From the Hand-Book to the Popular, Poetical, and Dramatic Literature of Great Britain, From the Invention of Printing to the Restoration. (1867) by W. Carew Hazlitt, of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law, London: John Russell Smith, Soho Square, part I, pp.22-23, & part VII, pp.396-397.
/ p.22 /
BALDWIN (William).—1. (a) A treatise of Morall Phylosophie contaynyng the sayinges of the wyse. Gathered and Englyshed by Wyl![]()
(d) Nowe the fourthe time enlarged by Thomas Paulfreyman, one of the Gentlemen of the Queenes Maiesties Chappell. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. 1579, 12mo, 136 leaves. No place or printer's name. (e) A treatise of Morall Philosophie now the |
fourthe time inlarged by Tho. Paulfreyman. London by T East, 1584. 8vo. 192 leaves.
(g) London, Printed by Thomas Snodham, 1610. 8vo. (h) London, Printed by W. Stansby. n.d. 8vo. (i) London, Printed by Richard Bishop [circa 1640]. 8vo.
2. The Canticles or Balades of Salomon, phraselyke declared in Englyshe Metres, by William Baldwin.
3. The Funeralles of King Edward the sixt., Wherein are declared the causers and causes of his death. [Woodcut portrait of King Edward in an ornamental oval, with an inscription round it, Edvardus Sextus Dei Gracia, Anglie, Francie, et Hibernie Rex, etc., ætatis suæ xv.] Quotation from the Book of Wisdome, iiii. [Colophon]: Imprinted at London in Fletestrete nere to saynct Dunstons Church by Thomas Marshe. Anno domini 1560. 4to, black letter, 12 leaves. King's Coll. Cambridge, &c.
4. (a) A Marvellous Hystory intituled, Beware the Cat. 1561, 8vo. Ritson's Bibl. Poet.
(d) London, printed by Jane Bell, and are to be sold at the east end of Christ church. 1652. 8vo. Bagford Papers. [A shorte answere to the Boke called: Beware the Cat. A sheet, no place, printer's name, or date (but circa 1561). 56 lines. Soc. of Antiq.]
[The following is now attributed to Barnaby Googe ]:
5. A newe booke called the Shippe of safegarde, wrytten by G. B. Anno. 1569. Imprinted at London by W. Seres. 8vo, black letter, 40 leaves. In verse.
[The following may also be by Barnaby Googe ]: 6. A free admonition without any fees To warne the Papistes to beware of three trees. God save our Queene Elizabeth. Finis qd. G. B. Imprinted at London by John Awdely for Henry Kirkham, &c. The xii. of December, 1571. A sheet. 11 8-line stanzas.
7. A dialogue betwene Baldwin & v. Sailors. Licensed to Robert Waldegrave in 1580. (M IRROR FOR MAGISTRATES). |
/ p.396 /
MIRROR FOR MAGISTRATES.—1. (a) A Myrrovre for Magistrates. Wherein may be seen by example of other, with howe greuous plages vices are puuished [lit.]: and howe frayle and vnstable worldly prosperitie is founde, even of those, whom Fortune seemeth most highly to fauour. Imprinted at London in Flete-strete nere to Saynct Dunstones Church by Thomas Marshe. 1559. 4to, 81 leaves, black letter.
nished in great princes and magistrates, and how frayle and vnstable worldly prosperity is founde, where Fortune seemeth moste highly to fauour. Newly corrected and augmented. Anno 1571. Fœlix quem faciunt aliena pericula cautum. Imprinted at London by Thomas Marshe dwellynge in Fleetstreet, neare vnto S. D![]()
(f) The Last part of the Mirour for Magistrates. Imprinted at London in Fleetestreete, neere vnto Sainct Dunstanes Church, by Thomas Marsh. 1578. Cum Priuilegio. 4to, black letter. 190 leaves.
2. (a) The First parte of the Mirour for Magistrates, containing the falles of the first infortunate Princes of this lande : From the comming of Brute, &c. Imprinted at London by Thomas Marshe. Anno. 1574. Cum Priuilegio. 4to, black letter. Title, Epistle, &c., 6 leaves ; A—K. in eights, and one leaf of L.
3. The Seconde part of the Mirrour for Magistrates, containing the falles of the infortunate Princes of this Lande. From the Conquest of Cæsar, unto the commyng of Duke William the Conquerour. Imprinted by Richard Webster. Anno Domini, 1578. Goe straight and feare not. Bodleian (2 copies) &c.
4. (a) The Mirour for Magistrates. Newly imprinted, and with the addition of diuers Tragedies enlarged. At London in Fleetestreete, by Henry Marsh, being the assigne of Thomas Marsh, 1587. 4to, 283 leaves, black letter.
5. The Mirrour of Mirrovrs, or all the tragedys of the Mirrovr for Magistrates abbreuiated in breefe histories in prose. Very necessary for those that haue not the Cronicle. London, imprinted for James Roberts in Barbican, 1598. 4to. Black letter.
From Collections and Notes 1867-1876 (1876) by W. Carew Hazlitt, London: Reeves and Turner, 196 Strand, p.24.
/ p.24 /
BALDWIN, WILLIAM. A Treatise of Morall Philosophie containing the Sayings of the Wise : First Gathered and partly set foorth by William Bauldwin, and now the fourth time Since that inlarged by Thomas Paulfreyman. . . . Imprinted at London by Thomas Este. 1584. 8o, black letter, A—B, 4 leaves each : C—C c in eights.
A Treatise of Morall Philosophie, &c. London, Printed by William Stansby. [Circâ 1625.] 8o, B b, in eights. Black letter.
A Treatise of Morall Philosophy, &c. First gathered and set forth by William Bauldwin, and after inlarged by Thomas Palfreyman Gentleman. [Quot. from Proverbs ii.] London, Printed by Richard Bishop. [Circâ 1640.] 8o, B b in eights, chiefly black letter.
From the Third and Final Series of Bibliographical Collections and Notes on Early English Literature 1474-1700 (1887) by William Carew Hazlitt, London: Bernard Quaritch, Piccadilly, p.12.
/ p.12 /
BALDWIN, WILLIAM, Printer. A treatise of Morall Phylosophye, . . . . Imprinted at Lond ![]()
A Treatise of Morall Philosophie : . . . . London, Printed by Thomas Snodham. 1610. 8o, A—Bb in eights. Black letter.