Inscription on the grave of Shakespeare's wife. From James Halliwell 'The Life of William Shakespeare', 1848, page 294. Original published size 8.5cm wide by 3.9cm high.

    "Heere lyeth interred the body of Anne wife of William Shakespeare who departed this life the 6th day of Avgvst: 1623 being of the age of 67 yeares:

     Vbera tu mater ; tu sac, vitamq dedisti
       Væ mihi pro tanto munere saxa dabost.
     Quam mallem, amoueat lapidem bonus Angelum orem
       Exeat christi corpus, imago tua
     Sed nil vota valent, venias cito Christe resurget,
       Clausa licet tumulo mater et astra petet."