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HE naval enterprize which gave rise to this metrical relique, seems to have been that undertaken against the Spanish island of Porto Rico, in which the English failed to accomplish their main purpose, and in consequence of which failure Hawkins and Drake are said to have fallen victims to personal chagrin. It records in most homely metre and " with rude pen," some details which cannot be uninteresting to Britons, even when transmitted to posterity by the meanest coëval encomiast. It's great rarity may from some procure casual regard ; for it is not registered by Herbert among the typographical productions of Creede ; nor does Ritson, in his Bibliographia / p.iv / Poetica, appear to notice the book or the unknown author's initials, which occur in the title-page. The edges of the tract having suffered mutilation from rebinding, it became needful conjecturally to supply a few letters, and sometimes short words, at the commencement of several lines which are marked by italics : but it is presumed that this has been done without much risk of departure from the original text.
OU gallants bold, of Albion's fertile soil, For country's fame on land and seas that toil, Searching with pain the confines of the earth, Whose painful toil all nations admireth ; By whom enriched is your country's store, And some made rich, which erst was held but poor : To you, brave minds, whose thoughts doth reach the sky, And scorn at home, like sluggards, for to lie. To you that fetch more worth than Jason's fleece, To you I do my rustic pen address, For country's honor, that spareth not your blood, But ventures all, for common's public good. You, that for wealth doth cut the ocean Honour to have, and riches' store to gain : |
You, that in this attempt, like men, doth show Your care to country, and love to prince you owe. You men of worth, that ventures voluntary, And thereby shews what minds all ought to carry ; Address yourselves, to follow those brave Knights, Whom God hath blest, in many hardy fights : Whose fortunes great, and love unto their men, I cannot rightly paint with my rude pen. They are the men were foiled never yet, They are the men that honour still doth get ; Whose peerless fame all Europe can declare, America and Asia, whose actions rare They still applaud, and wonder at their deeds, Blessing the land from whence such good men proceeds. Drake, conquering Drake, whose fortunes are not such, Whose valour more, and kindness thrice so much : A friend to friends, a scourge unto the foe, A plague for those that wish sweet England's woe. |
What pilot may compare with him for skill ? What man more forward, his enemies' blood to spill ? What captain hath deserved more than he ? What eyes hath seen more happier man to be ? Taught by our God, that Israel's people led To lands unknown, which he for them purvey'd, Our father's Moses well we may him call, That leads you fortn---this noble general. In strength of men he putteth not his trust, But to his God, and cause which still is just. He learned hath, that God is our chieftain, Who brings him forth, and safely back again. Go then with him, and love him as you ought ; Let not your minds to mutiny be wrought, Lest Justice' sword do cut off vital days, Whose power is such, for to command at seas. Be free from follies, and serve your God aright, And honour truly this renowned Knight ; Learn by his worth, in actions he hath past, 'Tis sweet to such, that honours high will taste. |
The world's whole circuit, in his travel great, He viewed throughout, and many princes' seat : What honour there he gain'd, I do refer To stories large, where registered they are. Then follow him, that cries---come, fellows all ! For he begins, and last retreat doth call. Be forward then, and joy in this brave Knight, That never yet received foil in fight ; But still return'd with fame and wealth away, In spite of those that would the same gainsay. And Hawkins, in this action his compeer, Full well is known a famous cavalier : Whose valour shown, and service often done, With good success immortal fame hath won. In India land he England's colours spread, Where Spanish powers he bravely vanquished : The French and other nations, far and near, Hath felt the force of this stout cavalier. To English Queen an officer long been, Which place of trust he did full well beseem; |
For which his service, as due deserts and right, He honoured is---with title of a Knight. The best of worth, which charge hath in this fleet, I would recount, to do them honour meet : But for I cannot name them as I would, Whereby their virtues rare should be extoll'd, The greater part, of force, I must omit, Till their return, their honour gain'd to write. But Crosse, of captains not the least, nor last, For service done, may not be overpast : A Crosse that ever crossed hath our foes, He crost them still, with shot and cruel blows. Such crosses, Lord ! do little England send, From raging foes our country to defend. Next him in place let Thomas Drake be seen, That for his fortunes a happy man hath been : Whose travels and his good success was tried In many dangers, which he did abide. And valiant Crafton claims his place as due, Which often did the Spaniard proud pursue. |
The riches great which home he often brought, Doth well declare that honour he hath sought. For Merick speak, not meanest of all the rest, Who venture will as forward as the best. By the carrick late was taken, his valour did appear To be as resolute as most men that were there. To Harper now I change my roming quill, A man of worth ; and worthy, for his skill, To be advanced in place of good regard, Whose service hath 'gainst foes so well deserved. And Fish, born faithful to thy vowed friend, For resolution I cannot half commend. But this I say, and many more with me, The proudest foes did never cause thee flee. And Parker, let me tell thy worthiness, Which never quail'st for any great distress ; But like a man of courage, stout and bold, Hast foil'd thy foes, and brought away their gold. And Henry Austen, to many known well, Thy brave attempts, in fights both sharpe and fell, |
Hath oft been seen ; where, like a man of worth, Thou gainedst wealth, and foe-men forced forth. And Morish, though thou be not great in name, Yet hath thy deeds deserved worthy fame : The Frenchmen's leaguers so of thee doth say, Whom thou hast met full boldly on the sea. O famous men of Plymouth's happy town ! Yours is the gain of honour and renown : From you these men of worth most part did spring, Whose fames throughout the world doth daily ring. Good fortune ever weight upon them all, And grant your foes may never see you fall ! But as, to fore, God did you still defend, Such honour now, our hopes is, he will send. Take courage then, let honour be your aim ; And drag not back, you that will honour gain. At your return then shall you honour have, As your deserts by venturing far shall crave. |
Then fear no colours, set the chance on Christ ! He is your load-star, God of power highest ! Your store of victuals ever He will bless ; And, as it spends, he will the same increase. A goodlier fleet than this, this many a day, There hath not been prepared to the sea. From London shall you have these ships of fame : The brave Defiance, glorious in her name, Admiral of this gallant company, Whose force, ere this, the Spaniards proud did try, Where in the seas she drenched hath their bones, For whom their friends makes many grievous groans. The glorious Garland well deserveth praise, [A line seems casually omitted here, in the printed copy.] Of her exploits the foe-men can report, Whom in her fight she plagued in such sort. The Bonaventure they cannot forget, Which, to their pain, with them hath often met. Thirteen gallies she fought with that one time, That made them wish they all had farther been. |
And many bickerings more with them she had, But of their gains small boast by them is made. That famous ship, which called is the Hope, Hath often gall'd those champions of the Pope : Wherever she encountered any one, She gave them passports which did make them groan. The Foresight, which hath never foil received, Hath played her part, and foes have often grieved. From many a broil, with conquest in the fight, She hath return'd, and put them all to flight. And she that never yet her force hath show'd, The brave Adventure forward doth proceed, To make her trial in this action ; A statelier ship from hence hath seldom gone : God be her guide, and all the rest of them, And send them safely to return again. The Concord and the Amity, two ships of worth, Whose good success all London knoweth, In merchant-trade, where they did use to go, Their friends they pleased, and did torment their foe. |
What prizes by the Amity was brought, With Spaniards proud, which their confusion sought, To all their goods the owners can declare ; But two, the last, were Spanish men of war. The Susan Parnell, not least of all this rout, She shew'd herself a tall ship and a stout. Her fortunes great I cannot half declare, Trading in peace, or furnish'd for the war. The Saccare bears her name full well, I wot, Who makes no spare of powder nor of shot. With raging peals of thundering ordinance, In thickest of foes, St. George she doth advance : And Salomon, not last of all the rest, To foes have proved a forward saucy guest : In their despite taking what they possest, And beat them sore, that did her force resist. The lovely Elizabeth and Constance call'd, With glittering blades her foes to leeward haul'd ; And in despite, for honour of that name, To country's good returneth home with fame. |
May all that ever fight for Elizabeth,* Prove always happy, when they attempt to fight ! The Help, not help of many doth she crave, When under sail her daring foes she brave : Hale home her sheets, and foe-men do your worst ; Whoso is last, she will be with the first. The little Phœnix, now for her I speak, That never fear'd her force would prove too weak. She, for her burthen, ever did her part, Still gaining wealth, and wrought her enemies' smart. Besides these past, whose names I have set down, Be not omit our merchant of renown. For London's honour, where he of worship is An Alderman of credit great, I wis, Famous Wats, whose forward readiness In all attempts was never known to miss : Who in this fleet, to quail the enemies' pride, Four gallant ships for war he doth provide. * We ought apparently to read---' for Elizabeth fight.' |
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The Pexases, who swift as bird doth fly, Cutting the waves, and foe-man's force to try : What wealth and happy fortune she hath gain'd, And how in fight her enemies she pain'd, Were needless here at large for to set down : Let it suffice, she ever gain'd renown. The Jewel, gallant in her sea attire, Hath dared her foes with powder, shot, and fire, And home hath brought their pearl and eke their gold, Of such great worth, as is not to be told. The Elizabeth next, one of this gallant fleet, For honour gain'd, I may not here omit. When foes did rage and swore to work her ill, She 'scap'd their force, and wrought on them her will. The little John, though last I call to mind, For good success hath not been much behind : Her paunch well fill'd with Spanish ryals of plate, And spices store for comfort of man's heart ; |
She often brought unto her owners good, And bravely in the face of foes hath stood. Thus valiant hearts, which now to seas are bound, To cheer you on, that erst hath been renown'd. I have explain'd the names of your brave fleet, That careth not with what foes they shall meet. What other ships of foreign sail there go, I do omit, because I do not know : Nor what they be, you need not much to care, God and your generals doth for you prepare. Then frolic, hearts ! and to your healths one can, Let love united be firm with every man : And love and duty in each one so abound, That faithful subjects you may still be found. 'Tis England's honour that you have in hand ; Then think thereof, if you do love our land. The gain is yours, if millions home you bring ; Then courage take to gain so sweet a thing. The time calls on, which causeth me to end ; Wherefore to God I do you all commend. |
For whom all subjects that do love our Queen, Shall truly pray to send you safe again. And, for my part, I wish you always health, With quick return ; and so much store of wealth That Philip's regions may not be more stor'd With pearl and jewels, and the purest gold.