English Lexicography.
Then you'll have brew'd, if I don't fail, A very pretty crag of ale. Home's Ilias Burlesqu'd, 1722.
"Gurgulio, the weesil of the throte," Nomenclator, 1585. "Lope, scellum, lope, i.e., run, thief, run," Taylor's Workes, 1630, a rogue, a rascal, a cant term.
/ p.2/
Within a labyrinth of wenlace thwarting wayes A Herrings Tayle, 1598.
Shouth, Showeth,--Heywood, 1556. Opprobry, a rare Latinized English word, occurs in the Rich Cabinet furnished with Varietie of Excellent Discriptions, 1616. "His worshipfull pickadilly, which was set forth like a peacock's tail," History of Francion, 1655. Thornback, applied in familiar language to a woman in Hudibras Redivivus, 1707. "At all assays," i.e. in every way:-- "He is a frende at all assayes, omnium horarum amicus est," Hormanni Vulgaria, 1530. "At all assaies you beare a heart true bent," Taylor's Workes, 1630. Curtall, Fraternitye of Vacabondes, 1575. "Stiff collars in the fashion of a band, then called piccadilles, formerly much in fashion," Journey through England, 1724. "Sharpers, setters and bullys," Country Gentleman's Vade Mecum, 1699. "A fruitfull lew," Du Bartas by Sylvester. Trans-hand, Academy of Compliments, 1714. "Frisk of vanity," Apothegms of King James, 1669, p.14. Stares, starlings, Brathwait's Survey of History, 1638. Knab, to knab on 't, Taylor, 1630. "A white whisk, Pepys, 1660. Cockatrice, a punk, Bellamira, 1687; Woman Captain, 1680. Bastardly tertian, Barrough's Method of Physick, 1624. Dogbolt, Cutter of Coleman Street, 1663. Fructuous, Occleve. Huff, verb, Key to the Rehearsal, 1704, p. 23. Whom, home, old monument. "A gallant bilk," ballad. "The asperous edge," Wilson's Great Britain, 1653. Disranked, Ammianus Marcellinus, 1609. "Boxing or cupping," Castell of Health, 1595. Gromet, corrupted into grummet, / p. 3 / Suss. dial. Rusty-fusty-dusty, Taylor, 1630. Profligate, verb, Passenger of Benvenuto, 1612.
That if soe bee that in all other thinges hee wowde flie towche, yeat that hee wowld not fayle as towchinge the mariage of his dowghter.--Polydore Vergil, trans.
Skatches stilts.
Some ever fishing seldome come off hatches, Some walke the pasture six foot high on skatches. Lisle's Historie of Heliodorus,, 1638.
Standish, Preparative to Study, 1641, p. 5. Screeke, screech, Deloney's Strange Histories, 1607. Endeniz'd, May's Lucan, 1635. Chaflet, History of Prince Arthur, 1634.
What knot of love can joyne them together that are so disagreting?--Withals' Dictionarie, ed. 1608. p. 211.
Stonadge.--In Saxton's Map of Wiltshire, dated 1576, there is a minute and indistinct delineation of Stonehenge, the entrenchment being marked as extending about halfway round the monument. It is there called "the stonadge."
Coloss, Colossus, Cleaveland's Poems, 1651. Tollenars, receivers of tolls, Caxton's Chess. Thirle, to pierce, Hoffman, 1631. Accloyed, Optick Glasse of Humors, 1639. Mazapane, a confection, Barrough's Physick, 1624. Drab de Berry, Hudibras Redivivus, 1707. "Dales with dymbles deepe," Golden Mirrour, 1589. "Orpiment red and yellow," Lilly's Euphues, 1623. Snugg'd, made snug, Fletcher's / p.4 / Poems, p.217. "Squeez'd her and gaum'd her," Cleveland's Works, 1687. Tent-stitch, Citye Match, 1639, p. 37. Chop-cherry, Peele's Old Wives Tale, 1595. Ostry measure, Scot's Philomythie, 1616. "He will go thorough-stitch with it," Woman turn'd Bully, 1675. Counter-bond, Quarles' Emblems. Dition, Selimus, 1594. "In a fell and cruell gare," Ammianus Marcellinus, 1609. Occursions, Mirour for Magistrates, 1587, Treene cuppes, Byron's Conspiracy, 1608. "Schidia, chippe or spelts of wood," Nomenclator, 1585. Snips, shares or halves, Euglish Rogue, 1719, p.123. Sparfeled, dispersed, Greene's Orpharion, 1599. "Tongue, like a clacke," Sophister, 1639. "At Priam's urgence," Heywood's Troia Britannica, 1609. "That idle luske," Terence in English, 1614. Roister, King Alfred and the Shepherd. "Hulks or busses," Howell's Letters, 1650. "A[g]ainst all donbtfull accidents that mought befall him," Ammianus Marcellinus, 1609. Delightsome, Drayton's Shepherd's Garland, 1593. The game of fox and geese, alluded to in the Fine Companion, 1633. Hobby, a poney, Borde's Introduction to Knowledge. Crinet, Gascoigne's Works, 1587. Gander-month, Taylor's Swarme of Sectaries, 1641. Magnificke, magnificent, Taylor's Workes, 1630. Gallendine, a sauce, True Gentlewoman's Delight, 1676. Brigandine, a vessel, Amadis of Gaule. "Black and clodded together," Barrough's Physick, 1624. "Tewed and gashed," Ammianus Marcellinus, 1609. "The finials of houses," ibid. "Solemne doles, or gifture banquets," ibid. Raunch, to wrench, England's Helicon, 1614. "An idle loyterer and a slow-backe," Ammianus Marcellinus, 1609. Tree, gallows, / p.5 / Taylor's Workes, 1630. "The Saracene fore-riders," Ammianus Marcellinus, 1609. Larder-house, carnarium, Withals, ed. 1608, p.182. "A blake orferuns," Invent. MS. "Blockwood, logwood, and other forbidden materials," Golden Fleece, 1657. Felt-mongers, Taylor, 1630. "The drunken yox," ibid. "That an infallid thing may be discerned and known by a fallid means," Apothegms of Charles I., 1669. Oncome, for uncome Withals, ed. 1608, p. 301. Sweet-Johns, Lilly's Euphues, 1623, the name of a flower not in Gerard. Illusive, Day's Ile of Gulls, 1633. "The carkasses of our men slaine soone become fantome, doe burst, run out," Ammianus Marcellinus, 1609. Unterr'd, uninterred, Fine Companion, 1633. Toxed insolence, Heywood's Philocothonista, 1635, p. 3. Contemple contemplate, Du Bartas. Quever, Boke of Mayd Emlyn, p. 27. Slash, a draught of liquor, Taylor, 1630. Reradge, arrearage, Challenge for Beauty, 1636. "The scrawlyng snake," Kendall's Epigrammes, 1577. The game of closing, Booke of Sundry Instruments, 1576. "Whose charter or poll-deed," Ford's Honor Triumphant, 1606. Woad-roseDamaskins, Howell's Letters, 1650. Desyrnly, discernfully, Heywood. Stackring, staggering, Du Bartas, Nignion, Brome, 1659. "My pulsive pia mater," Taylor 1630. Ham, hamlet. Debiteese, Heywood's Spider and Flie, 1556. Curol, or curtol, a kind of knife. Prepensed warre, Knolles' History of the Turks, 1603. Balcone, a balcony, Howell's Letters, 1650. "Swimming in white-broth," Ordinary, 1651. Aqua Multiferia, receipt for in the Accomplis'd Female Instructor, 1719. "In a deepe saggy covert," / p.6 / Troia Britannica, 1609. Treen shoes, pattens, Textus Roffensis, 1720. "In a returnable laborinth," Mirrour for Magistrates, 1578. Temple-cloth, Church Invent. Delightsome, delightful, Passenger of Benvenuto, 1612. Spit-frog rapiers, Decker's Whore of Babylon, 1607. Water-laggers, Barclay's Fyfte Eglog, n.d. Entreative, Lingua, 1607. Astroites or star-stones, Brome's Travels, 1700, p.12. Criminous, criminal, Ammianus Marcellinus, 1609. Num-groats, Twelve Ingenious Characters. 1686. Steeple fairs, craboun, Returne from Pernassus, 1606. Bedilt, Hall's Funebria Florae, 1661. Picked beard, Hudibras Redivivus, 1706. Spatter, to spit, Howell's Letters, 1650. The game of chuck-farthing, alluded to in the Woman turn'd Bully, 1675. Stound, to astound, Fine Companion, 1633. Gregorian, a kind of wig, Harrington's Epigrams, 1633. Roast-meat apparel, Sunday's clothes, Exploits of Poor Robin of Walden. Paralasie Passenger of Benvenuto, 1612. "He sayled all aflaunt," Herrings Tayle, 1598. Greene-watered moyre, Pepys, 1660. Unseize, Quarles' Emblems. Lyre, countenance, Holinshed, 1577. Crooke-headed, curvifrons, Withals, ed. 1608, p. 92. Imminution decrease, Barrough's Physick, 1624. "Based his pyke," Plutarch, 1579. Disguests, unwelcome guests, Randolph's Amyntas, 1640. "Grogeraine, buffins, or silke," Dalton's Countrey Justice, 1620. "But while in claime they striving let me languish," Rowland's Betraying of Christ, 1598. "Connative pietie," Virgil. tr. Vicars, 1632. "He wisht for swads," Paradys of Dayntie Devises, 1576. Peld, pilled, virgil, tr. Phaer, ed. 1600. "But now, I hope in a successfull prore," Howell's Letters, 1650. "At point each / p.7 / broached a beguiled ropper mound," Herrings Tayle, 1578. Remoted, remote, Taylor's Workes, 1630. "Doeing each other tort", that is, wrong, Newe Metamorphosis, 1600, MS. "My coyn repend," Owen's Epigrams, tr. Harvey, 1677. "He dwells in this street or gate-row," Terence in English, 1614. "To handle an ost or sacrifice," Ammianus Marcellinus, 1609. Enramplished, furnished, MS. dated 1500. Fillers, large articles of merchandize placed at top for deception. Surprisal, Heywood's Troia Britanica, 1609. "A fellow with a large promisse beard," Gratiae Ludentes, 1638. "They care not how they sloven themselves," Smith's Sermons, 1609. "Trappers cutte flaw wise," Rutland Papers, p. 7. To call to stone, to call spirits into a crystal. Winding, enfolding in a winding sheet, MS. dated 1636. "One paire of winding-blades," Inventory, 1658. "Sea-scape, a sea-view. In-mind, to inculcate into the mind. Wheel, a lady's ruff, so called from its resembling a wheel of lace. Band-place, the part of the hat where the band was placed. "Halsed up his sayles," MS. "Oft doth she make her body upward fline," Davies' Orchestra, 1622. "Mr. Greaves is a distiller, and lives att the Black Dogg and Still in High Holborn," MS. "Make my act an imitable president," Nabbes' Hannibal and Scipio, 1637. "I will exscribe his whole letter," MS. dated 1626. Hogging-shirt, a very coarse kind of shirt, formerly worn by the common people in the West of England. Grief, a sore place, Lupton. "Such vows and pacts to plight," Virgil, tr. Vicars, 1632. "These drunken prossers he utterly put by," Nash's Terrors of the Night, 1594. Lady-nets, a manorial rent paid by fishermen. Whorl-bat, a kind of / p.8 / buffeting instrument. Rape,to scrape or bruize. Spanish-pip, a name for the venereal disease given in Taylor's Workes, 1630. Termly, term by term, bidi. Shave, to steal any petty thing, MS. dated 1585. Out of hand, immediately, Northbrooke on Dicing, 1577. "The blade or broad end of the ore," Nomenclator, 1585. "Exemplarie and formall sheepe," Byron's Tragedy. "Thy corps is clapt in cloddes of claie," Kendall's Epigrammes, 1577. Catastrophe, the name of a game mentioned in Arthur Wilson's Autobiography. "To blisse thy bait," Lauson's Secrets of Angling, 1652. Unprovided, no meal prepared for him, MS. Play. "To make a tall quarrel," History of Francion, 1655. "Past all recover," Hoffman, 1631. Silence, a small hammer or mallet used by a chairman to knock on the table to ask for silence from the audience. Piece, a fortified place. "In farre dissite places," Ammianus Marcellinus, 1609. "Crumb'd with the ludgets of the lustie browne," Historie of Albino and Bellama, 1638. "A Spartan lord dating himselfe our great viceroies kinsman," Widdowes Teares, 1612. Hormine, ermine, Nomenclator, 1585. "Now death of mooches hath dissolved that twynn," Bastard's Chrestoleros, 1598. "Battell with his appendences," Withals' Dictionaries, 1608. "Punks, strolers, market dames, and bunters," Hudibras Redivivus, 1707. "If clouds doe intervall Apolloes face," Taylor's Workes, 1630. Weehee, address to a horse, ibid. "The same ought to be regible, advised, and considerat," Ammianus Marcellinus, 1609. "Stockings, which they call short-hose," Taylor's Workes, 1630. "Euryalus, a springold, fresh of youth, and beautie cleere," Virgil, tr. Phaer, 1600. "On / p.9 / the other side, the men of Inde strived a vie," Ammianus Marcellinus, 1609. "The nib, slit, or clift, in a pen," Nomenclator, 1585. Straw-saddle, a cant term for the doublet among thieves in Shakespeare's time.
"The male, the catch or rundle through which the latche passith, and is fastened with the toong of the buckle," Nomenclator, 1585.
"The old by continual deperdition and insensible transpirations evaporating still out of us," Howell's Letters, 1650. "Till they put on a Tyburne pickadill," Taylor's Workes, 1630. "From which, that he might not exorbitate and goe aside, he was as warie as if he avoided dangerous rockes," Ammianus Marcellinus, 1609. "That dare oppone him to his cruell pride," Du Bartas, tr. Sylvester. "A pumice-stone which is spongious, and full of little holes," Nomenclator, 1585. "But to step back to my teshe," Metamorphosis of Ajax, 1596. "The devious horseman, wandring in this maze," Wits Recreations, 1640. "They sit so apted to her," Beaumont and Fletcher, 1647. "Imbattelled, vaulted, and chareroofed, sufficiently butteraced," A Journey through England, 8vo. 1724. "At length, when the furious pyrrie and rage of windes still encreased," Holinshed, 1577. "From hence a great way betweene is that Biland, or demy isle, which the Sindi inhabit," Ammianus Marcellinus, 1609. "To be a marchant, a maulster, a brewer, a grasier, a sheepemaster, a farme-monger, an usurer, a devill and all," Scot's Philomythie, 1616. "Whereunto I adde that that [These two 'thats' underlined in ink with a question marked written in the text] they are very bad for the podagrous, especially fruits that be humide," Passenger of Benvenuto, 1612. "Thou gealous foole, why / p.10 / dost thou gayle thy wife," lock up in a goal, Heywood's Troia Britanica, 1609. "The superfluitie of her corporal disgesture," digestion, Metamorphosis of Ajax, 1596. "My understanding, wit, or reason here-hence," Taylor's Workes, 1630. "Enterfayring is hewing one legge on another, and striking off the skinne," a disease in horses. "From the south end of Winteringham cowgang to Winteringham haven," Inquisition dated 1583. "He thunders a thousand times for our terrification," Passenger of Benvenuto, 1612. "The hedgecreeper, that goes to seeke custome from shop to shop, with a cryll under his arme," Tom of all Trades, 1631. "For he that is maysterfast, full ofte is agast," Boke of Mayd Emlyn. "For hope is sloape, and hold is hard to snatche," Mirour for Magistrates, 1587. "A leaning-pillow, or a cushin to lay under the armepits," Nomenclator, 1585. "To pass the night at billiards till eleven, at pickapandie, cards, or odd oreven," Ovid de Arte Amandi, 1677, p. 80. "Rested himselfe upon the side of a silver streame, even almost in the grisping of the evening," Lilly's Euphues and his England, 1623. "And when thy ruines shall declame, to be the treas'rer of his name," Epitaph, 1631. "Which long'd to feed upon a glorrah earle," Historie of Albino and Bellama, 1638. "And when both houses vote agen, the cavies to be gone," Brome's Songs, 1661. "Arming-doublets of carnation satten," Masque of the Inner Temple, 1612. "His propertye is to steale cloathes of the hedge, which they call storing of the rogeman," Fraternitye of Vocabondes, 1575. "When wee had taken a full and contentive view of this sweet citty," MS. Lansd. 213. "Gives her a remembrance with a bed- / p.11 / staff, that she is forced to wear the Northumberland-arms a week after," Twelve Ingenious Characters, 1686. "A quiddany of apples, plumbs, apricots, or what fruit you think proper," receipt for in the Accomplish'd female Instructor, 1719. "This infandous custom of swearing I observe reigns in England lately more than any wher else," Howell's letters, 1650. "Take half a glass of claret-wine, as much juice of red gooseberries, two mackrooms, the yolks of four eggs," Queen's Royal Cookery, 1713. "A very good salve called incarnative, to bring flesh," Pathway to Health. Say, for, sea, early MS., Lambeth Lib. 6. Whistler, an old cant term for a thief, or woman of bad character. "I was too nimble for him, and threwe him downe under mee, and mumbled my fellow handsomely," Arthur Wilson's Autobiography. "For festnynge a gozon in the belle," Accounts, 1530. "All such hostlers deserve a horse's-night-cap for their fee," Taylor's Workes, 1630. "Butler, being a subtle snap," Wilson's Life of James I. Spewing-nut, an old name for nux vomica. "Nothing shall revocate these destinies," Virgil, tr. Vicars, 1632. "Shal make lodgyngs and bed-howses for x. poor men," MS. "O wilt thou disaltern the rest thou gav'st," Quarles' Emblems. "The souldiors out-toyled and spent with the painefull services of Gaule," Ammianus Marcellinus, 1609. "Which he shall never doe, while he seekes to satisfie the spendall humour of the world," Passenger of Benvenuto, 1612. "To this man for an orfarian, and to that man for a harp," History of Francion, 1655. "A kinde of wilde endive, like ambubey," Nomenclator, 1585. Negentive, negative, Heywood, 1556. "Gourders of raine," Harding / p.12 / against Jewel, 1565. "Amongst his vertugals for yde he drew," Du Bartas. "To foolifie them with a pro gie," Virgil, tr. Vicars, 1632. "By dintting edge of fatall knife," Juel's Lamentation of Englande, 1571. "The fourth is a mill-ken to crack up a dore," Wit and Drollery, 1682, p. 72. "I can so cloyne and clatter," Bale's Nature, 1562. "Colours from the trying fire more beamy come," Cartwright's Poems, 1651. Michaelmas Eve, the name of the country dance described in the Newest and Compleat Academy of Complements, 12mo. 1714. Gudgins, for, gurgeons, or coarse meal, so called in Poor Robin's Almanack for the year 1705. "And make him sing a song, God wot, to him and his yeomandree," Robin Hood ballad. "Boxas, a pocard," Nomenclator, 1585. "A wrest to tune with," Withals' Dictionarie, ed. 1608, p 265. Bice, a small temporary bed made up in a cottage kitchen. Bile, the iron handle of a bucket. Bos, a yearling calf: metaphorically, an overgrown sucking child. Brain-wright, one who thinks or devises for another. Bridewain, a meeting of the friends and neighbours of a couple about to be married, for the purpose of raising a little money to enable the young folks to commence house-keeping. Browitt, a silver-bellied eel. Bruckty, brittle. Brunt, a severe attack. Bunt, a swelling arising from a blow; also, a weed or herb. Burnrope, a rope for carrying a burden of hay or straw. Bury, a receptacle for potatoes. Busk, to pulverize, as fowls do in the dust. Cag, the thread wound round every hank or skein of yarn, cotton, &c., to keep each separate; also termed helching. Call a brood of wild ducks. Cappel, the iron at the ends and middle of a / p.13 / horsetree, whippletree or crossbar, used in plouging or harrowing, into which the hooks of the traces are placed.
Dop. To stoop or curtesy. An East Anglian provincialism.
And many tymes when he thought them to catche By doppinge lowe, to shun him they did watche. The Newe Metamorphosis,, 1600, MS. i. 82.
Kerly-merly. A drinking game formerly in use amongst the Germans. A person was required to go through an intricate formula of touching the glass, beard, &c., in certain manners, and if he erred in the slightest degree, he was compelled to drink the glass off again as a penalty.
I, but you aske too much: for your price exceedeth the utmost value which is admitted in payments of dead money, or upon a day. In few words I conclude, you shall have so much of me and not a farthing more.--The Passenger of Benvenuto, 1612.
An Englishman being on the gallowes, said nothing so much grieved him as that hee must bee hangd with that shabbed Welchman.--Gratiae Ludentes, 1638, p. 148.
"One paire of holland sheets laced, one paire pillow-beers laced, one paire flaxen sheets," Inventory, 1625, Stratford-on-Avon MSS.
But imagine Lent is gone, but who knowes whither he is gone? that would be known: for it cannot be but that so mighty a monarch as he hath his inroads and his outloapes, his standing Court of continuall residence, as well as his tents, houses, and places of remoovall for pleasure and progresse.--Taylor's Workes, 1630.
/ p.14 /
Carp. A person who carps.
Though every page swels with ingenuous plots, Yet cry our carpes, the authors are but sots. Whiting's Albino and Bellama, 1638.
Stent, a part or portion. Portion, part, Palsgrave, 1530.
Rich recompence, high honour, and advancement, Maketh brave harts do th' utmost of their stent. The Newe Metamorphosis, 1600, MS.
Pim. I cannot rise from the ground; the stich hath sowd me to it. -- Cook. Yes, yes, come aloft, sir! I protest you have an excellent shake with your legs.-- The Wizard, a Play, 1643, MS.
Ing. | These my companions still with me must wend, |
Aca. | Fury and Fansie on good wits attend. |
Fur. | When I arrive within the ile of Doggs, Don Phoebus, I will make thee kisse the pumpe. |
The Returne from Pernassus, 1606.
A shaw or beire of trees of a yong sping.--Withals' Dictionarie, ed.1608, p.93.
Hereuppon, greate dissention rose betwixte the sayde Earle of Arrane, and the Erle of Angus, whereby the whole Realme was devided into partakings, the Erle of Arrane and his partakers.--Holinshed,1577.
When as therefore Aquileia was compassed about with a double pavoisado of shields, thought convenient it was by consent of all the captaines to draw the defendants, what with threatening words, and what with faire speeches, to / p.15 / yeeld: and after much debating to and fro, seeing their obstinacie grew still more and more, they depart from the parle without effecting their purpose.--Ammianus Marcellinus, 1609.
That is wide open, as we say, wide open Wednesday, propatulus.--Withals' Dictionarie, ed. 1608, p. 164.
Now Country Farmers to their Tools betake, And all a general Expedition make; The labouring Hand grows Rich, but who are idle, In Winter time must bite upon the bridle. Poor Robin, 1734.
Thring, to thrust. (A. S,)
Nature, which headlong into life doth thring us, with our feet forward to our grave doth bring us. Bastard's Chrestoleros, 1598.
Scrall, to crawl. "To scrall, stir, motito," Coles.
And while ye were in that diche scrallyng, And scratting in the myre to save your life. Heywood's Spider and Flie, 1556.
Mis. True, I must take those good Perfections Only from her; I am my self as void Of all, as Tables not yet lineate, And only love to gain 'em.--Cartwright's Siedge, 1651. |
He said to the three buffles who stood with their hats in their hands, Tell me you Waggs, Is not my page a gallant Boy? mark but the pleasant sport he makes, he is a Boy of Wit and Spirit.--The Comical History of Francion, 1655.
/ p.16 /
Then hearken, O you hoyds! and listen, O you illiterates, whilst I give you his style in folio.--Heywood's Love's Mistress, 1640.
I doe not take this reason to be altogether from the purpose, for the heart being to be nourished with bloud, first it is rarified in the right ventricle, and is made liquide, then doth it dimane to the hole in the middest, where it seethes, distils, digests, and purifies.--The Passenger of Benvenuto 1612.
Wo-penny-hoe. A Christmas game mentioned in the Declaration of Popish Impostures, 1603.
For all thy warrocked hoode and thy proud araye, And thy parrocked pouche that thou so fast doost brace. A Treatyse of a Galaunt, n.d.
Semblably, the Isle Cyprus, dissoigned afarre off from the firme land, and fulle of havens, two cities among other townes standing thicke, doe make renowmed, namely, Salamis and Paphus: the one in much request and reputation for the holy altars and shrines of Jupiter, the other for the temple of Venus.--Ammianus Marcellinus, 1609.
In quirpo Hood, or Pot-lid Hat, In Lute-string Whisk, or Rose Cravat, Than in the flanting high Commode, Or Wig that does the Noddle load. Hudibras Redivivus, 1706.
Endymions love, muffle in cloudes thy face, And all ye yellow tapers of the heaven |