Then, Passenger, ha'st ne're a teare,
Witty above her sexe, but that's not all,
Wise to Salvation was good Mistris Hall :
Something of Shakespeare was in that, but this
Wholy of him with whom she's now in blisse.
To weepe with her that wept with all ?
That wept, yet set herself to chere
Them up with comforts cordiall.
Her love shall live, her mercy spread,
When thou ha'st ne're a teare to shed."
Expectans regni gaudia læta Dei ;
Dignus erat meritis, qui Nestora vinceret annis ;
In terris omnes, set rapit æqua dies.
Ne tumulo, quid desit, adest fidissima conlus,
Et vitæ comitem nunc quoq mortis habet."
vt neque diuitiis, abstulit atra dies ;
Abstulit ; at referet lux vitima ; siste viator,
si peratura paras, per male parta peris.