[Price One Penny]
[Price One Penny]
Jack Sprat.
MASTER Jack Sprat Could eat no fat, His wife could eat no lean, And so it was, Betwixt them both They lick'd the platter clean. |
4 Taffy the Welchman. (image)
TAFFY was a Welchman, And Taffy was a thief, Taffy came to my house, And stole a piece of beef.I went to Taffy's house, And Taffy was from home, Taffy came to my house, And stole a marrow bone. |
5 Little Husband. (image)
I HAD a little husband, No bigger than my thumb, I put him in a pint-pot, And there I bade him drum; I bridled him, and saddled him, And sent him out of town: I gave him a pair of garters, To garter up his hose, And a little silk handkerchief, To wipe his snotty nose. |
6 General Monk. (image)
LITTLE General Monk Sat upon a trunk, Eating a crust of bread There fell a hot coal, And brunt in his clothes a hole, Now Little General Monk is dead. Keep always from the fire; If it catch your attire, You too, like Monk, will be dead. |
7 Jack Horner. (image)
LITTLE Jack Horner Sat in a corner, Eating of Christmas pie; He put in his thumb, And pull'd out a plum, O ! what a good boy was I. |
8 Jack and Gill. (image)
JACK and Gill went up a hill, To fetch a pail of water: Jack fell down and broke his crown, And Gill came tumbling after. |
9 Drummer and Sot. (image)
DRUNK or sober, go to bed, Tom, Go to bed, Tom, Go to bed, Tom, Drunk or sober, go to bed, Tom; T'other pot, and t'other pipe, Then to bed, Tom, Then to bed, Tom, Drunk or sober, go to bed, Tom. |
10 Tailor and Crow. (image)
A CARRION CROW sat on an oak, Watching a tailor shape his cloak, "Wife," cried he, "bring me my bow, That I may shoot yon carrion crow."The tailorshot and missed his mark, And shot his own sow through the heart: "Wife, bring me some brandy in a spoon; For our poor old sow is in a swoon." |
11 Little Man and Wife. (image)
THERE was a little man, He had a little gun, The bullets they were made of lead; He went to the brook, He shot a little duck, And shot it through the head. He carried it home To his wife Joan, And a fire he bid her make, To dress the little duck, While he went to the brook And shot, shot, shot the drake. |
12 (image)
LITTLE wee laddie, Who's your daddie? I came out o'a busket lady. A busket lady's owre fine; I cam out o' a bottle o' wine. A bottle o wine's owre dear; I cam out o' a bottle o' beer. A bottle o beer's owre thick; I cam out o' a gauger's stick. A gauger's stick's but and ben; I cam out o' a peacock hen. |
13 Little Pony. (image)
I HAD a little pony, They call'd it Apple Gray, I lent it to a lady To ride a mile away.She whipp'd it, she spurr'd it, She lash'd it thro' the mire; But I would not give my pony For all the lady's hire. |
14 Three Welch Hunters. (image)
THERE were three jovial Welchmen, As I have heard them say, And they would go a-hunting Upon St David's day.All the day they hunted, And nothing could they find, But a ship a-sailing, A-sailing with the wind. One said it was a ship, The other he said, nay; The third said it was a house, And the chimney blown away. |
15 (image)
And all the night they hunted, And nothing could they find, But the moon a-gliding, A-gliding with the wind.One said it was the moon, The other he said, nay; The third said it was a cheese, And half o't cut away.
Published by OLIVER & BOYD, EDINBURGH; Of whom may be had, An extensive Assortment of Juve- nile Books, at various Prices:Above 40 kinds of Sixpenny. _____26_____of Twopenny. _____40_____of Penny. _____30_____of Halfpenny. |
