Warwicke, deed dated Dec. 20th, 4 Jac. I. |
1613. |
Paid to Hearne for mending a dorman in the scole before the glasse was set in yt, ij.d., and for lath nailes, ob., in all - - |
ij.d. ob. |
1626. |
Thomas Greene, Symon Horne, John Heminges, of Bishopton, concerned in a purchase of tithes. |
1630. | Item, of Joane Slie for breaking the Sabath by traveling - - | 3—4. |
1633. | William Horne, mentioned in a deed, May 17, 9 Car. I. |
Upon his leaving school, he seems to have given entirely into that way of living which his father proposed to him ; and in order to settle in the world after a family manner, he thought fit to marry while he was yet very young. His wife was the daughter of one Hathaway, said to have been a substantial yeoman in the neighbourhood of Stratford. In this kind of settlement he continued for some time, till an extravagance that he was guilty of, forced him both out of his country and that way of living which he had taken up ; and though it seemed at first to be a blemish upon his good manners and a misfortune to him, yet it afterwards happily proved the occasion of exerting one of the greatest geniuses that ever was known in dramatick poetry. He had, by a misfortune common enough to young fellows, fallen into ill company, and amongst them, some that made a frequent practice of deer-stealing, engaged him more than once in robbing a park that belonged to Sir Thomas Lucy, of Charlecote, near Stratford. For this he was prosecuted by that gentleman, as he thought, somewhat too severely ; and in order to revenge that ill usage, he made a ballad upon him. And though this, probably the first essay of his poetry, be lost, yet it is said to have been so very bitter, that it redoubled the prosecution against him to that degree, that he was obliged to leave his business and family in Warwickshire for some time, and shelter himself in London. |
A parliamente member, a justice of peace, At home a poore scare-crow, at London an asse ; If lowsie is Lucy, as some volke miscalle it, Then Lucy is lowsie, whatever befalle it : He thinkes himselfe greate, Yet an asse in his state We allowe by his eares but with asses to mate. If Lucy is lowsie, as some volke miscalle it, Sing lowsie Lucy, whatever befalle it. |
--------------------------- * Notes and Various Readings to Shakespeare, vol. ii. p.75. Capell's account is attributed by Mr. Collier to Oldys, and this has led him to rely on one authority only. The evidences of Capell and Oldys, considered together, are no mean supports to the general truth of the tradition. --------------------------- |
Some other lines of this celebrated song were stated by Chetwood in a MS. History of the Stage written about 1730, to have been procured by Joshua Barnes at Stratford about the year 1690. Chetwood's name is unfortunately associated with several literary impositions, so that his authority cannot well be allowed to possess much weight, excepting on the supposition that at the period he wrote, this was not exactly the subject on which a fabricator would be likely to exercise his skill. According to this writer, "the learned Mr. Joshua Barnes, late Greek Professor of the University of Cambridge, baiting about forty years ago at an inn in Stratford, and hearing an old woman singing part of the above-said song, such was his respect for Mr. Shakspeare's genius, that he gave her a new gown for the two following stanzas in it ; and, could she have said it all, he would, as he often said in company, when any discourse has casually arose about him, have given her ten guineas." Then follow the verses alluded to,—
Sir Thomas was too covetous To covet so much deer, When horns enough upon his head Most plainly did appear.
Had not his worship one deer left ? |
--------------------------- * Specimen of a Commentary on Shakspeare, 1794, p. 95. It should be observed that an inscription in the church at Charlecote bears special testimony to the virtue of Lady Lucy. --------------------------- |
House in High Street, Stratford, erected 1596.
room for doubting that he was in difficulties, or at least in circumstances that placed him in a delicate legal position. Join to this the certainty that these matters would affect his son, with the traditions above related, and reason will be found quite sufficient for Shakespeare's important step of joining the metropolitan players. There is something apologetic in the following:
/ p.135 /
O, for my sake do you with fortune chide, The guilty goddess of my harmful deeds, That did not better for my life provide, Than publick means, which publick manners breeds.* |
--------------------------- * Sonnet cxi. Although the sonnets cannot safely be regarded as biographical, they may in some instances be taken as indications of the writer's sentiments. --------------------------- |
--------------------------- † See an epigram addressed to Mr. John Honyman, in Cokain's Small Poems, 1658, p. 140 :
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I cannot forbear relating a story which Sir William Davenant told Mr. Betterton, who communicated it to Mr. Rowe ; Rowe told it Mr. Pope, and Mr. Pope told it to Dr. Newton, the late editor of Milton, and from a gentleman who heard it from him, ’tis here related. Concerning Shakespear's first appearance in the playhouse. When he came to London, he was without money and friends, |
and being a stranger, he knew not to whom to apply, nor by what means to support himself. At that time, coaches not being in use, and as gentlemen were accustomed to ride to the playhouse, Shakespear, driven to the last necessity, went to the playhouse door, and pick'd up a little money by taking care of the gentlemen's horses who came to the play ; he became eminent even in that profession, and was taken notice of for his diligence and skill in it ; he had soon more business than he himself could manage, and at last hired boys under him, who were known by the name of Shakespear's boys. Some of the players, accidentally conversing with him, found him so acute, and master of so fine a conversation, that, struck therewith, they [introduced] and recommended him to the house, in which he was first admitted in a very low station, but he did not long remain so, for he soon distinguished himself, if not as an extraordinary actor, at least as a fine writer. (Vol. i. pp. 130-1.) |
These are to certifie your right Honorable Lordships that her Majesties poore playeres, James Burbadge, Richard Burbadge, John Laneham, Thomas Greene, Robert Wilson, John Taylor, Anth. Wadeson, Thomas Pope, George Peele, Augustine Phillipps, Nicholas Towley, William Shakespeare, William Kemp, William Johnson, Baptiste Goodale, and Robert Armyn, being all of them sharers in the Blacke Fryers playehouse, have never given cause of displeasure in that they have brought into theire playes maters of state and religion unfitt to bee handled by them or to bee presented before lewde spectators : neither hath anie complaynte in that kinde ever bene preferrde against them or anie of them. Wherefore they trust moste humblie in your Lordships consideration of their former good behaviour, being at all tymes readie and willing to yeelde obedience to any command whatsoever your Lordships in your wisdome may thinke in such cas e meete, &c. Novr. 1589. |
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