N. B. Unless where otherwise noticed, the Works printed at the Lee Priory Press, and which are now finally discontinued, were strictly and uniformly limited to 100 Copies. |
1. | Speeches delivered to Queen Elizabeth, at Sudeley Castle, the seat of Giles Brydges, Lord Chandos. |
2. | Sir Walter Raleigh's Poems. |
3. | Greene's Groats-worth of Wit; bought with a Million of Repentance. Of this Work only 65 Copies were printed. |
4. | William Browne's Occasional Poems, never before printed. In 4 Parts. |
5. | Select Poems, by Sir Egerton Brydges. |
6. | Occasional Poems : by the Same Author. |
7. | Nicholas Breton's Longing of a Blessed Heart. |
(*) Copied from the Advertisement of John Warwick, the late Printer of the Lee Priory Press, with a few verbal additions. |
/ p.2 /
8. | N. Breton's Melancholike Humours. |
9. | Sonnets from Petrarch : by the Rev.d Fr. Wrangham. |
10. | Dunluce Castle, a Poem : by Edward Quillinan, Esq. |
11. | Stanzas : by the Same Author. |
12. | Francis Davison's Poetical Rhapsody : (a new Edition.) In 4 Parts. |
13. | The Sylvan Wanderer: by Sir Egerton Brydges. In 4 Parts. |
14. | Excerpta Tudoriana : (a Selection of Elizabethan Poetry.) In 7 Parts. |
15. | Michael Drayton's Nymphidia, the Court of Fairy : (a new Edition). |
16. | Life of Sir Philip Sydney: by Fulke Grevile, Lord Brook. In 2 Vols. |
17. | Life of Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle: written by Herself. |
18. | Poems of Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle: 25 Copies printed as a specimen of the Lee Priory Press, and the first Work printed there: (not sold.) |
19. | The Characters of Robert Devereux Earl of Essex, and George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham : by Sir Henry Wotton. |
20. | Bertram; a Poetical Tale, in Four Cantos: by Sir Egerton Brydges. |
21. | List of the Pictures at Lee Priory.— 60 Copies printed. |
22. | The Ravished Soul, and Blessed Weeper; by Nicholas Breton. |
23. | Fame's Memorial: an Elegy upon the Earl of Devonshire: by John Ford. Edited by Mr. Haslewood. |
24. | Letters from the Continent : by Sir Egerton Brydges. In 2 Vols. |
25. | What are Riches ? (a second Edition.) by the Same Author. (The first Edition was printed at Geneva.) |
26. | Hagthorpe Revived: or Select} Specimens of a Forgotten Poet:} edited by Sir Egerton Brydges.} |
For the Roxburghe Club. |
27. | Jack Jugler and Thersytes:} edited by M.r. Haslewood....} |
28. | Select Funeral Memorials. In 2 Parts. |
29. | Cœlia: consisting of Twenty Sonnets : by William Percy. |
30. | Elegiac Verses, addressed to Lady Brydges, by Edward Quillinan, Esq. |
31. | Woodcuts, and Verses by the same Author, illustrative of each Cut. In one Vol. This Volume embraces the whole of the Engravings used in the various Works of the Lee Press. |
32. | Life and Death of Sir Francis Drake : by Charles Fitz-geffrey. |
33. | The Trumpet of Fame. |
34. | Life and Death of William Powlett, First Marquis of Winchester : by R. Broughton. |
35. | The Brother-in-Law; a Comedy : by the Rev. Henry Card. |
36. | Nicholas Breton's Praise of Virtuous Ladies. |
37. | Richard Braithwayte's Select Odes. |
38. | Desultoria : by Sir Egerton Brydges. |
39. | George Wither's Select Lyrical Poems. |
N.B. N.o 24. Letters from the Continent, and N.o 25 What are Riches, ( the two last Works printed,) may be had of R.t Triphook, Old Bond Street. A few copies of some of the other Works, and Parts that remain, may be had of the Printer, JOHN WARWICK, who has now established a Press at N.o 40, Brooke Street, Holborn, London: — or of Mr. Triphook, or Mess.rs Longman. The Engravings on Wood used in the Lee Priory Works, are deposited at the Mansion of Lee Priory, in Kent; according to the pledge given concerning them; and will never be permitted to be used again. L ONDON, Printed by JOHN WARWICK, 40, Brooke Street, Holborn. March, 1823. |
10.th March, 1824. |
To the above Advertisement of JOHN WARWICK, the Lee-Priory-Printer, it may be desirable to add a few notices. Of the foregoing publications which were the property of the PRINTER, and done for his exclusive benefit and at his cost and risk, nothing was engaged for by Sir E. Brydges but the GRATUITOUS labour (*)
of the Editorship, or of the compositions of his own pen. The owner of the Mansion, (the Editor's son,) gave the use of the rooms where the Press was erected. There is nothing to which the captiousness of malice, envy, ill-will, and prejudice will not find objections: and it may perhaps be pretended, that these Tracts were not worth reprinting: that they were only interesting to Bibliomaniacs; and useless to solid literature. How little ground there is for such an objection, the titles of some of these Reprints, (if not of all,) will easily shew to every Englishman of any education. Mere base ignorance alone can deem Lord Brook's LIFE OF SIR / p.6 / PHILIPP SYDNEY an uninstructive or unaffecting trifle: yet the only previous Edition of it was rarely to be met with. He, who does not feel interest in the POEMS OF that illustrious Man SIR WALTER RALEIGH, which were never before collected, must be strangely deficient in the qualities both of the heart and the head! The OCCASIONAL POEMS OF WILLIAM BROWNE, the Pastoral poet, now given from the Lee Priory Press, had hitherto remained in MS. and were entirely unknown: they are in the Editor's opinion much superior to those productions on which his fame had been built; because they are much less affected. The RHAPSODY collected by FRANCIS DAVISON, the son of that unfortunate Secretary to Queen Elizabeth, whose name is so deeply connected with the fate of Mary Queen of Scots, is as interesting in its matter, as the former Editions of it are rare. The Autographical MEMOIR OF MARGARET DUCHESS OF NEWCASTLE, extracted from one of her scarcest works, is a piece of biography of exquisite curiousity. All the pieces of NICHOLAS BRETON are as beautiful as they were hitherto unattainable. CHARLES FITZGEFFREY'S Sir Francis Drake is not merely very uncommon, but a very laboured and valuable production; more studied and quaint than full of fire and genius; but still the production of superior endowments; and a specimen of the literature of the Age, far from insignificant. It is not necessary to say more here. The Reprints already noticed are sufficient to indicate the tone of literature, which characterizes the Works of the Lee Priory Press. |
/ p.7 /
BAR.T , B. C. de S. etc. etc.
40. | Sonnets and other Poems, 8.o March, 1785. 4th Edit. 1807. 12.o | |
41. | Mary De-Clifford. 1792. 12.o 1802. 8.o | |
42. | Arthur Fitzalbini, 2 vols. 1798, 2.d Ed. 1799, 12.o | |
43. | Le Forester, 3 vols. 1802. 12.o | |
44. | The Ruminator: Essays Moral and Critical, 2 vols. 12.o 1814. | |
45. | Topographical Miscellanies, 1791, 4.o | |
46. | Tests of the National Wealth, 1799. 8.o | |
47. | Reflections on the Augmentations of the Peerage, 1798. 8.o With a Biographical List of Qu. Elizabeth's Peers. | |
48. | Letters on the Poor Laws, 1814, 8.o | |
49. | Arguments for the Employment of the Poor, 1817, 8.o | |
50. | Reasons for the farther Amendment of the Act 54 Geo. III c. 156, regarding Copyright. 1817, 8o | |
51. | A Summary statement of the Grievances imposed on Literature by the said Act. 8o | |
52. | A Vindication of the Pending Bill for the Amendment of the said Act. 1818. 8.o |
53. | Censura Literaria, 10 vols. 8o 1806. 1809. 2.d Ed. 1815. |
54. | British Bibliographer, (aided by J. Haslewood), 4 vols. 8.o 1810. etc. |
55. | Restituta: 4 vols. 8.o 1814. 1816. |
56. | The Peerage of England, originally compiled by Arthur Collins — a new Edition continued and greatly augmented by Sir E. Brydges, 9 vols, large 8.o 1812. |
57. | Theatrum Poetarum Anglicanorum by E. Phillips, 1675. — a new edit. greatly augmented by Sir E. Brydges, 1800. 8.o |
58. | Archaica: Reprints of Scarce old English Prose Tracts, 2 vols. 4.o 1815. |
59. | England's Helicon, reprinted from the Edit. of 1600. 4.o |
60. | Paradise of Dainty Devises, reprinted from the Edition of 1576. 4.o 1810. |
61. | Geo. Wither's Shepherd's Hunting, new Edition 1815. 12.o |
62. | — — Fidelia, ib. ib. |
63. | — — Fair Virtue, 1815, ib. |
64. | — — Hymns of the Church, 1815, 8.o |
65. | William Earl of Pembroke's Poems, new Edit. 1817. 12.o |
66. | C. Bardsdale's Nympha Libethris, new Ed. 1815, 12.o |
67. | T. Stanley's Poems, new Ed. 1814. 8o |
68. | — — Anacreon, new Ed. 1815, 8o |
69. | Poems by John Hall of Durham, new Ed. 1815, 8o |
70. | Poems by William Hammond 1655, new Edit. 1816, 4.o |
71. | Sir Walter Raleigh's Poems, new Ed. 1814, 12.o |
72. | The Hall of Hellingsley, a Tale, 3 vols, 1822, 12.o |
73. | Memoirs of K. James's Peers, 1799. 8.o |
/ p.9 /
SINCE 1818.
74. | Coningsby, a Tragic Tale, Geneva, 1814, 12.o |
75. | Lord Brokenhurst, a Tragic Tale, Geneva, 1819, 12.o |
76. | The Population and Riches of Nations considered. Geneva, 1819, 8.o |
77. | What are Riches ? Geneva, 1821, 8.o |
78. | Sir Ralph Willoughby, a Tale. Florence, 1820. 12.o |
79. | Ataviæ Regiæ. Royal Descents. Florence, 1820, 4.o |
80. | Res Literariæ. vol. I. Naples, 1820, 8.o |
81. | — — vol. 2. Rome, 1821. 8.o |
82. | — — vol. 3. Geneva, 1822. 8.o |
83. | Polyanthea Librorum Vetustiorum. Genevæ, 1822, 8.o |
84. | Cimelia. Genevæ, 1823, 8.o |
85. | Epistola Petrarchæ Posteritati. Napoli, 1820; —25 copies separate. |
86. | Julietta: translated from the Italian of Luigi da Porto, by F. D. S. Geneva,, 1822-25. copies separate. 8.o |
87. | Phillips's Theatrum Poetarum Anglicanorum: a third Edition, 8.o (N.B. The second Edition was in 1800.) |
88. | The Green-Book: Criticisms on Modern Authors. A Fragment. |
89. | J. Pierius Valerianus, De Infelicitate Literatorum. Edit. nova, Genevæ, 1821, 8.o |
90. | Inquiry into the Laws of Descent of the English Peerage, 1823, Fol. |
91. | Letter to the Earl of Liverpool on a Peerage Right. Fol. 1822. |
92. | Several Private Tracts on a question of Peerage, 1822, 1823 Fol. |
93. | Carmina Brugesiana : a Collection of Poems regarding Family Events. (Private) |
94. | Libellus Gebensis : poemata quædam Latina. 16.o 35 copies. Genevæ, 1822. |
95. | Lamento di Strozzi : reprint of a rare Italian Tract. Geneva, 1822, 8.o (12 copies only.) |
96. | Anti-Critic. Geneva, 1822, 8.o |
79. | Letter on the Corn Question, 1822, Fol. |
98. | Letter on the proposed plan for reducing the National Debt. Florence, 1820, 4.o |
99. | L. Pelligrini Oratio in obitum Torquati Tassi, 1597. (A Reprint for the Roxburghe Club. 1822. 4.o) |
100. | Odo, Count of Lingen, a Poem in Six Cantos. Geneva, 1824, 16.o |
101. | Gnomica. Detached Thoughts. Geneva, 1824, 8.o |
GENEVA 10.th March 1824. |